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The Kingdom Experience: A Stone, Rejected Cornerstone and The Kingdom:

I will like to begin this article with a Scripture; Luke chapter 5 from verse 1. This will serve as a background to where many of us could be towards where God expects us to be. The expectation of God on each one of us is that we have true kingdom experience on the earth. That whether you are Igala, Gbagyi, Tiv or Benue; that you have a kingdom experience that is much more beyond your Igala experience. That it becomes to you more than it could be for a typical Igala man.  That your life moves away from an Ijebu man having an Ijebu experience to an Ijebu man having the kingdom experience.


So, it doesn’t matter whether you are from this country or another country, this state or another state, it doesn’t matter your local government. What matters is where God wants to take you to. It doesn’t matter when or where you were born. It doesn’t matter the circumstances that you have been through; what matters is where God wants you to be.


I am sure we still remember that place in Ephesians 4 that the Bible says the essence of the five-fold ministry is that we should all come to the unity of the faith. So, it doesn’t matter where we came from, where we are coming into is what matters. We could be coming from many backgrounds, you could have been a cherubim person, a celestial person, but we are all going to the unity of the faith. We are all expected to have kingdom experience while on this earth.


So, lets look at a familiar experience in the book of Luke 5 and I will read from verse 1. It says; So it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, 2 and saw two boats standing by the lake; but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets.The fishermen, the engineers, the barbers, the tailors, the teachers, the civil servants, the public servants; different professions. The lecturers.


So, the Bible says “The fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets.” They were not celebrating; they were just washing their nets. Let’s continue, verse 3. It says; Then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And He [talking about Jesus] sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat. When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”


If I want to do a little bit of joke here, many people are like Jesus, you come into somebody, you think the boat is empty, you say excuse me please; I want to use your boat and then when we are done, we just say thank you for the boat and then we will be going right? That is typical of us. We don’t like to go the extra mile; this is a little bit of digression. We will say I begged you for the boat, I have used your boat brother I am so grateful thank you and then we go.


But Jesus knew. Its just like when the Bible says when your brother is hungry, don’t just say be filled. If you have food, give to the person. So, Jesus was showing us He knew the state this people were before He came. Ordinarily they look fine, they were just washing their net, Jesus knew that they were not happy people.


So, when He was done using what they had, He knew He needed to change their story. And so, the Bible says in verse 4, “When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. But Simon answered [to show us where he was] He said to Jesus; “Master, we have toiled all night” somebody could say we have toiled all these years, since January to this time I have been toiling.


In fact, I have been toiling for the last 6,7,8 to 10 years. Since this government came in to be I have been toiling. He said we have toiled all night and caught nothing. Will you call him a successful fisherman? Would you say that he was having the true kingdom experience? Would anybody look at the life of Simon and Peter at that time and say I just want my life and destiny to be just like this.


So, his reply was that we have toiled all night and we have caught nothing. Even though we have toiled all night and caught nothing, by tomorrow we are still toiling perhaps in hope we will catch something. How many of us here can witness to the fact that sometimes we look like a people that toiled for all night, all day, all weekend, and then we still start a Monday morning still not having enough.


If you are like that, you are not alone. Peter was just in your shoes before he met Jesus. Peter before he met Jesus was already a Jew; i.e., he was a man who was given to Judaism. Judaism was the religion of His fathers. So, from Abraham to Moses whatever he learnt from his fathers, he was doing. And he was devoted to it. Yet His circumstance did not change. He went to the temple and synagogue every week, he went every sabbath, his change didn’t come until he met Jesus.


So, where we are going ultimately in this series is to let us know that religion does not have solution for what and where God wants to take us to. It is not in religion to get us there. The present circumstances of our lives cannot be provided by any religion. Let me remind us again, that Peter was a Jew; he was into Judaism and he had been going to the synagogue, and when he gets to the synagogue, this is how the Jews pray. He will be praying that his circumstance should change.


But the prayers still didn’t stop him from toiling all night. So, it is possible for us to be a religious people, yet we struggle. He was not in ministry, he was in business, yet he was not successful. Because sometimes we quickly connect success to ministry success failure to ministry failure. Even in other aspects of life, the solution is not in religion. Even though people go to religion for solution.


