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The Formidable Value Chain: How To Achieve Peak Personal Performance & Excellence In Life

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Himof whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a Preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?….

Romans 10:14-15

  •  they are sent;
  •  they preach;
  •  they hear;
  •  they believe in Him;
  •  they call on Him.

The purpose of God is that the people can on Him. That is the target or objective – the reason for everything else. And for that goal to be achieved, certain steps must be taken; certain ways must be followed. God is never haphazard in His ways; instead, He plans and executes His plans in accordance to His will. In order to achieve His objective, God passes through a chain of value delivery, which involves:

– Sending somebody or some people to the people;

– The persons that are sent, carry out great works in His name;

– The target (people) sees it and feels the impact of the works;

– The target (people) becomes persuaded in their conviction about the works and the Sender;

– The target turns to the Sender for their own personal experiences of His glory, honour, power, riches, strength, blessing and wisdom.

It is therefore clear that the heartbeat of God is not to have few men and women making impact and reflecting His glory, power, riches, strength, blessing, honour, and wisdom; He desires that all will be partakers of His glorious inheritance – life! The objective of God is therefore to have some people in various works of life; whose main objective is to showcase everything that the LORD has given to them and done for them – bringing glory, honour and praise to His name. Like God's servant, Brother Gbile Akanni once said, " God is not looking for men and women that shouts; but the ones that shines." Shining is not that easy, but it is always attractive, refreshing and enviable – people are drawn to any shining light; and that is the sole responsibility (and privilege) of everyone that is sent by God. Shinning is demanding and it is a sacrificing way of living, which gives up of itself on a continual basis for the purpose of relevance. All the LORD expects of His servants – whether in the priestly responsibilities or royal responsibilities; is to be relevant on a continual basis and effective.

Peak Personal Performance is not impossible; not an exclusive right of some few individual; instead, it is available for every man or woman that is sacrificial and selfless enough to shine (become relevant).

He (John) was the burning and shining lamp, and you (the people) were willing for a time to rejoice in his light.

John 5:35

Your peak performance as a person in excellence will bring men and women to you; but that is not a joke – it entails being a burning and shining lamp. You must be willing to sacrifice your ambition for God's purpose and will; you must be able to deny yourself, in order to accept God's calling on your life as a person.The foundation of every relevance is the discovery of yourself  – your purpose, identity and potential.

Today, we talk about TEAMWORK – but we must realize that the team is formed by individuals – and if the constituting individuals lack solid understanding of themselves; becoming good teamplayers will be difficult for them. The point is, your journey towards excellence and or success in your business, company, education, relationship, and ministry among others; must begin with your discovery of your uniqueness and the acceptance of your personal difference.John found strength in his understanding; he did not bother to glorify or magnify himself – he knew who he was (and who he was not).

Those who desire peak performance, must also know their purpose for living, which only God knows; and must give up everything else for the sake of God's glory on the earth.Your own real relevance is in your purpose, when you pursue your purpose with your all; then, excellence and peak performance will follow easily.

Birds do not struggle or try to fly; fishes do not go to any swimming school and wild animals do not learn how to be wild – they are naturally wild. If you discover your own purpose in God's purpose; He will take up the responsibility of your enablement – in power, wisdom, strength, riches, glory, honour and blessing; for your peak performance  and excellence in life, business, ministry, and career.

You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden……. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 6:14-16

I (Jesus) have glorified You (Father) on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.

John 17:4


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