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The Ecosystem of Grace: How to Maximize Dominion and Authority on the Earth

This is the year of God’s will and the Lord will be making us understand the ecosystem of grace, what He has created for our effectiveness on the earth. This teaching is so vital and important to the heart of the Holy Spirit, because until the body of Christ come into the full realization of what this ecosystem is about and how God has structured it for the benefit and the growth of the church, we won’t be able to maximize our dominion and authority on the earth.


So, the Holy Spirit will be teaching us the ecosystem of grace. We will start by first defining what is ecosystem? Let’s start with our layman understanding of ecosystem. Many times when we hear if it’s not the first time you are hearing the word ecosystem, if you have heard it before, it is many at times in relation to biology; the biological environment. In the biological environment, ecosystem talks about a community of interacting organisms or animals and their physical environment. So, the ecosystem is something that biologically, helps organisms or animals to interact within a circle that makes them to continue to live and exist. 


I want us to bring that understanding into what we are talking about this morning because the word ecosystem will still be the same ecosystem but I am going to by the Holy Spirit define the ecosystem of grace which is our focus this morning, we are not looking at animals. The ecosystem of grace is a spiritual community of interacting creations. The words I am using are deliberate, it’s in the present continuous, it’s not ‘interacted or interaction’. The ecosystem of grace is a spiritual community of interacting creations of God and their spiritual environment. So, there are two things that stands out for us in that definition. There is a spiritual community and there is an interaction. And the third thing I am going to add to it is that there is an environment.


So, this morning we want to unbundle this definition by the help of the Holy Spirit. What is the importance of this spiritual community? Why should there be an interaction? And what is the kind of environment that God has instituted that this interaction should take place in. So, the questions that the Holy Spirit will be answering for us this morning in this teaching is that why should we be in the ecosystem of grace? Why do we need this community? Why is this community important for our living on the earth? Why is the interaction within this community vital and important for our growth and effectiveness? And why is there a spiritual environment for this to take place?


We are going to start our observation from Romans chapter 12, we will read verse 4 to 5 or let’s read verse 4 all the way to verse 8. “For as we have many members all in one body, all the members do not have the same function.” Please as we are reading this Scripture this morning, I would love us to pay attention to the words in this Romans 12. “For as we have many members all in one body, all the members do not have the same function, so we being many are one body in Christ. And individually members of one another, having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them. If prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith, or ministry, let us use it in our ministering. He who teaches; in teaching. He who exalts, in exaltation, he who gives with liberality, he who leads, with diligence, He who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.” Now, I want us to take note of this Romans 12 verse 4 to 8.


The first thing that was mentioned is that we are many. And what did he call us? He said we are members. We are not many bodies, but many members. So, I want us to take not of that word members. We are not many bodies; we are many members. The body is one, it is one system, but many members making it function. For a system to function, there must be an interconnectivity, there must be an interconnected framework that makes it work. For example, to have a network system, there is something in that system that must be joined together; your switches, your hubs etc. that must be interconnected, not independent of each other but dependent on each other for the system to function.


So, this morning the Holy Spirit wants us to understand and we are starting with the Spiritual community. Why is it called a spiritual community? Why is our ecosystem going to start from that place? Because the Bible says in Romans 12 verse 4, that we are many members but one body. He said but all the members do not have the same function. Meaning that each member has a different function. So, we have been looking at the year of God’s will, we have been looking at fulfilling destiny and what it takes towards fulfilling that destiny that God has called you. by now, many of us have come to realize that there is a unique purpose for each and every one of us. There is the will of God that you specifically must fulfil. Now this place is making us understand that as a member, you have a function.


As a member in the body, you are not created for fun but for function but it is not the same function. Mr. Francis has a different function. If something is not the same what does it mean? It is different. Mr. Francis has a different function from me but the same body. The function he has is not to function on his own as an independent member, that’s why the Bible says in verse 5, so we been many, are one body in Christ and individually members of one another. What does that mean? Meaning that the function of Mr. Francis, though different is important that this function be fused into the body. Now, let us use our physical body as an example. The physical body like we know, it has different members, we are still going to go to 1 Corinthians 12, that helps us to understand when Apostle Paul was actually breaking it down using the human body.