Let’s continue; the Bible says; “We have caught nothing; nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net.” 6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. 7 So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”


First, he started by calling him master, later he said O Lord, depart from me I am a sinful man.  Yet before Jesus came, he was in that state where he was toiling, he was working hard. To stay awake all night is the worst hard work? It is not a big deal to work hard in the day, every body does it. To work hard in the night, that is the big deal. By next morning your eyes will be somehow. But you can work hard all day and your eyes will still be fine.


How many foods can you eat overnight inside the lake or on the ocean? But in the afternoon, you are working hard, you can tell somebody go and help me buy food there. You can’t send anybody to buy you something in the night. So, it is a different environment. So, his circumstance was in a way unpalatable, undelightable before Jesus came. So, Jesus did not take his permission before coming into his life. Jesus stepped in. Now, Jesus in His mercy decided to show him what happens to people that stay with Him.


But he said this little difference that has happened in my life, in this short time that you came into my life, I can’t even bear it again, it is beyond the state of my righteousness. I don’t think I have the mental frame, the spiritual capacity to handle this. These blessings that have started coming lately; Lord Jesus could you stay a little bit from me? It looks irrational and unreasonable. But many people do it. God comes to you, God comes to visit you; the angels were wondering, what is man that God is mindful of him? You visit Him on a daily basis.


So, God decided to visit you and the visitation of God does not leave you the way you were before God came. He leaves you better but suddenly because of that little change, you are like God, can you stay away from me? Imagine God coming into your life and the presence of God just gets you a United Nations job. Then God wants to come again then you say God can you please stay away from me? Because I am a sinful man, I am a very busy career man. I travel a lot, its not my fault it’s the job. And we begin to give God the reasons why God cannot come back again. Not knowing that it was because God came before that our story has changed.


We are looking at the kingdom experience. Experience is not fake; it is not visible but you can feel it. If you experience something you will know that you have experienced it or you are experiencing it. If this presence of God that came shortly in your life changed your life suddenly, are you going to actually allow God to be with you forever or you will say Lord please stay away from me I am a sinful man. I am sure we still remember that even though we are looking at the kingdom experience, our goal is to look at the stone, the rejected corner stone and the building.


So, let us continue from that experience that we have seen to the book of Acts 4 and we will read from verse 8 to verse 13.  At this point Jesus had met with Jesus. The Bible says; Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: 9 If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man, by what means he has been made well.”


Before we continue; this is Peter, he was the man that Jesus met that said stay away from me, I am a sinful man, my life is not perfect sometimes I commit sin, I don’t look like the pastors, the general overseers, my life is not that straight. This was the same man that was telling Jesus my life is not straight. But at this point having being with Jesus, look at what was happening.  It says; Peter filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders of Israel: 9 If we this day are judged for a good deed done to a helpless man.


That man that was helpless didn’t his helplessness continue until he met Peter and the other brothers? So, people who had been with Jesus, they met with Him, and because they met with Him their story changed.  So, whether you meet God directly or you meet men that have met God, something is supposed to happen to your life. But do you make it a once in a while experience, something that only happens while you are helpless or do you make it a daily experience?


Let’s go to verse 10. It says; “Let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. 11 This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders; do we remember who Peter was speaking to?  If we go to verse 5, it started with something; It says; “And it came to pass, on the next day, that their rulers, elders, and scribes, 6 as well as Annas the high priest, Caiaphas; and it continues like that. So, in the gathering, the rulers, the elders, the scribes and the high priests where there. So, when he says you builders, he was talking about you rulers, you elders, you scribes, you the high priests, you rejected the stone.


It says; this is the stone that was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ 12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” What we go through, the solution is not in religion. The Bible says; ”Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Verse 13; “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marvelled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.Jesus is their difference. Ordinarily they would have been helpless just like the people. Ordinarily they would have been toiling all day, all night; they wouldn’t have anything to show for it just like every other person.


But what has made the difference in their lives is because they have been with Jesus. When Jesus came to Peter in Luke 5 that we read and Jesus ministered the word of God to the multitude, and He used the boat of Peter, even though Jesus did not come to meet Peter in His house, as long as Jesus came to His boat, Jesus was with Him. And Jesus said I cannot be with you and leave you in this helpless state. And I want us to note the word ‘I cannot be with you and leave you in this state’. You cannot encounter me and your life will remain the same. You may encounter certain people and your life gets demoralized.


