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The Law of Faith: How to Experience Personal And Organizational Growth in Competition

Competiton is a reality, even as growth is a possibility – competition is no respecter of persons, organizations, nations and generations; while growth is without any discrimination o aptitude, talent, education, financial status and social connection. The general norm is that the easiest and surest way to experience growth is by acquiring or accumulating more intelligence, education, connection, money, education and skills. While that is true, we have also be cheated by our "best practices".

Competition is ALMOST everywhere – since we are not competing for air (oxygen); hence, it not everywhere. However, from the family to the community and to the nation; there are competitions. To the extent that we have the notion that says, "the Survival of the fittest". While that may hold ground in many quarters; it does not hold an inch around me – inspite of oppositions, threats, demands, fierce expectations; almost everyone can achieve success.

The ultimate goal of everyone in every competition is not to participate, but to be successful – that success is represented by growth here. Growth is good and desirable; however, it is relative: For everyone measures growth differently and interprets growth or progress differently. That is, two people can experience the same amount of growth (progress), while one may see it as a FEAT, the other may see it as a DEFEAT. Indeed, everyone has the responsibility of defining his or her own experience.

Some days ago, while driving along the highways of Abuja in the morning; I observed something – there were many cars far ahead of me; so many that I was beginning to doubt my chance for progress and reaching my destination. However, the MORE I MOVE CLOSE to th heavy traffic, the MORE I REALIZE that I had my own space to move – although slowly! When I as farther away, I thought there was no way through; but the more I move on (maintaining my lane and reducing my speed); the more I get access further to my destination. There and then, I learnt the LAW OF FAITH – there may be many people ahead of a man in life, business, marriage, career, ministry, politics; if only he or she could keep his or her lane (focus) and reduce his or her speed (through patience in hope), the man will surely reach his or her target (goal or purpose) destination.

Competitions are not to be feared, they are to be responded to. Do not give up because many are called; remember, only few are chosen. Many people could be ahead of you; but if you keep your purpose (vision) in front of you and remain patient in your expectations, you will soon reach your goals.

Therefore, set your personal and organizational goals; articulate them in clear words and keep them in front of you. Be AWARE of those who are ahead of you and around or behind you; but do not be AFRAID of them. Every man or woman has his or her proper placement; you should keep at your own placement. Every purpose as its own time; therefore, move towards fulfilling yours in patience, trusting the LORD God to keep you safe in His purpose for your life. There will be threats, horns and some occasional assults; but remain firm in your convictions and focus on your goals – you will surely arrive at your personal and corporate targets safely.

Therefore, the MORE YOU BELIEVE IN GOD'S PLACEMENT FOR YOUR LIFE, THE MORE YOU MOVE AHEAD IN YOUR PURSUITS OF HIS PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIVING – in the spirit of hope (expectation) and patience. Enjoy your growth experience in faith!


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