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The Law of Provision: How God Guarantees Our Monthly Bills

Monthly bills are the daily accumulated expenses of a person or people over a period of 30 or 31 days. One thing is clear, inside a Month are days; therefore, a person's experience over a period of 30 days sums his or her Monthly experience.


In the book of Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus taught His disciples on how to pray. He began the process by praising and honoring God as the Father who worthy of thanksgiving. He then emphasized the need of God, which every human is expected to meet. And then declared our Monthly provisions or allowances in the phrase, "Give us this DAY our DAILY bread".

For many of us who are fixed on meeting our monthly obligations alone, we would be fixated on that phrase alone, without considering the statement before it, which say, "Your KINGDOM come, Your WILL be done on earth as it is in heaven". Therefore, the premise (basis) for God to give us our daily allowance is our own personal devotion to ensuring that His Kingdom come and His will be done in our own community.


Anyone who acknowledges that God is not a mystical figure somewhere looking for someone to punish, but a caring Father, who has a Kingdom and a will that must be established on earth (in every continent, country, city or county). Such person is not only GUARANTEED of his or her DAILY supplies, but his or her MONTHLY and even YEARLY bills met.

God is not unjust, is too faithful to disappoint and too able and resourceful to fail you. However, you must see Him as your own Father in heaven; and you must seek first His Kingdom and ensure that what He wills is your own command. If you do, there is no bill or expense that will ever worry you again. From the Month you begin this kind of life, you will begin to experience a change in your capacity to pay your own bills and you would begin to help others with their bills as well. God is that able!


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