Let me digress a little bit, how many of us men with our spirituality will encounter a beautiful naked woman alone in an isolated place. You are just going and the woman is coming to you, beautiful and naked and your life will remain the same? Something will happen. I am not saying you will touch her; something will happen with your own life. You won’t remain the same. Can a man meet a demon possessed man, you have just been on your own and suddenly you meet a demon possessed man, not like the man has small demon, he is highly possessed by demons.


If you stay around people that are possessed by demons you will feel it. So, somebody that is highly possessed by demons, you meet the person and later you spend time with the person, your life is the same just as if you never met anybody. Is it like that? Could you meet a man that s drunk, highly drunk and after spending time with the person alone your life is the same? So, where I am going in a nut shell is this; actually, when we meet people, our lives don’t remain the same. There are some people you will spend 30mins with them and then you feel spiritually drained.


You will spend the same time with others and you will feel energized. Encounters with people ultimately change us. We don’t remain the same when we meet people. But in this state, we not even talking about people, we are talking about God. You can’t encounter God and your life will be the same. You may have encountered men and some things have changed around your life, what do you think will happen when you encounter the true God? We are not talking about God pass, you also pass God. No! we are talking about you are with God.


Look at how long Jesus spoke to the people using the boat of Peter, do you think Peter will walk away far? No! He has to stay close to his investment before Jesus carries His boat away. He has to stay around. So, as Jesus was talking, he must have also stayed around looking at Jesus maybe resting on his boat, helping Jesus to hold it very well. So, he heard Jesus for a while, he spent time with Jesus. So, staying with Jesus for a while can change you how much more staying with Jesus for a very long time.


Kingdom experience doesn’t fall down like ripe pawpaw, there are things that leads to it. When they saw the boldness, like something that is very strange, it is like they have seen a gold; they were like wow how did this thing get there? They marveled; Bibe says they were surprised and they realized that this gold has been put here by Jesus.


So, let us look at Isaiah 28, we are still looking at a stone, rejected corner stone and the building. Isaiah 28 verses 16. “Therefore, thus says the Lord God, [so there is no need for doubting who is speaking] Behold; [another word for behold is see! Lok very well and see] I the Lord lay in Zion a stone for a foundation; incase you are confused about the stone, let us talk more about the stone. This stone is a tried stone. It has been tried. To try something means to test something. To let it go through a difficult process. It is like I give you a particular device, and I say this device will do this work, then you take it and you go to test it whether it is actually working. When you buy things especially electronics; they say tested and okay.


It is a tried stone, a tested stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation whoever believes will not act hastily. But the Bible says God Himself has laid in Zion a stone. That’s why we are looking at a stone; rejected corner stone. Apostle Peter said this is the stone that you builders have rejected. And that stone that you rejected; God has made it the corner stone. There was a place in exodus, Moses was walking around at a point and he saw two people fighting, a Jew and an Egyptian, and he killed the Egyptian.


The second time he saw two jews fighting and he said why are you fighting with your brother and they said who has made you a judge over us. But eventually we are all aware now that indeed God made Moses a judge over them. But at that time, they rejected him as a judge. They said who has made you? Sometimes certain things that people reject us for, it could be pointers for what God has made us. You could be talked down because you are the last born, they could call you a fool but you could end up being the wise in your generation.


Sometimes they could say to you shut up there, the rich people are talking and you are talking; you are poor. Maybe you have just been destined to be rich. They could say you shut up there, people that have two eyes are talking, you that have one eye is talking; maybe God has destined you to be a seer. Have you not read about men and women that wrote books and publishing houses will reject them and they will end up becoming great as authors with many great books. So, sometimes, areas where we are rejected could be areas where God has ordained us to excel.


Don’t look at rejection and accept it hook line and sinker. It could be where they have rejected you that God has commanded your commissioned you. It says the stone that you builders have rejected, has now become the chief corner stone. In another place it says this is the Lords doing, it is marvelous in our sight.


Let us look at Daniel 2, there is an experience I want us to read from there. Daniel 2 verse 31. You, O king, were watching; and behold, a great image! This great image, whose splendor was excellent, stood before you; and its form was awesome. 32 This image’s head was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and [k]thighs of bronze, 33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of [l]clay. 34 You watched while a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces. 35 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.


