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The Order of Transaction And Execution In The Kingdom of God: How God Gets His Eternal Will Done Anywhere

Tonight, we are looking at something that is important for us. We are considering: The Order of Transaction and Execution in The Kingdom of God. I want us to open our Bibles to the book of Isaiah chapter 37 and we will see an event that took place that exposes us to how God does His things on the earth. If it concerns God, there is a manner it is conducted, if something concerns God, there is a manner it is executed. So, that is what the Holy Spirit wants to share with us today. Isaiah 37, because of our time, I might have to paraphrase it.




Hezekiah, the king of Judah fell sick. God has just done a great thing in his life but afterwards, he fell sick. And then the man of God, Isaiah came to him and said “put your house in order because you will die.” And so, as soon as he heard that, and I want us to note it. The man of God came to the king, because actually, the king also was a man of God. The man of God, king Hezekiah heard the word of God, but he heard it through another man of God, and the word is “put your house in order because you will die.” And as soon as he heard it, he fell down, he was broken and started to cry saying “Lord, I have lived all my life for you, why are you going to kill me.”


So, the question we should ask is: Did he see God before he started crying? Now what did he see, or what did he encounter? The word of God! And it is important that we have this at the back of our mind. God was in heaven, God sent His word to him on the earth, and God used a vessel to bring the word unto him. This is going to be a foundation for what the Lord wants to share with us. Now, as soon as he heard the word, he knew it was not a joke. There has been a death sentence placed on his life, and as far as his life was concerned, it was about to be taken from him. He knew it that just hearing it was enough to end his life.


Does it not show you that that man was a man of God? Do you understand? If I make that kind of statement to him, he will not worry. He will say “who is Gboyega Adedeji to say to me I should put my house in order.” But he knew who was speaking to him. He was listening to the Most High, the one who created him, the one who put breathe in his life, the one who is able to withdraw it, yet, without even seen him. God is able to give you breathe, God is able to take it back without you seeing God, and it is important we know that.


Because our goal is to see the order of transaction, the order of execution in the kingdom of God. We are not talking about the kingdom of President Buhari, we are not talking about the kingdom of Donald Trump, neither are we talking about the kingdom of Putin. We are talking about the kingdom of God, the one that has its headquarters, not in Russia, but in heaven. So, we must understand it. So, God heard his cry, God sent the same messenger back to him and God said “I have heard your cry.” God did not say “I have seen your cry.” God said “Alright, you want to live? I have added another fifteen years to your days.” And He was happy. Now, let us see something else I want us to note.


I am sure we still remember the things we have said earlier, that by the word, life comes. By the word, even death comes. Once you hear it, it is able to affect your life. So, there is a necessity for a man to hear the word of life or a man to hear the word of death for him to either live or die. Do we agree with that? Alright.


There is another place I want us to see. Now, when Judah was besieged by the king of Assyria, I want us to see what happened, and I am sure we still remember the story, how the king blasphemed God and said “None of the gods of the lands of those nations I have conquered was able to deliver the nations from my hands, even your God will not deliver you from my hand.” Do we remember that? Now, when God wanted to intervene, God came in to assure king Hezekiah, in another place now, not the place we just read, in another place in that Isaiah. God assured him and said “he should not worry; salvation is coming from Him to Judah.” Now, when God wanted to intervene, there was something that God did that we are going to examine.


There is something I want us to notice. There were certain words spoken in the ears of king Hezekiah that brought fear, and he felt himself and his nation would be destroyed, and God told him not to be afraid by the things he has heard. Of course, if he decides otherwise, that is to be afraid by the things he has heard, he will actually be destroyed. So now, when God wanted to intervene, God also did not do something different so to say, from what the enemies did. You remember in that place when the Bible says in Isaiah “when the enemies shall come against me like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift a standard against them.” Now the enemies of Hezekiah and Judah came in like a flood by speaking upon them, speaking fear into their lives.


