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The Leadership Model of God: Discover Seven Ways Through Which God Models Leadership for Us

In this piece, we are going to be examining: The Leadership Model of God. Every time we talk about God, we can never exhaust talking about Him, because He is so dynamic in His personality. He is so multifaceted. In looking at Him, anytime you behold God, you will see a dimension that you didn’t see yesterday. Because, God is the only personality in the whole world that you can’t exhaust, He is inexhaustible. You can’t exhaust any dimension of Him, if you keep looking at Him, you will keep seeing several dimensions that you have never encountered before. We want to briefly examine the leadership model of God, and it is important we start with this question: What is leadership? Until the purpose of a thing is known, you will abuse it. But when you know the purpose of a thing, abuse will become something that will not happen because you know.


So, we are starting out with what is leadership? And we are going to see a Scripture in Matthew chapter 20 verse 26. Looking at this Scriptures, we will take our definition from the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 20 and verse 26. “Yet it shall not be so among you” Jesus was referring to a scenario in verse 25 of chapter 20, that the rulers of the gentiles Lord it over them, and He said that’s not leadership. When rulers lord it over their subjects, that’s not leadership. So, Jesus now defines to us what is leadership in Matthew chapter 20 verse 26; “yet it shall not be so among you, but whoever desires to become great; another translation puts it as anyone who desires to become a leader among you, let him be, let her be your servant. So, Jesus defined leadership here, it said; let it not be so among you, whosoever desires to be great, whosoever desires leadership, whosoever desires to be a leader among you, let him be your servant. What is leadership is the first consideration in this piece. Let us see Genesis chapter 1 and we will read from verse 26 defining leadership in the context of God. Because we are looking at the leadership model of God. So, we must take our queue from Him. The Bible says:


Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”


Now, in this portion of the Scripture, verse 26 to 28 of Genesis chapter 1, we were introduced to how God models leadership. God was going to create a man in His image and in His likeness, so the man is going to look like Him, behave like Him. God is going to raise a leader in His stead, and He said I am giving you a territory, and that territory is called the earth.


But what happened? If you look carefully reading from verse 1 before we got to verse 26, God had created everything before He made the man. So, when God was creating, what was He doing? When God was causing the sun, the moon, the plants, the animals, the sea creatures to come to being, what was God doing before He created man? Because we are looking at what is leadership? And Jesus said in Matthew chapter 20 verse 26, that whosoever desires to be great, whosoever desires to be a leader among you, let Him be your servant. How did God model this?


God modelled leadership in service. God did not bring the man and say now that I have brought you, let’s start creating together. No! God created everything and made the man. So, what is leadership? Leadership is service that leads to influence. Leadership according to the model of God is service. God served the man He created by making sure everything was in place before bringing the man on board. So, God was serving man with that great hope and desire that he will ‘live Him’ and ‘influence Him’. So, leadership in the model of God is service that leads to influence. Not influence that leads to service, but service that leads to influence. How did God do this? If you read your Scriptures from Genesis chapter 1, when the earth was without form and void in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth- verse 2, the earth was without form and void-verse 3, God did not say now that the earth was without form and void, I need to show my leadership let me create a man.


Is that what God did? What did He do? It says; and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters, then God spoke, God said; how does God serve? By speaking. Now we are looking at 7 areas; how God leads. We are going to look at it according to this Scripture in Genesis chapter1. How God leads. We understand that the definition under the leadership model of God is that leadership is service that leads to influence. So, if you want to lead after God, you must be a man or a woman that is given to service that now leads to your influence. God did not influence before serving, He served before influencing. The first thing we are going to look at, how does God go about this?


