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The LAW of RESPONSIBILITY: Why Do You Leaders LOOK At One Another?

Today, we are looking at Genesis chapter 42. There is a question we want to consider there and we want to understand a particular law which is: The Law of Responsibility. And there is a question we want to answer, and I believe that as we answer this question; we will become better as leaders, better prepared, better responsible and better ready to face the next challenge of our responsibility and of our assignment in whatever capacity that we may be. The Law of Responsibility is our focus today as we continue our Leadership Trip to Genesis. The question we want to consider is: Why Do you Look At One Another?




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It is a question in the book of Genesis chapter 42 which we want to consider and it is about responsibility. Let me quickly run through Genesis chapter 42, I will read from verse 1 to verse 9 thereabout, and then we will discuss about it. Genesis chapter 42, from verse 1, the Bible says:


"When Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, Jacob said to his sons, “Why do you look at one another?” 2 And he said, “Indeed I have heard that there is grain in Egypt; go down to that place and buy for us there, that we may live and not die.” 3 So Joseph’s ten brothers went down to buy grain in Egypt. 4 But Jacob did not send Joseph’s Brother Benjamin with his brothers, for he said, “Lest some calamity befall him.” Now Joseph was governor over the land; and it was he who sold to all the people of the land. And Joseph’s brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces to the earth. 7 Joseph saw his brothers and recognized them, but he acted as a stranger to them and spoke roughly to them. Then he said to them, “Where do you come from?” And they said, “From the land of Canaan to buy food.” 8 So Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. 9 Then Joseph remembered the dreams which he had dreamed about them, and said to them, “You are spies! You have come to see the nakedness of the land!"


Our focus today is on the Law of responsibility, and we want to address the question: Why Do you Look At One Another? Now, if that question was misplaced and unnecessary, I am sure we know that Jacob wouldn't have altered it. Now, if it was okay for all his sons, ten that he sent out with Benjamin that was on ground, don't forget Joseph had already been sold to the land of Egypt. So instead of having twelve sons, he was having eleven. And so, the eleven were looking at one another, and that actually displeased Jacob who was like their leader.


Now, he expected, since God had told him that Nations would come out of him, he expected that each son would become a leader over those nations. So, if nations would come out of him, if all his sons are expected to take after him to become leaders after his order, then they needed to build their own capacity to respond to situations as the occasion demands. Now, problem arises when a man or a woman is expected to respond to situations, but instead of responding, he or she decided to be an on-looker. Now, greatness does not come the way of the on-lookers. Circumstance does not change by the activities of the on-looker. In fact, nothing will get worked on or really work when those who have the responsibility to work choose to become an on-looker.


Now, it became a serious situation that Jacob their father got a bit agitated and said "Why do you look at one another?" You see, each time people look at one another, they begin to take dressing from what they see or observe from the other person. Somebody is complaining, they will also complain. Now, let me give you a better approach. You are observing somebody close to you instead of you asking yourself "Is there anything I can do to change the situation?" But instead of doing that, you are observing somebody close to you and since the person is doing nothing, you decided to take the dressing and to do nothing.


People are saying nothing and you also decided to speak nothing. People are making nothing available, you decided to also make nothing available. Now, this incident that happened in the time of Jacob to his sons, I am sure happened at the time in Israel that the Prophet Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 42:22, it says:


But this is a people robbed and plundered;
All of them are snared in holes,
And they are hidden in prison houses;
They are for prey, and no one delivers;
For plunder, and no one says, “Restore!”


Now, why would anyone say "restore" when everyone is looking at the other person? You see, people are keeping quiet and you are looking at them, you also have the tendency to keep quiet. You see, we have been able to condition ourselves to this tolerance or compliance mode, we have been able to program ourselves to just carrying on with life, say nothing, do nothing, contribute nothing or perhaps, do what we see other people do. Now, to those who are taking advantage of the status quo, they would actually be glad that you who is expected to respond to your own inner ability, you are only responding to the norm, and you are responding with the crowd.


You see, responsibility is you responding to your ability. The opposite of that is you responding with the crowd. People cry, you also cry. But what is it that you have the capacity to do which you are expected to take the lead in doing? Now, supposing one of the sons of Jacob had stood up and have said "We cannot continue like this" in fact, I am sure you remember what Jacob told them in the concluding part of verse two. It says: "And he said, “Indeed I have heard that there is grain in Egypt; go down to that place and buy for us there, that we may live and not die." Now, if their survival was not threatened, Jacob perhaps wouldn't have spoken out.


Now, you must remember as a leader, as an imagine leader, as the one who has the purpose to fulfill on the earth, there is the survival of a people hanging on your neck. Your decision in this moment would actually make or mare the situation of the people. It would either make their situation better or worsen their situation, depending on how you respond to your ability. You must understand that the law of responsibility expects each person to be loyal to his ability than he is loyal to his peers. You see, your peers don't know what you know, your peers don't know what you can do. Your peers don't know your thoughts, your worries, your beliefs, your doubts, your understanding, your knowledge; they don't know it!


If you want to do only what they are doing, then you are actually going to be responding outside your own ability. You are going to be responding outside your own timing, you are going to be responding outside your own passion and so; Jacob had to challenge his sons to be awakened to their responsibilities. The survival of the entire kindred rested on their soldiers. But instead of them to do something, to transform the status quo, they were looking at themselves.


I want to challenge you today, in this edition of Leaderview, as we are looking at the law of responsibility; to begin to review your decisions and your stand on matters that affects life and destiny of the people around you. Your marriage, your organization, your ministry depends on your decision. Are you going to decide to be an on-looker, responding with the crowd, or are you going to decide to be a responsible leader who would always respond to his own abilities? That is the challenge that I have brought before us this moment, as the Lord opened my eyes to see it in the book of Genesis chapter 42 as we continue the trip that we are on in the book of Genesis.


My name is Gboyega Adedeji and I hope you have picked one or two things that could shift your leadership forward. Nothing changes until somebody takes responsibility for it. Nothing moves, until something moves it or someone moves it. If you want your situation to change, don't be an on-looker. Be an active participant, be a solution, don't be a problem. Proffer solution, and even though you are the only one proffering that solution, still do it anyway.

Even though no one is talking, still speak. Remember in that Isaiah 42:22 that we read earlier; it says "No one says Restore!" It means there is a need for at least one person, to provoke change and advancement or development in any situation or in any society or in any group.


Are you going to be that man who would provoke the change that is much yearned for, or are you going to be that woman? If you are going to be, then please, do not respond with the crowd, but rather, respond to your own ability; remembering that the Law of Responsibility is hanging on your shoulder as a leader. You have the responsibility to keep your kindred, your organization surviving. Don't wait for people to move things, move things as the one who is called to lead. Those who are actually responsible are those who are actually leading.


I hope to connect with you again next week. if you have not subscribe to our YouTube channel: Centre for New Dimension Leadership, please go ahead and subscribe and click on the notification bell so that every time we release new videos, you will be the first to get the notification. Thank you for the gift of your time, be effective be responsible. Don't go with the crowd, go with your own ability.

God Bless You!


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