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The Pride of Governance in Nigeria: When Purpose is Unknown, Abuse Is Inevitable

Governance is simply the action or manner of governing a state, organization, etc. To govern basically mean to rule or control. In the face of the reality of governance, which is anything done with the intent of exercising rule or control over or among a people; we must examine our corporate experience in Nigeria and compare it with the ideal.

In my own opinion; governance is premised on the foundation of order, access and provision. The people, organization or nation is governed for the primary purpose of providing order and access. People, organization or nation require access from the government (leadership); and they provide support or followership or legitimacy to such government (leadership).

The experience in Nigeria is a bit worrisome. The people provide for the government in the form of authority (legitimacy) and resources (their land, natural resources, money (through taxes), talent and skills); however, the people of Nigeria have received very little if any from various governments in Nigeria.

Today, more Nigerians sort themselves out on electricity, water supply, transportation and housing. Sometime ago, I went to price a 9 inch block. I was told that the price has moved from 130 naira per unit to 170 naira. The increase was attributed to the policy of the FG on Solid minerals. I then understood that the governments in Nigeria, from FG to LG only have one goal  –  to collect and to collect from more Nigerians has much as possible.

While the various governments focus their efforts on collecting more from Nigerians; the people who have constituted themselves as governments have become highly exalted from the proceeds from their people; and rather than make life easy for the citizens; they make citizens envy them.

In developed societies, no one is envied because he or she is in government; however, the goal of an average politician who vies for position in government if to make people envy him or her. Hence, the first thing that their people notice first is a change of lifestyle – new cars, new houses, new friends and new connections. They consistently show off themselves to the extent that the goal of an average citizen is to get into government – no to serve, but to be served by the people. I rest my case for now!


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