Verse 3 of Genesis chapter 1; then God said; let there be light and there was light. Remember in verse 2, the earth was without form, and it was void, so the situation wasn’t looking palatable, the situation wasn’t looking interesting, there was a situation at hand that God had to deal with. And that’s when the service of God was introduced. So, how does God lead? God leads by speaking the truth into every situation. The first attribute of how God leads;


#1: God leads by speaking the truth into every situation. So, when the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep, God did not complain, God did not murmur, God did not call for a pity party committee to start crying and lamenting, God rose up to service. How do I serve in this situation? How do I make sure that this situation is turned around? What is the lie inherent in this situation? Remember verse one, verse one is actually loaded. God had created, and remember God does not create darkness, because there is no darkness in Him. God will not create voidness, because there is no voidness in Him.


So, what happened between verse 1 and 2 is a whole lot of events. The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. That’s not what God created. But God did not say but this is not what I created, this is not what I labored for, if this thing is not working, that means there is something wrong with the earth, away with the earth. But God looked at it, He studied what He created and how it had been perverse, how it had changed, how something had happened to it, and God did not call for a committee of town Criers, neither did He say let us set up a committee and look at the issues, then identify the gaps, after that we will now come up with recommendations and implementation strategy. No! God said! God looked at the situation and He spoke the truth into it. God looked at the situation and He served the situation with the truth.


So, if we are going to model our leadership in accordance with God, we must learn to speak the truth to circumstances and situations. No matter what comes your way, what you are seeing is different from what God has said. What is the truth about what God has said about situation, about that person? If you are leading according to God, and modelling the leadership of God, you will not give up on people, you will not give up on events, you will not give up on circumstances, you will not look at a place and say if this thing is not working let’s abandon it and move on. You speak the truth, that’s what God did, that’s how God served.


I want us to see a Scripture in Proverbs 29 verse 14. Because these are principles in the kingdom of God, this is how God leads. “The king who judges the poor with truth, His throne will be established forever.” The same principles that God used was the same principle He revealed to Solomon here. Remember that man was made in the image and likeness of God. So, you are supposed to perform the way God performs. You are supposed to do things the way God will do them. That’s why the Bible says that until we come to the unity of the faith, and we grow up into the fullness of the stature of Christ, there is an image, there is who to become. And that’s the image of God. So, are you leading in any sphere or any area, how are you leading? Is it according to the image that created you, is it according to the likeness from the beginning.


The king who judges the poor, that poor now is in context. You can replace the poor with anything. The king who judges any matter with the truth. Because, anytime God speaks, He judges. How does God judge? By speaking, how does he serve? By speaking.  When God looks at a matter and speaks, He has judged it. God looked at the earth in Genesis chapter 1, He saw that the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. God said the truth. Let there be light; what will the light do when it comes? It will judge darkness. God does not just speak haphazardly, He will judge a situation and expunge the lie by speaking the truth into it.


Positioning the truth, introducing the truth, Causing the situation to align with the truth. So, the king, put your name there, who judges any situation with truth; What did the Bible say? My truth! Your throne! There is a throne that God has given you on the earth to sit, the Bible says that throne will be established. Nobody can upturn it. Your throne will be established forever. That throne is also a context. Whatever that throne means to you, it could be your marriage, it could be your academics, it could be your finances, whatever that throne signifies to you, the Bible says it will be established forever. Not for a season, but forever.


So, the first picture that we have about how God leads is that He leads by the truth. He introduces the truth in every situation. No wonder Gods throne is established forever, no wonder Gods throne cannot be up turned, no wonder Gods throne cannot be replaced, why? He judges by the truth. We are looking at seven things that helps us to see how God leads.


#2: God leads selflessly. I want us to go back to Genesis chapter 1, now we are reading verse 3 up to verse 8. “then God said; let there be light and there was light.” Now I want us to pause a little bit. If you go back to the Scriptures, you will see that nothing happened to God, because Bible says; in Him is light, He is life personified. God was not lacking light, in fact the Bible makes us to understand that before His throne there are flames of fire, rivers of fire.  God was not in darkness; the earth was in darkness. God was not lacking what He was speaking, or what He was creating; so, it was not about what He needs or what He lacks, it’s about what He wants to see. I want us to go back to that Scripture. “Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good”


Is it good for Himself? No! good for the earth. God serves selflessly. He creates things not because He needs them, but because we need them. You see why God is God? You see why the influence of God transcends generations and nations? He is not selfish, He is selfless. He created the light for the people. And God saw the light that it was good. and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. [b]So the evening and the morning were the first day. 6 Then God said, -looking at the situation, judging it; Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters.”