The physical human body has many parts, let us go to that 1 Corinthians 12 so that it won’t be as if I am repeating that same Scripture with my analogy. 1 Corinthians 12 verse 12 also.  “For as the body is one.” Remember that all the emphasis from Romans 12 to 1 Corinthians 12, the emphasis is on the unity of the body. So, “For as the body is one and has many members.” It is the members that are many the body is one. But all the members of that one body being many are one body, so also is Christ. Verse 13, “For by one’s spirit we were all baptized into one body. Whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free and have all been made to drink into one spirit.” We will still get to understand all these. For in fact the body is not one member but many. What does this mean? The body is not one member. So, the entire body is not full of Apostles, the entire body is not prophets, the entire body is not teachers, pastors. The whole body is not one member but many.


Verse 15, “if the foot should Say-He is now giving us an analogy, if the foot should say because I am not a hand, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body?” It is of the body. But the function of the foot is different from the function of the hand. The hand has a different function. What is the function of the hand? To hold, to touch; the placement of the hand is also different from the placement of the foot. Because we must understand function here, we are trying to understand function, how this community must work, and it is the place of understanding that makes us to work and cohabit without friction. The hand is placed differently from the foot. Because, the function of the hand is different from the function of the foot. One body, many members, different functions. Where you are placed in the body is as a result of your function. In the ecosystem that God has created, your placement is a product of function-your purpose in the body.


Another word for function is purpose, you have a different purpose from me, so you will have a different placement from me. The competition in the body of Christ is always about placement. If you know your function, you will not battle with your placement. If you understand your function, you will not battle with your placement. Because the placement that God has done and made available in the body is a product of function. Let’s go ahead. Verse 16, and if the head should say, because I am not an eye, I am not of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where will be the hearing? I want us to pause here. If everybody in the church becomes a prophet, who will teach? Who will increase the body of knowledge in the body? That is why we must not struggle with placement. Because we are going to delve into understanding grace. So, that we can understand the ecosystem and how it truly functions and interconnect. God’s purpose and grace is distributed according to need.


God is not frivolous, when God needed a prophet in Israel, He entered into a negotiation with a woman called Anna. And Anna brought forth a son called Samuel. And Samuel was placed as a prophet or as a judge. As we may call it at that time or a seer in Israel. God did not say because He wants to satisfy the curiosity of people He made all the children of Elkanah to become prophets. No! He particularly sealed the womb of Anna, because there was a dispensation that the prophet must come into. God is not frivolous; I love the word frivolous because it captures all the things in my heart. God is purposeful. If God is going to do something with a man, there is a divine timing to that function. The person will not come ahead of the time, he will not come later than the time.


God needed a fur runner for Jesus on the earth and He sealed the womb of Elizabeth until john came forth from her. God preserved for himself a virgin called Mary, so that Jesus according to what has been scripted in the time and dispensation that was why when the angel came to Mary, and brought her a salutation and said blessed are you among women.  Not because you are the best of all women, but at the right time, in the right dispensation, God found you as an available virgin, for the assignment and purpose that He has chosen in grace. So, the function that we are talking about is not because we just feel like God should use us, it is about the blue print and the agenda of God. To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. So, if you are the placed person that fall into that time and dispensation of the purpose of God, you will be the one placed at that place.


It is not for some virgins to now say, is it only Mary, there are other virgins, why is it Mary? No! it is about the function and placement. So, Apostle Paul was saying here that if the ear should say, because this is the picture of what goes on in the heart of many believers, and many people on the earth. Because I am not an eye, I am not of the body, if the whole body were an eye, where will be the hearing? So, because you see somebody that is placed forward, do you know the eye is strategically placed, everybody can see the eye, everybody can notice what goes on with the eye. But will the body function only with the eye? Even though it is strategically placed and beautiful to behold? The body cannot function with only the eye. So, as important as the eyes are, where will be the hearing? That’s what he said, the ear is as well important. But if the whole were hearing, were will be the smelling? See functions!