Now God said “don’t be afraid of what you have heard.” Certain things that you have heard has brought you to a position of fear. In that fear, there is no victory for you. Now, if you must get out of this, God began to give him something from verse 5. So, the servants of King Hezekiah came to Isaiah. 6 And Isaiah said to them, “Thus you shall say to your master, your master has been brought to a position of fear by the things he has heard. Now, if he must get out of it, he must hear something else. By the words you have heard you have come to this difficult situation, now, by another set of words, you can get out of the situation into a better life. “Thus saith the Lord”, this is not a word from your enemies.


You know, every time we are reading or quoting this Scripture God is for me, God is not against me”, now that Scripture is important here, to show him that God was not in the voice he heard earlier, this is what the Lord is saying. What you have heard is not what your Lord have said, it was the lord of Assyria that said it. But this is what the Lord is saying to you: “Do not be afraid of the words which you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed Me.Now see a pattern. It was the word of the king, but was not heard from the mouth of the king.


The king of Assyria did not come to Israel to speak fear into the hearts of the people, the king sent his messenger. Do we see it? So, we must understand how kings behave. Kings don’t go around talking and shouting, they send messengers. For instance, I am a messenger of God tonight. So, if you are hearing, you are hearing the word of God through my mouth. Now, see what happened. King of Assyria sent fear through a messenger. And so, God said “the message that you heard from the king of Assyria through his servant, don’t be afraid of it.” Now surely, definitely, certainly, I the Lord will send a spirit upon him. You have been afraid thus far through a particular source. Now, let us even look at it as a people on the earth. We are afraid of Covid-19.


Covid-19 has come through a particular channel. You have not seen the one who brought Covid-19, you are only see the agents or the messengers of Covid-19, and all they do is to speak fear into your life. And God is saying don’t be afraid of what you have heard from Satan through Covid-19. Don’t be afraid of what you have heard from the agents of darkness through their agencies. Don’t be afraid. Covid-19 is just an example. Many of us are afflicted by Satan through ignorance. Some of us, it is through carelessness or whatever; addiction. These things have spoken stagnation into our lives, these things have spoken fear into our lives. And we have not been able to move from where we are to where we ought to be, and God is saying don’t be afraid of the things that you have been hearing, don’t be afraid of the things that have been programmed into your mind.


The fear that came only came because you have been programmed to fear. Don’t be afraid of what you have heard. Now, if your situation must change, I the Lord will send a spirit upon the source of our problem. I the Lord will send a spirit upon the circumstances that seems bigger than you. So, the question then is: Why was God going to send a spirit to somebody who wanted to fight a people with sword and arrow? Why? This is important for us to meditate on. The Bible says “the weapons of our warfare are not canal, but they are Mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds.” There are strongholds, and for many of us; these strongholds are physical things; things that threaten us.


Some people cannot pay their bills, they cannot send their children to good schools. Those things are strongholds threatening them. As far as they are concerned, they are worldly matters, things that they encounter in their office on a daily basis. But God said “I will send a spirit upon him.” Now, you know it has been said “you cannot give what you don’t have.” If God would send a spirit upon him, it means number one; God is Spirit. Number two, God has spirits. The Bible even makes us to understand that God is the Father of spirits. Bible says everything has been created by Him, both visible and invisible. God has created so much spirits that He has them to go achieve different tasks for Him.


For every time God wants something to be done, God does not worry, God only sends spirits. God said: “I will send a spirit upon him” now see what the spirit is expected to do. Surely, I will send a spirit upon himWhen God bring those, who have been putting people in captivity, when God brings them into captivity, the Bible says “we are like them that dreams.” Those who have been putting you in bondage, when they themselves are put in bondage that they have created, it is always a sweet story to hear.