Now, I want us to observe what God was doing here; remember in Genesis 1 verse 1, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. So, something happened to the heavens and the earth He created. There was a challenge with what God created. What God created turned bad. Because sometimes when we look at failure or things don’t go the way we want them, we blame ourselves and we beat ourselves, and say why should this thing not go the way I want? Why didn’t this thing go the way I fashioned it and planned it? What God created had a problem. But God did not beat Himself, and say I will no longer lead because things turned bad, I will no longer serve because things turned bad, what did God do? He rose again to serve. And He started looking at what He created the first time, and how it turned bad.


How can we make sure that what happened before does not happen again? So, God said let there be firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” Thus God made the firmament. Remember God said; let there be light, was the first one. So, for the first time God made firmaments. Meaning firmament was not in the first earth. Because, He couldn’t have said let there be firmament because it was there before, But God made the firmaments. Verse 7, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. So, the evening and the morning were the second day.


Now if we see all the things that God created, He was not doing it for Himself, He was selfless. God was solving a problem that does not necessarily or primarily have to do with Him. He was creating structures that does not stop His existence, that if these structures are not there, it doesn’t stop God from being God. But it shows us the leadership model of God. I want us to see a Scripture in Philippians chapter 2; if we are to model in life, we are supposed to model after the leadership of God. “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. 4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, that’s how to lead like God, but also for the interests of others.” That’s the Model that God showed us. This is how God leads, for you to have that kind of influence that makes your throne established forever, you must be selfless like God.


Looking out for the interest of others. Praying for others. Has the Holy Spirit led you to a point where He makes you to understand that praying for others answers your own prayers? Because that’s the model of God. Any selfish believer has not known God. If you are selfish as a believer, you have known God, you have not met Him. Because knowing God is knowing His selfless attributes. God could ask you to abandon yourself and care for other people, and in turn He will bless you. The Bible says; they that give to the poor lends to the Lord. And what will the Lord do? He will repay. It says because God is not unjust that He will forget your labor of love. God calls selflessness love, your labor of love. You are not laboring in love if you are not selfless, if it’s about your interest it is not a labor of love. And that’s how God labors, that’s how He serves. God serves with love.


#3: God delegates and allows you to have a choice. When God created all these things, we are going back to Genesis, you will now say God after you have created all these beautiful things, God was walking so hard, God labored so much in the sense of He serves. God was serving God gave His all into this project called earth. Then you will think God will sit down as the governor of the earth, and say yes I am the God of the universe, heaven is under my control, earth is also under my control, I can’t give anything to anybody. But what did God do? From Genesis chapter 1, that we read, we saw that God created then Genesis 2 verse 15, Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to [e]tend and keep it.” In verse 8 of that Genesis chapter 2, the Bible says; and the Lord planted a garden in Eden, He planted it, it was the work of His hands. But God did not administrate it, what did He do? He delegated, He handed over in trust. How many of us can lead like God?


I want to become like God, I want to lead like God, these are the things, these are the requirements, these are the prerequisites. God delegated the administration. The Bible says in Psalm, it says highest heavens belong to God, but the earth He has given, but this time in Genesis, God did not take it back. The earth He has given to the children of men. So, God from Genesis, He created a place called earth, He started working, creating light, creating firmaments, creating animals, creating plants and He delegated it and handed it over. He gave. But this is how God leads, this is how God perpetuates His influence on the earth. No wonder the devil as cunny as he was, he could not convince the whole of Gods angels to turn. Because they look at God, this is leadership per excellence.