Let us jump to verse 44. Not to long after were we stopped; Daniel was interpreting the dream that he just saw to the king. I have skipped other verses we can read them later on but I will continue with verse 44. It says; And in the days of these kings; this is Daniel interpreting the meaning of ‘partly of clay, partly of iron’. It says; ‘And in the days of these kings, the God of heaven’; The Bible says in Isaiah 28, Thus said the Lord God, i.e. God Himself said, I the Lord, I have laid in Zion a stone. Now the Bible says in verse 44 here; And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall [n]break in pieces and [o]consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.


We can continue later on but the issue is about a kingdom. The Bible says and you saw a stone that was cut without human hands; and that stone became a device that was used to crush them. It was able to crush the entire image and the image is about kingdoms, successive kingdoms. The kingdom of Greece, the kingdom of Persia, the Roman kingdom, to a particular point in time. The Bible says; in the days of these Kings, don’t forget every king has a kingdom, once you have a land, you have a king over that kingdom.


The Bible says in the days of these kings. In the days of these kingdoms, which many of us could be citizens of, in the days of the kingdom of Egba land, in the days of the kingdom of Bwari, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom. God is not planning to set up kingdoms. That is why the moment anybody who has started a church seems to be building anything that looks like a kingdom, an empire; the person is creating a challenge. It is not about your own kingdom as a man or maybe because you think you are a man of God, you think you can start a kingdom, another person will start a kingdom. God is not planning to set up kingdoms.


Already in the days of these kings, God will set up a kingdom. And when you hear a kingdom, then you must understand that there is a need for a king. You can’t have kings in a kingdom, this same way you can’t have two heads on a body. Except you want to have a Siamese twins experience. So, when you see two heads, you are expected to see two bodies. One head, one body. And in the days of these kings, God of heaven will set up a kingdom. This is why I said the goal and the plan of God is not to set up religions.


That is why the solutions to our heart yearnings is not in the religions. Don’t forget before the God of heaven will set up a kingdom, there will be kingdoms, and these kingdoms must have already promised the citizens of their kingdoms that their lives will be better. The king will say I will provide what you need, I make sure you are safe and secured. Every king must be able to promise. So, in the days of the promises of these kings, in the days when the expectations of men are focused on men and kings to help them, in the days when people think for their changes to come, they need help from the kingdom, or from kingdoms, from kings. They need people to help them with their marriage and other things, in the days of these kingdoms, God will set up a kingdom. And I think we should understand that what God expects henceforth is that your expectations that has been on kingdoms should now be on the kingdom.


Before you have been thinking your life will be better if this kingdom can just make life better for you. And the Bible says in the days of those kingdoms God will set up a kingdom. So, you shouldn’t set your expectation on that kingdom again, set it on the new kingdom. In the days of the kings and the kingdoms, God will set up a kingdom. Your expectations must therefore no more be on men, on those rulers, on those builders, your expectation must be on the chief corner stone, your expectation must be on the kingdom.


Don’t forget the Bible says the stone becomes a great mountain and fills the whole earth. It is the same stone that God has laid in Zion that has become a kingdom. It was initially a stone that was rejected, and the stone has become the chief corner stone. So, your expectations must not be on the builders, your expectations must be on the chief corner stone, your expectation must be on the kingdom. When I was meditating, I realized that when you have the builders, and you have the stone, ultimately you must have the building.


I came to a conclusion that the builders are rulers, they are leaders. We can note that. I also came to realize that the stones are governing principles, the principles that govern the people. Even though they could be seen as governing principles, they could also be governors. Things that govern the people. Don’t forget the stones which the builders rejected, has become the chief corner stone. But it started as the stone, they rejected it as the stone. It became the chief corner stone. The Bible says the stone that was cut without human hands has become a great mountain. A mountain is a stone. But a very, very large stone. And the Bible says this mountain has filled the whole earth.