I am sure we remember the story of Mordechai, right! The man that wanted to kill him created a platform for his fall. By the same platform, the man fell. God didn’t have to make another platform. By the means through which the devil wants to kill or destroy you, God will destroy them. The enemy came speaking, God said “I will send a spirit” and he will hear, and that is how we must also hear. Now let us continue: and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land.”’” I am sure we know that rumors are not always true. In fact, the fact that they are called rumors simply means that they are hardly true.


God said “I will send a spirit upon him and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land, and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land.” I will not even destroy him here lest they say “it was a mistake.” But God said “his own people that he trusts, his own people that he has built his life around, his own people that he has used and abused and perhaps deceived, by them I will get him down.” So, we can learn that when spirits come, there is a tendency for men to hear. If you do not hear, maybe a spirit has not been sent to you. The Bible says “and you will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way, when you turn to the right and to the left.”


So that voice that you will hear, is going to be the voice of the spirit. A spirit will come, haven been sent, either by God or by Satan to speak into your life. So, when there was a problem on earth, a physical problem, one would have expected God to send twenty million soldiers, but God did not do so, God send a spirit. So, your poverty can be fixed by God by a spirit. And when the spirit comes into your life or around your life, the spirit will not make you to have two heads. The spirit will speak a voice into your life, a voice that will open your life to something that you have been blind to.


I am sure we still remember the story of Hagar. Hagar was crying and suffering, thinking she will die. Now, when an angel came, the angel brought her attention to the availability of water around her. Abraham was about to kill Isaac until an angel told him to stop. His eyes were pointed to a resource that was locked around him. There is a resource locked around your life. There are opportunities in your surroundings. You have not seen them because you have not heard. That Scripture that we saw when we were looking at the ministry of fools at the Forms and Patterns. It says “walk prudently, and do not offer sacrifices of fools.” It says “walk prudently when you come to the house of God, draw near to hear and not offer sacrifices of fools.”


When you come to the presence of the Lord, be prudent, be wise, be careful. Each time you step closer to God, step closer to hear Him, don’t step closer to talk. Step closer to hear because your faith is not tied to your words, your faith is tied to the things you hear. So many people are prayerful, but they are still ignorant because even in their state of prayer, they are talking. Prayer should be a conversation; prayer should be communication. It should be you talking to God and listening to God. But if you spend every moment of that time praying, talking to God, then what happens? God knows you, but you do not know God. God knows your situation. Some people usually cry God, don’t you see my situation?” God sees it, in fact, God knows it. Why? You have always been complaining. Everyday of your life has been about you complaining how difficult life is. Now, you spend no time to know how easy life should be.


Jesus said “the thief comes but to steal, to kill and to destroy. But I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance.” But how will you have that life, when there is no bonding, conversation between you and Him? You will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way, walk in it. The order of execution and transaction in the kingdom of God, issues are discussed, things are exchanged, lives are transformed, by a means. If you want to buy a car in Nigeria today, or in Ghana; wherever, you require the currency, the predominant currency of the land. Of course, you can still buy with foreign, hard currency, but you simply require a currency. Without the currency, no matter how much you beg, nothing happens. People don’t get cars on earth by kneeling down to beg the car dealer, they get it by paying for it. They give their currency, the car dealers collect it, gives them the car keys and the documents.


Now, if you must get anything from God, if you must exchange anything between you and God, there is a method, there is a means of getting it done. God send His spirits. No matter the Bible says God is Spirit and those who worship Him, those who transact with Him, those who executes His will, those who gets the job done under God, they do it in Spirit and in truth.” Why? God, to whom they are accountable, is Spirit. He talks spiritually, He gives spiritually, He does everything spiritually. How will you imagine a king that was so frightening, be destroyed by God through a spirit, and the spirit will do nothing other than just to speak? The spirit spoke and created rumor, altered the course of his life and ended it. And so, if God wants to change your life too, if God wants to sustain you, if God wants to exempt you from evil, God will also send his word to you, God will also send a spirit that will bring the word.