This is epic, what can we quantify this God with? They saw leadership, and they were willing to follow. They had a choice, no wonder God created man with a choice, God did not want to Lord it over anybody. That’s why Jesus was saying in that Matthew 20, in verse 25 He said the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them, yet it will not be so among you. Because this is not the model of God. The model of God, is that you have a choice and you make God your choice. God does not force anybody, so, if you are going to lead according to God, you will not be a tyrant, me or nothing else, in fact I am going to destroy you. That’s not how God leads. God leads by delegating. And God delegates and allows you to have a choice. Who does that?


That’s why it’s a walk of grace to actually follow God in His leadership model. You can’t do it in your strength. It is not by power nor by might, but by my Spirit. There is a Spirit of Gods leadership that can come upon you, that can make you lead like God. You can’t do it in your strength. It is too hideous a task. You can’t. God delegated and gave man a power of choice. A will to choose Him. I created everything, I handed it over to you and you still have the choice of doing my will or doing yours. Amazing! But this is how God leads. Leading like God is leading according to His Spirit.


Matthew 24 verse 45 to 47. “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing.” Even though He delegated His house to you, gave the responsibility and the power to you, but is that servant, the wise and faithful one that the master will find so doing. Verse 27, assuredly I say to you, that he will make him ruler over all his goods. A faithful and wise servant is the one that God will delegate authority to and would still be in awe of God. Will still wait on the Lord, will still trust Him. And He said; he will make him ruler. Jesus was speaking to His disciples, He said, that people that are unfaithful with the unrighteous mammon, who will give them true riches? Because what we are doing on the earth now, leading like God is rehearsal, when we reign with Him in eternity, all these leaderships that God is teaching us, all the things the Holy Spirit is telling us, don’t do it like this, this is the way you will do it, you will now need it first-hand because there would not be sleeping nor eating.


All you do is living your life in the full pleasure of the king. So, if you don’t rehearse it, how will you act it? The Holy Spirit said something to me some days ago, I was worshipping and feeling excited about it, it is so sweet to worship God, God gets you into that zone where nothing else matters, you are just into God and God is into you and you are just loving it like this should just continue for ever and ever. And in my spirit I was telling the Holy Spirit that this is a beautiful experience, how comes it’s not everybody that has this experience, He said is not possible. He said; what you are doing on earth, what I am making you do and walk in is rehearsal. That’s why it’s not everyone, even though He wants everyone to come to Him, everybody cannot come to Him because they cannot act the role. If you are not excited worshipping God in time, how can you do it in eternity? If you are not excited about God that you cannot see, and you don’t have faith enough to believe that He exist and you love Him just for who He is, when there you have nothing else, you are not doing school runs, you are not doing anything, you are just before the Father, how do you act the role?


What you are not used to, you can’t become. So, that’s why even though the Father desires that all should come to Him, not everybody has successfully been trained by the Holy Spirit. Not everybody has submitted to the school of the Spirit to be trained on what it takes to stand before the Father in the fullness of His holiness and continue to worship Him and you are not bored. So, God delegates and gives you a power of choice to choose Him. That’s how He leads.


#4: God leads by service. We have spoken about that; I will just gloss over it a little bit. God leads by service. God serves mankind. He causes rain to fall on the earth both on the sinners and the righteous. God cause yields in our plants, He created animals for our consumption. God created everything. He said; to Adam, of all the trees in the garden, Adam didn’t plant any tree, God had served Adam His meal, that’s why Jesus was teaching us this principle, because this is how God serves. Because God is still serving us, Jesus said to us this is the manner in which you must pray; give us this day our daily bread, so He still gives us our daily bread.