So, if you think that your purpose in time that God has assigned you for is not glorious, it is because you have not understood function and placement. Verse 18, this verse is so important, it says; “but God has set the members, who set the members? Is it by ballot? Is it by election? God has set! The members each one of them in the body, just as He lease. So, if He sets you as the hearing to the body it is to His pleasure that you hear. The ecosystem of grace is such that we understand our function and our placement. You have been called for a purpose at such a time as this. Understand that your placement is to the pleasure of God.


Mordechai said to Esther, who knows that you have been put in the palace of Shushan for such a time as this? And if you refuse to do it, God will raise another. Thank God she swung into action and maximized her placement. We have been called to maximize our placement in the body, so that the body can become effective. If any of us is dissatisfied with the present dominion and authority of the body of Christ on the face of the earth, we should ask, in your placement are you maximizing your function? Because imagine the ear of the body is so sound, that no sound passes unnoticed, unheard, uncommunicated to the body; how effective will the body be? Imagine the eyes are crystal clear, sharp and focused and always seeing. There is nothing that passes by that the eye does not take record of how effective will the body be? Our effectiveness on the earth is a function of the function of each member of the body.


So, there is no time for throwing blames around or casting blames. Every member is responsible for their function. The Bible says but now God has set the members, each one! The kidney, set by God, the liver set by God, each of the finger nails, set by God, each of the hair on the body, set by God as He pleases. If what God has set you to be is just to be one Pore in the Bible that allows oxygen to enter into the body, if all God has set you to be is to be the left ventricular system, if all God has set you to be is to be one of the muscles or one of the veins that supply in the body, function there.


Verse 19, and if they were all one members, where will the body be? How do we aggregate? How do we make sense if only one member is representing the body? Imagine if it is only Apostles that are representing the body of Christ, where will the body be?  Imagine if only teachers are representing the body of Christ where will the body be? Verse 20, But now indeed there are many members yet one body. Because the body must not be divided. Because, if it becomes divided, it becomes ineffective. Many members, yet one body. That’s how God has ordained it. Verse 21, and the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need. Did you see I have no want? I have no need. Because it is about need. The ecosystem, the way it is structured, is that we need one another.


I need you, you need me, we are all a part of Gods body

stand with me, agree with me, we are all a part of God’s body.

It is His will that every need be supplied

you are all important to me, I need you to survive.

That song captures the ecosystem of grace. We need each other. And the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you, nor again the head to the feet I have no need of you, it’s an aberration. It’s not correct. It’s not proper. Verse 22, no much rather, those members of the body, which seem to be weaker and necessary. You cannot suddenly say my lungs I don’t need you. that’s when you will know how important your lungs are. Even though you cannot see it. You cannot suddenly say my liver; I don’t need you. what are you doing there? I don’t see you, I can’t touch you, I can’t feel you, you are just there hiding inside of me, please can you walk out? That’s when you will know that the liver is very important. So, the Bible says not much rather those members of the body which seemed weaker and necessary and those members of the body which think to be less honorable, one these we bestow greater honor and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty.


Our unpresentable parts, all the muscles, the veins. Can you present your muscles and say this is my muscles? They are unpresentable, you cannot present your vein and say see my vein. Because it’s not something you can hold, it’s not something you can give someone, but the Bible says they hold great modesty. The intercessors, our elderly mothers that pray and intercede, our young men and women that intercede, that pray in their secret closet, some in the villages, their village is not even on the map, they are all presentable part, the Bible say the hold a great modesty. Don’t say you don’t need them. But our presentable part had no need but God composed the body haven given greater honor to that part which lacks it. So, don’t think because God has placed you in a conspicuous place for the world to see, for the world to admire, for the world to be able to relate with, don’t think you are better.