So, the stones are the governing principles or governors and the builders are rulers; the building can be a kingdom or the people of the kingdom. Then I also noted the chief corner stone. Don’t forget I said the stones are the governing principles or governors, so I called the chief corner stone the truth. It is not just a governor, but the governor. And another word again is the Lord. There was a time Peter was talking to Jesus, he said master, later on he said Lord. Depart from me for I am a sinner. So, the chief corner stone is the Lord. He is the master. The stone which you builders have rejected has now become the governor, has now become the truth, has become the Lord.


So, as we see the chief corner stone as the truth, the governor and the Lord, I also came to realize that the chief corner stone since it is about the kingdom is the king of the kingdom. When you look at a building, every building is supposed to have corner stones. The Bible did not say chief corner stones, it says it has become the chief corner stone. And this stone has become so critical that when you remove it, the whole building will collapse. Once it is there, the building will stand. So, what happens to a kingdom that you just remove the king? People can’t find the king again; will the kingdom remain? So, the chief corner stone is also the king of his kingdom.


The building is the kingdom, the king is the corner stone of that kingdom. You builders rejected, you rulers rejected, you elders rejected the stone. Dr Myles Munroe wrote a book ‘the most important person on the earth’ and eventually he concluded that the Holy Spirit is the most important person on the earth. He is the governor. So, when God sent Jesus, God also sent Him as the governor. When Jesus was going, He said I will not leave you as orphans, when I get to the Father, I will send the Holy Spirit. He will continue from where I stopped. What I have been to you He will be, but He will dwell inside of you. So, Jesus was sent from heaven as the governor. They rejected Him as the governor, they rejected him as an apostle. The one that God has sent to deliver the message to the people. And because they have rejected Him, He has become the king of the kingdom.


 There was a time they asked Jesus that are you a king? Jesus replied are you saying it because you know it or somebody told you? He said actually that is who I am. What you say is who I am. But my kingdom is not of this world. If we now look at that point that Jesus made that He said He is a king and we look at the plan of God to set up a kingdom and we understand what God had sent Jesus to do, then we must understand that everything that concerns us as a people is about the kingdom.


Is there anything we are going through today that humanly speaking we think if we can have a good government that those things will not be sorted out. How many of us have been able to track it that assuming the economy of Nigeria was better I would have married early? Its s just that the only thing is that if the economy is better, you would have given birth to your child early. Many of us always attribute certain things that are happening wrongly in us to be failure of government. And government is supposed to be the kingdom. So, inside of us we yearn for the kingdom experience here on earth. And we think what is missing in our lives can be traceable to what is missing in the kingdom that we are in.


If the kingdom that you are in does not have the capacity to meet you at the points of your need, then you have the right to change kingdom. So, here I am standing before you today inviting you into a kingdom experience where Jesus is not your godfather but the king of your kingdom. You must see Him as the king of your life.


Just like you expect the government to provide you electricity, you expect them to provide for you water, currency. Kingdom provides for their people currency. The means through which their people can exchange. They can also withdraw it back. Kingdom or governments have so much to do with the basic lives of the people. The same way you have expectation with the government of this world, perhaps much more, you must have expectation on Christ.


If you don’t have water, electricity etc. You must be able to call on Christ. I try to stay away from government supply of things as much as possible. That I know that I have to depend on the government to get something, it really worries me, it gives me a sense of insecurity. You want to look for another means. So, where do you get the other means. You can struggle on your own or you can look to Christ. That’s the point. You want to send your child to school, look to Christ. You want to pay school fees, look to Christ. Don’t look at men or the government.


Don’t expect palliative, during the covid imagine those of us that depended on the federal government for vaccine, food or anything. Did they do anything? But if your expectation is on Christ, then Christ won’t disappoint you. Let’s look at it, our children look towards us for everything. For the smaller ones, if they need to change their diapers, they won’t change it until you come. So, in order not to smell they depend on us, to look good they depend on us, to take their bath they depend on us, to go to school, they depend on us, to eat they depend on us. How comes you think you are grown up; you don’t need God. That’s the way God wants you to depend on Him. Nothing moving, nothing happening in your life until God shows up.  Even though you are the one wearing cloth for your son or daughter, don’t you think sometimes you tell your daughter to raise up his or her hand. You tell him her to raise his or her hand and it is raised and you change the cloth. Even though you are doing something, the daughter, the son is also participating.