He created times and seasons for us. Imagine that the sun is perpetually out, from morning till night, the sun is always out, how do we sleep? But God serves us, He spoke from that time and His word is still serving us. The sun knows when to come out, the moon knows that it’s a shift, what God did to serve us is still serving us till today. Imagine if God says I am going on vacation, one-day holiday for your God, what will happen? You will now know that truly God is the one that rules in the affairs of men. People that don’t believe in God before will begin to shout at least if there is any God anywhere that is listening, please come back and be performing. So, God still serves us till today, He is not still tired of service.


So, if you are going to model the leadership of God, you can never be tired of service. Because that’s how to influence, God influences us with His service. So, when you see the moon come out, you praise God, God you are faithful, you are never out of duty. You neither sleep nor slumber, you don’t even allow the elements to misbehave, how great are you o God! There is a Psalm I love so much, I think Psalm 106, where David was reeling out the wonders of God. And he started talking about how that God even makes the night and the day, so that animals will even know their timing. Do you know that there are animals that sleeps during the day and wakes up in the night? Our morning is their own night. And God created all these things, God gave animals for lions to eat, He created the whole ecosystem. There was a time I was looking at Nat Geo Wild and I was looking at the whole eco system.


Some insects feed on flowers, God created the flowers that they will feed on, then some birds also feed on the insects, God created the insects for the birds and some animals feed on birds right? See the entire ecosystem, its complex. God is amazing. And He thoughtfully created all these things. If God will be so thoughtful of animals, that’s why Jesus said if He cares so much about the sparrows, how much more you. If God serves the lions, God serves the insects, God serves the plants, God serves all creations. How much more you made in His image and likeness. If you have ever belittled yourself, understand today that the almighty God the Kings of kings and the Lord of lords is at your service. So, you are not small. If the devil had lied to you before that you are insignificant, in fact you are just passing time, nobody knows you on the earth, it’s a lie, God is mindful of you. That’s why the angels looked at him and said God we know you, we stand before your presence, what is man, that you are mindful of Him, nor the son of man that you visit Him? So, God serves us.


#5: God works. Jesus said My Father work, thitherto I work. This is how God sustains His influence. He works. God is not lazy, God created work, the first work in history; God did it, the first work to be delegated God gave it. The creations of the heavens and the earth was the first work and God did it. So He was a worker. The first work to be delegated, God delegated it to Adam. Tend and keep the garden, it is work. Adam was not playing. So, God works. 2 Timothy 2 verse 15 to 16. Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker. So, you must work. Any believer that is praying against work is praying against God. Work is God given. A worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and [e]idle babblings, for they will [f]increase to more ungodliness.”  Be diligent to present yourself approved, a worker: that’s what we are taking. This is how to serve, this is how to lead, you must be a worker.


What are you doing? There must be something you are doing for you to model the leadership of God. There must be something you must be doing. That’s why you will see many things about God, when David was saying in psalm 23; “the Lord is my shepherd” does a shepherd sleep? No He is working.  Jesus said I am the good shepherd, He said and a sower went to sow and He called the sower the son of man. So, He is always attributing Himself to work. So, if you are made in the image and likeness of God and want to model the leadership of God, you must be a worker. Who are you? What work are you doing? Apostle Paul was a tent maker; He was a preacher. It was in tent making that he met Aquila and Priscilla. He was a worker. Peter was still a worker, He had association with Simon the tanner. Tanning is relating to fishing.


He had that connection, but he was still doing something, even though his primary assignment was to preach. Apostle Paul said tent making which is their occupation. There is something you must be doing. Ecclesiastics chapter 9 verse 10.  We are on number five; work. How God modelled leadership. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.” Meaning that as long as you are on the earth, where God has put you, whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might. God is not given to failed projects or abandoned project. God did not leave the earth half way, and say I am not coming back I need to on break. It said and on the seventh day He rested after He had worked. He didn’t rest in the middle of the work. After He had worked, God rested. Whatever your hands find to do, do it. If you are a leader following the leadership model of God, you must be given to work.