The Bible says God has composed the body in such a way that he has given greater honor to that part which lacks it, that there should be no schism in the body, but that the member should have the same care for one another. Don’t say because our pastor is the eye that we can see we can give to the pastor, but because the kidney-those other people that we cannot see, we ignore them. It is when the kidney becomes faulty that you will know that the eye is useless because it will just lie down on the hospital bed looking for donor, the eye cannot help at that time. How many destinies are looking for donor? Because they have abandoned the parts of the body they need and have ignored. What the Lord is showing us this morning is the ecosystem, the way God has structured our dependence on each member that He has set in the body and why we should not have schism.

You are not skewed to one side and say I only honor the men of God that I see, every other person that I cannot see, it is well with them. Have honor for one another. So, it says in verse 26; and if one member suffers, all members suffer with it, or if one member is honored, all members rejoice with it. Is that not the state of the human body? Have a whitlow on one finger, and you will now know how the entire body will suffer. It will now be as if you are having partial paralysis. Because your body is in pain. That is the way God structured it so that there can be sympathy and compassion in the body. So that you will know that every part is as important as the next so that you can care for the body. The eco system of grace is a system, an interconnected system, community that God has structured so that we can operate as one body in Christ Jesus, and it is of grace.


I want to show us a Scripture in 1 Peter 5 and verse 10. “But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, established, strengthen and settle you.” May the God of all grace who called us. Who are the us? The members of the body. God of all grace called us to His eternal glory. So, when we function as one body in Christ, what is our destination? Eternal glory. What is our rewards? Eternal glory! What is our fruits? Eternal glory. So, when we function, we must function with an understanding, that we have been called to eternal glory in Christ Jesus. And who called us is the God of all grace. Who has set us as members individually, set us as He pleases individually. Your function, your purpose is to the pleasure of God.


You want to sing like Sinach is that your function, is that your placement? Your function is to the pleasure of God, and until we understand it we will struggle. The grace of God is given to us not because we merit it, it is the benevolence of God, do we even deserve to be a member of the body? Let’s start from there. Do we deserve it, have we done anything to deserve to be placed in the body? So, even if you are given the minutest of placement, it is by grace, not of works lest any man should boast. It is the benevolence of God. That you are even a member of that body it is God’s benevolence. John 3 verse 16, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. Before we were not called a people, now we are the people of God. God’s grace to us is a gift. I want us to see Ephesians 2.

Because until we understand that this function is not because we desire it but because He desires it. Ephesians 2 verse 8 to 9. “For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Grace is a gift of God. That’s why it is called the ecosystem of grace.


It is an ecosystem of gifts. Grace is a gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast. It says; “for we are.” All the members of the body are the workmanship of God. You are the master piece of God, you are God’s work of art. When a sculptor makes a work of art, does the sculpture say to the sculpture that this is how I want you to use me? When the sculpture makes a sculpture, the sculpture looks at it and decides what he wants to do with it. He chooses. Until we understand this verse 10 of Ephesians 2. We are His workmanship, we are Gods work of art, created in Christ Jesus for good works. So, when He sends you to those places, what are you supposed to do? Good works! What is good works? The work of God is good works. You are supposed to show forth the glory of the sculpture as a sculpture. You are supposed to display the majesty, the expertise of the sculptor.

So, the Bible says we have been created in Christ for good works which God prepared not preparing but prepared; meaning its past, it’s done! Signed sealed and delivered beforehand that we should walk in them. So, when God created you as the ear He knew that the ear was for hearing and He made it. He knew that I will be His voice, I will declare and He made me. Whatever your assignment, your work, the things you must walk in is; God fashions you according to His purpose.


2 Timothy 1 because I want us to understand this grace. 2 Timothy 1 verse 9. “Who as saved us and has called us with a holy calling, not according to our works.” Please I want us to pay attention to this verse. Not according to our skills and mannerism. Because some people feel that their purpose and their placement, their function should be according to their mannerism and their skills. They could say God since I can sing let me just be a gospel artist. God right now I am confused, I can do five or six things; I can sing, I can do drama, I can write, I can draw. The Bible says who has saved us not according to our works but according to His own purpose. He saved us not according to our works. So, that we can come to Christ and do what we feel like doing. But He saved us according to His own not your own. So, why are you struggling with His own when He has saved you for His own.? His own purpose is grace.