That God will do a great work in your life, that God will be making things happen in your life does not mean you will be sleeping and snoring, you will be participating. But it is going to be by instruction. The Bible says it is God that works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. We must get to a point where we shift our focus from the government of this world and put it on Christ. The Bible calls Him the multi breasted one. He is able to satisfy all of us at the same time. But are we all asking Him for help. We go to people who are not our fathers, asking them for help. You go to one who is not your God to come and provide for you. You go to one who is not your master and your Lord to come and make you happy. It can’t happen.


When you go to people who don’t have your best interest at heart for help, they will end up hurting you. Many of us have been hurt, disappointed because we have abandoned the fountain of living waters and we gone for broken cisterns that can hold no water. If God your father cannot help you, help cannot come from anywhere else. Don’t abandon God and think a man loves you. No! no man loves you more than God. There is a story I wanted us to read earlier, remembering that Acts 4, the Bibe says when they looked at them, they were untrained, but yet they were demonstrating authority. They said they must have been with Jesus. The conclusion is that being with Jesus changes anyone of us. An encounter with the king changes anyone who does it. And the story is from 1 Kings 10 from verse 1 to 13.


This Scripture is about the queen who came, she heard about the glory, about everything about Solomon, and she came to find out and the Bibe says when she saw, when she spent time with king Solomon, he took her to places, king Solomon answered all her questions. The Bible says there was no more spirit left in her. In fact, she said what I heard about you is like half of the report. What I have seen is the full gist. And Bible says she gave Solomon so much. But guess what? Solomon also gave her so much more. The Bible says everything she desired; Solomon gave to her. When you spend time with the king, there will be exchange of valuables. You come to the king, you give him your worship, your time, your focus, your heart; he gives you everything you desire.


That is why the Bible says anyone who desires the office of a Bishop desires a good thing. You can still desire the office of a bishop. Some people think God will come out of the blues and say I call a Bishop; you can desire it also. God can give you anything you desire including being a bishop. The question is do you give Him anything that He desires? How much time do you spend with Him?  


Can a great king come to your compound and spend 30mins in your room and when he is going, he shakes your hand and goes. You think it can be like that? He will not come empty handed. If you have watched coming to America you will understand what I am saying. The entourage will be massive.


You cannot be visited by the king of your kingdom and you will be poor, miserable and sad after he left. Except you have seen or encountered a fake king or an imposter. But a real king will give you a lot of things that you will not be able to finish in a whole year. How will our lives be when we are visited daily by the king.


Mark 3 verse 13-14. The Bible says when Jesus got to a place, He called to Himself the twelve disciples, that they might be with Him. They were coming to the king. Jesus said He is the King. That they might be with the King and that the King might send them out. Our joy shouldn’t be that we are sent out by the King, our joy should be that we have been with the King. But the truth is; how many of us will be content to be with the King forever.


Some people have spent 3 years with the king, others have spend 3 days with the king when the are coming back they were riding horses inside the palace. But you stay with the king; would your joy remain or will you say to the king I can no more stay with you. Since I have been staying with you, you have never sent me out. How many of us can be like that? When the prodigal son went out and came back, the elder brother only goes to the field and he said to the father, I have been with you, you did not do anything fantastic for me.  And the father said all that I have is your yours. To those who are sent out, who look like they are going with honorarium and coming with honorarium, and the ones that stay with the father, the king. There is no one that can claim especially the one that is sent out that he is better than the one that stays.


Even though you may not have the honorarium, all that the king has is yours. When are we going to be contented and we come to a place that we realize just as the men realized that the men had been with Jesus, and we think our life is not as beautiful as somebody’s life that is going out. But you must understand that even though your life is not beautiful, everything the king has is yours. If you desire anything, what should you do? Has the elder brother asked the man for anything before and he didn’t get it? So, let us not be morning, sorrowful or complaining with Jesus because you have been with Him, ask him anything.


The Bible says up until now you have asked for nothing. Ask until your joy is full. The kingdom experience is not a religious experience that will subject you to a rigorous process repeatedly every day without leaving your life with much. The kingdom experience is for you. Jesus said the kingdom of God is inside of you. Now that the kingdom is in you, ask the king anything you want and He will give to you. But the secret is that you stay don’t go out looking for greener pasture. Stay with Him, if he doesn’t send you out stay with Him.


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