When spirit comes, they come with the word. When Gabriel came, he didn’t come talking and babbling; Gabriel spoke the word of God. Every angel that God sent to people in the Bible, they didn’t tell them what they were thinking, they came to speak the word of God. And as angels are, so are the men of God that speaks for God. If a man is a prophet or a woman is a prophet, and if he or she is being inspired by the Holy Ghost, and the word of God is being released; and your life can be changed if only you hear. Nothing happens to a man who listens without hearing or who was present or is present without receiving. It is not enough to see what I want to say, you must hear it, you must accept it. “Blessed are you when you do them.” You are blessed in the doing, not in the hearing alone. But you require to hear, hear to the point of receiving.


When you open your ears, you open your heart so that the water of the word will flow in. When the water impacts your heart, it turns it around. So, if you want God to change your story, don’t be expecting one thunder and lightning, except the thunder is bringing a word. You are going to be blessed by the Lord by the word you hear from Him. “And God blessed them, God said “be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it.” In fact, Genesis 1:26 says “The God said, let us make man in our image according to our likeness, and let them have dominion.” The dominion didn’t come to man by tractor or by caterpillar, it came by the word. God spoke dominion, man received dominion. You can only have what is being given to you. Dominion was given to via the word.


When God wants to set you in your place, God will not use bet to tie you in that place, God will put you there by His word. When God wants to move you from that same place, God will move you by His word. So, will set you in your place, what will upgrade you, downgrade you, do anything to you is by the word. That is why the Bible also says in Ephesians that we be not like children tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, every wind of the word. So, their lives go left and right, no progressive movement whatsoever, but busyness, busy, and scattered. They are confused, they are not moving forward. Why? They are hearing all manner of conflicting things, heresies and things that are not helpful to them.


So, if your life must really be established, if your life must move forward to the next level, you require the right word from God to move forward. So, He sent forth his word to them, the word healed them. So, when the spirit is sent from the Lord, he comes with a word. The spirit without the word is a powerless spirit. In fact, a man or a woman of God without the word of God is also a powerless man, a powerless woman. The word of God is what empowers you. If Brother Biola works with the Presidency, and he comes here without a word from the president, who wants to listen to him. But when he comes and says he has a word from the president, especially if we know it is for us, we all will listen. Bible says “where the word of a king is, there is power.” The messenger of the word is a carrier of the power of God.


Ordinary a letter from Donald Trump can scatter a tribe, a race, in the U.S. African-Americans can go haywire, troubled and start protesting; just by a letter that is not even read by Donald Trump, but a letter submitted to CNN and read by one of their staff. As far as the letter is concerned, it is a word, whether written or spoken, it is the word of Donald Trump. It carries weight. Why do people sometimes get angry with Donald Trump about his Twitter handle activities, Why? Because he is a powerful man who keeps on speaking anyhow, anytime and speaks with anything. But God is not like Donald trump. You will not find the word of God idling around.


Isaiah 55:10-11 shows us the word of God is not the word of any man that lies around and is subject to criticism. No man can criticize the word of God, the authoritative voice of the spirit. The Bible says:


“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.


God sends his word; the word healed them and deliver them from their destruction. God said the words that comes from my mouth does not return back to me void, I a not like your president neither am I your Prime Minister. I am not like even any of the kings on the earth, I am the Almighty God, the words that proceeds from my mouth does not return back to me void. If the word of your president does not return to him easily void, then the word of the Almighty, the king of kings, the Lord of Lords, certainly does not go back to Him void. If God says you will become the President of Nigeria, let the earth be scattered, let the heavens be removed, you will become the president of Nigeria.


If God says “you will be”, it does not matter whether people like it or not, you must be. God said it in Isaiah 34:16:


“Search from the book of the Lord, and read:
Not one of these shall fail;
Not one shall lack her mate.
For My mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them.


