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The Guardian of Purpose: Find Him To Find Your Life Target

Purpose is an essential ingredient in the soup of life. You miss out on purpose, you miss out on the right taste for your existence or living. Many people, organization and nations have come and gone by this same purpose. While everyone and everything living has a purpose, only a fraction knows the purpose of their existence. Yet, when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.

While there are loads of people from across the world who are completely ignorant of the reason why they really live, some people do know their purpose. However, many of those people hardly know the Guardian of purpose – the one Who sustains or keeps or protects the purpose of every nation, organization and person.

You see, true purpose is like a missile, its reliability is to the degree of its guidance. Whether a missile will hit its target is not a matter of how big or small the missile is, but how effectively guided it is. Your purpose is also like a missile, it was pre-programmed to hit a specific target on the earth; and until your own missile (purpose) is well guided, we cannot be sure of your fulfillment in life or marriage or ministry or business.


When Jesus was in Israel some 2, 017 years ago, He provided strong and effective leadership for His followers; however, He told them when He was leaving them physically to be strong that they were not going to be alone, that He was sending the promise of God to them.

"Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endured with power from on high."
Luke 24:49

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
Acts 1:8

If you follow that Scripture carefully, you will realize that while Jesus gave His disciples assignment to fulfill in Israel, He told them to wait for the Promise of the Father – He told them to wait for power from on high. Them in Acts 1:8, He told them that the power they are to wait for is from the Holy Spirit. He is the One who will empower them for the work they have been so-assigned by Christ. 

Please note something there! Jesus gave them a work to do (let us call that work their life assignment or purpose); then, He told them that knowing one's assignment is not enough; one must be prepared, guided or empowered to do it effectively. He told them that they do not need to enroll in Philosophy classes or take the courses from the Pharisees, Scribes and the Sadducees; rather, they should wait till the Holy Spirit empowers, prepares and guides them! That is the truth!

You and I require the Holy Spirit to fulfill our life assignment today. We may try or attempt God's purpose for our lives without Him; however, we require Him to succeed doing them. Until the Holy Spirit teaches us on how to go about the work, all we do will only be trials and errors. We may succeed trying things out and committing many irreparable mistakes; however, we will succeed if we wait to be guided by the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit isn't some mystical beings, He is God! He is God's Spirit. Just as you and your own spirit cannot be separated, God cannot be separated from His Spirit. You need to allow God's Spirit to overwhelm your physical frame; let Him envelope you to a point that your life becomes a show of His works and power on the earth. 

He created you by the way, allow Him to coordinate the course of your life! Allow Him to take you to your wealthy, peaceful and fruitful place on this earth in His eternal purpose for mankind.

Do have a fulfilling day as you invite the Holy Spirit (afresh or again) into your life – just where you are right now! God bless you richly. I am your friend and brother – Gboyega ADEDEJI!


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