#6: Honor. I want us to see Genesis, see how God leads. Its amazing. These things I am sure they give us a picture of who God is and how He leads. Genesis 2, let’s start from verse 18; “And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” 19 Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam; [see honor] to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name.” God is a God of honor, you will want to think that when God brought the animals to Adam, He will now be second guessing him, or be watching him; are you sure that one is lion? Look very well, are you sure? God brought the animals, and whatever name; God trusted the capacity and ability He had put in Adam. And He honored that. And let’s see again, verse 21 of that Genesis chapter 2, “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.”  


God did not say Adam where are you I have given you wife, I have made wife for you come and take. God brought her. God brought the animals, God is a God of honor. Even though He God, He honors His creatures. So, if you are going to be a leader after God, you must honor people. I want us to see Luke chapter 6 verse 31. “And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.” These are the words of Jesus; whatever you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise. So, Jesus was about honor, He said give, and it shall be given to you. So when you give honor it shall be given to you. Whatsoever you want men to do to you, do also to them likewise. Matthew 5:37. “But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” Let there be honor in your conversations. It is honorable when you are not inconsistent, it is honorable when people can take your word for it.


It is honorable when men can look at you and say if he says he is going to do it, even if it’s going to take the last stroke of his blood, he will. Its honorable, because that’s how God is. You can take the word of God to a bank. It is because He honors us. God does not honor us with inconsistency, He honors us with consistency. If God says you will be great, and you follow the principles that God has shown you, that greatness will come. If God says you are going to have a child and you follow the things He asked you to do, that child will come. Why? He honors us. So, we must honor one another. If you tell somebody that you will be at a place at a given time, honor it. That’s how to model the leadership of God. God is not a man that He will lie, nor the son of man that He will repent. That’s how God Model’s His leadership.


#7: The Last one, The passion of God. God models His leadership with His Passion.  Another word for that passion is love. God is love, anything outside love is not God. God is love, Galatians 5:22, the Bible makes us to understand that the fruits of the Spirit is love. The fruit of God’s Spirit is love! What God produces from His Spirit, because God is Spirit is love. So, everything God does, He does out of love. If He chastises you it is out of love, if He does anything, if He pampers you; it’s because He loves you. God chastises those that He loves. God is loving, and you will see that everything He did is because He loves. This love also shows His selflessness. For God so loved the world that He gave; God gives with reckless abandon. Jesus was giving us a parable about the lost coin, and He said that’s the picture of God, that’s the picture of how God operates in His kingdom. God will leave the ninety-nine and look for one. That’s how much He loves, that until this one become; I won’t give up. Until this one is saved, I will continue to invest. God is one that can invest lavishly on anyone, because He loves. And in 1 Corinthians 13, Apostle Paul was giving us the attributes of God as love, He said love is patient, love is kind, love is not puffed up, love keeps no record of wrongs. That is God.


So, if you are going to model leadership after God, you must have the same passion, because that is how Jesus modelled it to us. 1 Thessalonians 5:14; Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.” These are the attributes of love; this is how to follow the leadership model of God. Warn those who are unruly, it is still in love. So, when somebody is unruly then you say we are love beings we don’t want the unruly. No! it’s part of love. Comfort the fainthearted, be the one that is always encouraging, being there for them. It said uphold the weak, and be patient with all. Patience is also an attribute of love. That’s the passion of God. God leads with His passion. He will not give up, He will be there, loving you till you make you your mind, loving you until you are ready.


That’s why Jesus gave the parable of the prodigal son, He said when the boy returned back to His senses and came back home, the father was standing there with open arms to receive him. Even though he had gone on prodigal living. And he said to his servant, kill a fated calve for him, for my son that was lost has been found. That’s God, and this is how to model the leadership of God. If we want our throne to be established, if we want to actually live our lives ruling and reigning with God from eternity to eternity, we must be in His image and in His likeness, we must lead like Him. Leadership is serving like God and having the kind of Gods influence.




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