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The God Factor: How To Make Maximum Impart in Life

The secret yearning of the heart of many people across the world is to make maximum impart on earth while life remains; yet, the most difficult thing for anyone on earth is making the best use of time, money, talent, intellect, relationships and opportunities. This paradox of life indeed calls for an examination and a cross-examination of our plans, purpose and pursuits as we deploy ourselves and our resources in the pursuits of our goals and objectives in life.

The population of the world is over 7 billion; meaning that there is a very stife competition for space, talent, opportunities and resources across the nations of the earth. You could just imagine a TV show that seeks to identify and celebrate talent in any country – whether US, UK, Nigeria or South Africa. Could you imagine the number of people that will apply to feature is such TV show? Examples of such TV shows are America Idols or Nigeria’s Got Talent or South Africa’s Got Talent among host of others. The reality of such reality TV shows is that, everyone seeks to come out of obscurity into limelight. There is an inner crave in everyone to become a celebrity. Everyone desires to become maximally explored on earth

The danger is not the prevalent urge; but the approach or methodology of most people. We have been overwhlemed with pictures of one-man shows; images of individuals that became great on their own. We have been taught that the quickest path to greatness is to be self-made. We have been confronted daily with the stories of men and women that came from nowhere to become superstars in a short while; hence, the crave in many people is to become just like this or that man or woman.

Yet, there is nothing as sure and as peaceful as being aided into stardom by God. I have realized that the arm (strength) of the flesh (man) will fail; and there is very little or nothing I can achieve without God. Could you imagine a creation that can exist and even flourish without the creator? Very difficult to imagine!

It has been said that there a gap inside each one of us that only God can fill; and until such gaps are filled, we are not complete men and women. Have you seen new mobile phones before? I suppose yes! No matter how sleeky or smooth such phones are; and their market prices notwithstanding; there is usually a slot in each of them that only sim cards can fill. Please, can a mobile phone of $500 or $300 be useful to anyone without its sim slot filled? That is an instance close, but not the same with everyone of us. There is a “slot” in each of us that only God’s Spirit can fill; and until such slots are filled, we are never meaningfully useful to God or to our selves.

Granted, you are wired with capacity to connect with people; or you are very skilful and passionate with musical instruments; or you are just good at leading people. Whatever you love to do or you do better than most people can only be maximally explored when God is involved in deployment. In short, you are weak in our so called area of strength without the touch of God on your life. Many people will out-perform you if you solely rely on your strenghts. You must allow God to brood over your capacities to turn them to abilities as you seek to show His strength (and not your own strenght) on the earth.

From Noah to Moses to Joshua and from Joshua to Jesus, we can see how God turns ordinary men into extraordinary phenomenon in generations. Jesus said very empatically that He could on His own do nothing; and He went one to say in another instance that without Him, we can do nothing. The question is, “Does it mean that we do not have our own hands without God?” No! We do have our hand, which He built in us; however, without Him, our hands are useless, weak and unguided. Until He inspires and empowers us, we will be just like anyone else – too weak to compete favourably in a very competitive age. Hence, God is our best factor for competitive advantage in a clumsy world as we live in. I trust that God will help you to make a sense of all that you have read in this short article. God bless you richly!


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