He saved you for His own purpose, so you cannot come to Him trying to do your own works. He saved you for His own purpose. There is a purpose that God has set you in the body to fulfil- His own purpose. The reason is because you as an individual is a part of a grand one body agenda, one body blue print, one body master plan of the king of kings. There is something in His heart and an intention in His heart for where He has placed you and what He has asked you to do. That’s why the Bible says you have gone outside the will of God when you begin to do your own thing. Some people will say but what I am doing is not bad; it’s not bad but it’s not His purpose, it’s not His will. Because when you function in His will you will make the ecosystem of His grace to function appropriately and correctly according to His plan.

So, see what the Bible says; according to His purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began. If you are not doing the will of God, you are a disruptor that’s how God sees you. because before time began, before your great grandfather was born, God already has His master plan and His will. Then you now come into Christ Jesus and you want to function in His place doing your own thing, you will become a disruptor. That’s what the Bible call rebellion. What is rebellion? A soldier that has decided to go awoe, doing his own thing. They say this is the rules of engagement, we are going to Qarter, we are going to do this, you are going to do that and you say no I am not going to do that, in fact this thing am going to do I am carrying it to another place, I am going to do it there.


You have disrupted the plan. Because you were part of the plan. Your placement, your function was part of the strategy. You deciding to do your own thing, you will disrupt the strategy and the plan. That’s why when God is speaking about His purpose, you must understand it; before time began He already had it prepared. So, you now look at yourself, God is saying do my will, you are struggling and God is looking at you and saying son before time began this thing has been scripted. If you don’t want to be part of the script excuse us. Because this play must go according to the script. The agenda of the kingdom of God has been scripted, even the devil has his own role and the devil must play according to the script. So, God’s grace is such that there is an agenda that we must align with. There is a purpose of God, you must function in it.

The Bible says all things work together for good for them that love God and the called according to His purpose. When you are quoting it you ask yourself; am I the called? If I am the called is it according to His purpose? So, don’t quote it just like that. All things are working together for my good; are you the called according to His purpose. Do you love the Lord? Because it is love that will make you abandon all of your works and choose the will of God, the purpose of God. Because until we do that we cannot enjoy grace. Grace is poured in the direction of God’s will, in the direction of God’s purpose.


So what is the environment in conclusion? We have looked at the spiritual community, we have looked at the interaction of the creation, how all of us must depend on each other, we need one another. So, what is the spiritual environment that God has called us to function in, in the ecosystem of grace? 1 Corinthians 13 verse 1, we are familiar with it, where apostle Paul was speaking; He said, if I prophesy and give my body to be burned and I give my goods to the poor, if I do all those things and have not love, He aid I am nothing. So the spiritual environment that God has called us to interact in, to be a community of is love. And in 1 Corinthians 13 verse 4 to 9, Apostle Paul by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit gave us the definition of love.


He said as you are operating in the eco system of grace, you must suffer long, you must be kind, you must be without envy, you must be without parading yourself, you must not be puffed up, you must not behave yourself rudely, you must not seek your own, you must not be easily provoked, you must not think of evil, you must not rejoice in iniquity, but in truth, you must bear all things, you must believe all things, you must hope all things and you must endure in all things; that is the spiritual environment. Do you know why that environment is so important? Sometimes people that need you will offend you and they still need you. It will take that environment where you are enduring, suffering long, kind, selfless for you to still be able to function. People that needed Jesus spate on Him, wiped Him, and what did Jesus say? God don’t count this against them for they do not know what they are doing. Me I understand, I understand the ecosystem of grace. They need me but they are ignorant, the God of this world has blinded their eyes but I still will function in my placement.


And the Bible says looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. Jesus did not disrupt the ecosystem, He was not a disruptor, He aligned. The Scripture said though a son He leant obedience through the things He suffered. Jesus was not a disruptor and He is our Lord, master and our example. When we release ourselves to our function and our placement, and function in the environment that God has set up for our effectiveness.


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