It didn’t say search from the book of Physics or Chemistry, it says from the book of the Lord, and read. Another word for “read” is hear. God brings His word by His Spirit. And when the word comes, there is a certainty that there shall be an accomplishment of what that has been spoken. No wonder a woman by the Holy Spirit said “blessed is she that believes for there shall be a performance of things that have been said to her by her Lord.” She heard it from her Lord, and she believed it, and so shall be her experience. God will change your story by the things He sends to you. The question is: Will you hear it to believe, or will you hear it to just say “I have heard.” Let God be true and anything inconsistent with His will in your life, liars!


So, we must not forget. Kings are raised up; men and women are raised up in destiny by the word the Lord has sent unto them through His Spirit, or another spirit, and men are brought down by the words they hear, either from the Holy Spirit or through an angel, a spirit. Nebuchadnezzar was a king, a greatest king like that, until he heard the judgment of God. When he heard the judgment, he didn’t change his attitude to God, he still continued. And so, a day came, in that state of pride, the voice came, the voice of judgment and immediately he became an animal. He did not structurally become an animal, he was still the same Nebuchadnezzar that they knew, but his heart was changed to an animal. Why? There was a voice.


The voice of God can alter your physical state; the voice of God can change you. Somebody can become an idiot just by a voice, somebody can become so wise by a voice. Solomon became the wisest of a generation, why? He heard! There is something that you will hear that will make you the wisest of your time. Your ignorance is not because there is no knowledge, it is because you have not heard. And the word of the Lord to you is “search, research.” Don’t search in the archives of books that has no capacity of impacting the life of God in you. Search from the book of the Lord, note what you find, because if you can find it, you can claim it. My prayer is that God will help us in Jesus’ name.


Lastly, let us go to Isaiah 46, a popular Scripture. I will read from verse 9-11. The Bible says:


Remember the former things of old,
For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,’
11 Calling a bird of prey from the east,
The man who executes My counsel, from a far country.
Indeed I have spoken it;
I will also bring it to pass.
I have purposed it;
I will also do it.


Did you see that? Thing that are not yet done, they are not yet executed, they are not yet transacted. So, as God send spirits to execute His word, God sends men. Are you going to be one of them? You cannot be sent until you have heard. By the way, if I say “Stand up, go and get me water.” If you successfully stand up, it is because you heard me. So, what does it mean? When I say “brother Felix, stand up.” What did I do? I called and then I instructed, so, it begins with a call. So, you want to be sent by God, you must hear Him call you, you must have a call, you must be instructed. By the instruction, you get ready to go. God said “I have not sent these people and yet, they have gone. They are running already.” Now their case now looks like those who are offering the sacrifices of fools.


Jesus said “people will say in my name they cast out demons, and we did many wonders” and Jesus said “I will say I do not know you because you are workers of iniquities, you are workers of lawlessness, you are ministers of error, you have not been told anything, you have gone to speak.” You did not hear, you are talking, you are talking about what? You should talk about what you have heard, so, the greatest chunk of your time should be in hearing, and not in talking. Until you have been told something, you don’t have anything to tell. Until you have heard, you don’t have anything to say. No wonder the seven sons of Sceva were told “Jesus we know, Paul we know, who are you?”


Jesus has heard the Father, Paul has heard the Father, who are you? Have you heard anything from Pau or Jesus? Have you heard anything from God? If you have not heard anything from God, then we cannot hear you, we cannot submit to you, why? You have not heard anything. When you hear from God, what you hear puts you in command. You don’t beg, you are not apologetic, why? You have been told. When Jesus sent His disciples out two by two, He instructed as to where to go and not go. He instruction was detailed, there was no ambiguity on the field. Why? They have heard. Another word for that in the military is that they have been briefed. So, haven been briefed, there is no fear in them.


It is your ignorance that brings you into fear, if you know the one who has called you is greater than the one in the world, you will not be afraid. Have you heard enough, there will be no fear? If you are in fear, you have not heard enough. If you are in fear, you have not heard enough.


I believe you have been blessed!


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