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The Law of Vulnerability: How Vulnerable Are You without God?

"The LORD is quiet concerning my marriage, business, career, ministry and relationship" is the frequent statement in the mouth of many people in our societies today. People complain about God – they believe that He is standing aloof and just watching them as they suffer neglect, rejection, disappointment, lack, loneliness and failure. Many people cannot explain why some people are enjoying the steady help, supply and presence of God; while they are living in seemingly poor, depressed and difficult situation.

The LORD is not partial and He does not discriminate across races, religion and denominations – rather, He is drawn more to some people, not because of what they do or have done; but because of the state of their heart. Men looks at the outward appearances (such as how devoted a person is, how generous a person is, how religious a person is, how "holy" a person is, how studious a person is, how diligent a person is and how wise a person is); the LORD is not moved by those things – it is men that look at all that; instead, the LORD is moved by the state of the heart of men as it relates to Him.

Today, many people appear very holy in their churches and are very generous with their tithe payments. These people may even be the most available members of their churches; but to God, the state of their hearts is the key factor in determining His presence, favourability and help toward them. Look at the story of the Widow's Two Mites in the book of Luke 21:1-4:

And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, "Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had."

If you have been following the Lord before now; you would be a bit familiar with His approach at relating with the people. I am persuaded that He spoke up on the matter; not because He wanted to stress the importance of giving in the temple; but to exposes the hearts of men. The rich gave and they THOUGHT in their hearts that they had given more than all else. To them, they deserved honour and position in the temple. They wanted the people to place them highly by their outward appearances. However, the Lord intervened and put order in the temple. The widow gave – not the highest money, but she gave all her money. She must have thought in her heart that the Lord deserves her all; and if the Lord wills, He will sustain her, and if the Lord wills, He will allow her to be in lack.

The truth is "bitter", but the truth must be told; most people today give to God in their local churches, so that men will acknowledge them as the greatest, biggest, most honourable and they even acquire titles, positions and status with their givings. These people are not giving from the hearts – when they give, it does not move them; for out of their abundance, they give. After giving to God, nothing about them is at stake; no worry or doubt, no pain. These people have other alternatives and options.

The Law of Vulnerability states very clearly that the degree of your vulnerability without God's help, intervention, presence and provisions; determines the degree of God's responsiveness to you. At any point in your marriage, business,  career, ministry and pursuits; if you can move on fine, well, safe and excellenctly without God's help, intervention or provision; then, God is not obligated to respond quickly to you. Let gets more practical, if you can sort yourself out financially at your workplace by asking and receiving bribe, by stealing and by embezzling money; then, God is not committed to your provisions. Many people pray for promotion at work; but each time they subject them to promotion examinations at work; thy cheat and compromise – with that, the LORD is not committed to such persons' promotions.

Imagine a lady who have been trusting God for the right man; yet whenever any man proposes to her; same day, the person (guy) will take her to bed, in a rushing bid to secure the immediate love and commitment of the guy. To such ladies, the LORD is not committed. In short, each time to have plan B to everything you expect from the LORD; you make Him reluctant towards you. The LORD demands absolute love and trust of everyone that comes to Him – the point is, until you tell yourself; "MY GOD IS ABLE TO DELIVER ME FROM THIS DIFFICULT SITUATION; AND EVEN IF HE DOES NOT DELIVER ME, I WILL STILL NOT BOW"; then, the LORD is not committed to your rescue.

Usually, when your life appears as if it will fail, fall, crumble, get lost, disappear, and waste away – just because you choose to trust the LORD; then, the LORD commits His all to your recovery, rehabilitation and entronement. So that, your life becomes, "the stone that the builders reject, which has now become the chief cornerstone".

Then Jesus said to His disciple, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. FOR WHOEVER DESIRES TO SAVE HIS LIFE WILL LOSE IT, BUT WHOEVER LOSES HIS LIFE FOR MY SAKE WILL FIND IT."

Matthew 16:24:25

Your own plans and patterns may seem to be taking you forward or higher now; but the LORD is not committed to all that – lay all at His feet in submision to His will – men may think that you will lose out; but you know that you will find it in greater dimensions.May the LORD encourage your heart to trust only in the LORD without adding to Him – He is too faithful to fail you. As for your bills, He will pay them all and make you a blessing to others. Do not compromise for the sake of your self; but stay focused and firm in strong integrity for God's sake. 


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