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The Most Popular Idol In the World: Who Do You Serve Actually?

The world is said to be the exerted influence on the earth: For while the earth is a territory (comprising of the sea, land and air); the world is the governing influence over the sea, land and air.

In the beginning, God created the earth and formed man to man (exert influence) on the created earth. It then suggests that the world was originally composed of the man (Adam) and the woman (Eve).

At that time, man (Adam, with his wife Eve) was in charge of the daily affairs of the earth. Man was the ruler of the earth. However, the devil, who was one of the fallen angels of God from heaven invaded the earth. And since they were sent out of heaven because of their greed for power and influence; they lured the ruling man out of his place of authority and influence on the earth. (Genesis 3).

Just as man rebelled against the authority of God; the Spirit of God that was helping the man to rule the earth departed him; hence, the ruling man became helpless against the roaring coup plotter – satan (the fallen arch angel).

Due to his helplessness, the man abdicated his throne to the devil and his co-fallen angels; who then took over the course of rulership of the earth. Since then, the earth  became a territory under the influence of demons (the fallen angels).

But even if our gospel is veiled, it is vield to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded…”

2 Corinthians 4:3-4

Apostle Paul was emphatic in saying that from the fallen days of Adam at Eden; the devil has become a god in the world – exerting influence on the inhabitants of the earth.

The question then is, “How has the god of this age (world) been able to exert influence on the earth?” The answer is partly in the verses of the Scriptures above; where we were told that the people are perishing because the devil has blinded their eyes.

May I say very clearly that the god of this age uses the instrument called IGNORANCE to influence the earth. He rules by ignorance; and he commits his “citizens” (or better still, captives) to a lifestyle of ignorance – forbidding them from attaining to sound knowledge and Godly wisdom. Do you know that there is a wisdom called worldly wisdom? That wisdom is used to keep many in perpetual ignorance. No wonder Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)

Do you know that there is a great difference between education and knowledge; and between fact and truth? The world system thrives on dissemination of facts through the use of media and schools; however, ignorance is only defeated by the truth, which the world can never give; but only Jesus the Christ!

While the god of this age uses ignorance to enslave his captives (attracting and trapping them by their own ignorance); he equally engages another tool in making many people subjects of his will – and that tool is called MONEY.

Money is said to be a medium of exchange; and the world has used various means of presenting money to the inhabitants of the earth. From salt to cowries, to brass, silver and gold – many people have actually exchanged many things for a measure of money!agold-bars-coins-pile

Do you know that an average person has a worth in monetary terms? I mean, he or she can be bought with a measure of money. Come to think of it; how many people can refuse to do something or say something irrespective of the monetary attachments? Do you know that why some people cannot be bought with a particular currency – say like Naira or Yen or Yuan; they may be bought with Dollars or Pounds! (I think the experience in Nigeria during the 2015 General Elections proves that – how dollars became the only medium of exchanging people’s votes).

Initially, the biggest form of money was gold, silver & brass – and actually, Judas sold Jesus for thirty (30) pieces of silver. Have you heard about the ancient mercenaries – men who fight for gold! These men are not loyal to anybody, king or nation; but only gold. They are willing to live for God or die looking for

Many currencies today are backed by gold reserves; and any nation short on gold is said to be in serious economic condition. Do you know that these gold backed currencies (money) are the fuel of crises, corruption, dishonesty, murder, fornication, adultery, lies or deceit and tyranny in the world today?

I therefore affirm that the most popular idol in the world, worshipped by multitudes across tongues, nations and races is not the devil; but money.

But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should NOT WORSHIP demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which neither see nor hear nor walk.

Revelations 9:20

Did you see that? What most of us readily admit is that it is not right to worship demons; and each time we see men and women worshipping idols of stone and wood and even brass; we quickly call them witches, wizards and herbalists.

But who is a Pastor that preach for money? Do we not have idols of silver and gold? How many people can remain the same in their drive, outlook, expectation, thinking and language – irrespective of the amount of money involved!

Gehazi fell to this idol, Judas the son of Simeon also fell to this idol. Do you know that each time you change your mind, words, actions and pursuits because of money; you worship the idol of money? Do you know that man was not expected to use gold to exchange for anything at the beginning? Do you know that the Garden of Eden had everything man ever need – including good gold?

As soon as man was sent out of Eden; scarcity came and man began to how repeatedly before the things man was created to rule. No wonder Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. YOU CANNOT SERVE GOD MAMMON.” (Matthew 6:24)

See, each time you talk, sing, eat, engage in sexual activity, communicate, help, show mercy, lead or manage, marry, live and work for the sake of money – you have become a servant and a worshiper of money. However, whenever you do any of those things above for the sake of God; you are a servant and a worshiper of God!

And please note serving money does not make you to have more of it; it only masters your choices and appetite. But when God is your sole Master; and pleasing Him is your sole goal; you will have more of Him and more of money; who wouldn’t be your master, but your servant.

Because God created gold, silver and all that; He can never become subject to them – that is, when you choose to serve (worship) only God; money becomes your own servant. But when you choose to serve money; you will become a lifetime seeker of money.

Have you wondered why corrupt politicians still campaign for elections into public offices? Having money does not satisfy their appetite for money. You seek to serve money – then you will never become fulfilled (satisfied) by more of it.

Imagine a life of perpetual search for money! Imagine a life where you do not need money! These are two possible experiences that comes as per your choices – to serve God or to serve money! Your life will however reveal your secret choice – choose wisely and carefully!


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