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The Dynamics of Ministry: Let Us Talk About Your Ministry – The Basics!

In this episode of Forms and Patterns, we'll be starting a series on The Dynamics of Ministry. And we'll be looking at something important very briefly, as the Holy Spirit guides our thoughts. Now let's look at the book of Hebrews chapter 5, and I will start my reading from verse 1-4. The Bible says:

For every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. 2 He can have compassion on those who are ignorant and going astray, since he himself is also subject to weakness. 3 Because of this he is required as for the people, so also for himself, to offer sacrifices for sins. 4 And no man takes this honour to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was.

Now, being the beginning of this series on The Dynamics of Ministry, I want to emphasize on verse 1 and verse 4. And from there, the Lord will guide our understanding and help us to have the basis for the assignment that He has committed into our hands. See what the Bible says in verse one: For every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men in things pertaining to God…” When you hear the word high priest, you must understand that in our context and our dispensation, you hear the words like: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers. But for them it was the high priest. But what was true for the high priest is true for us today.

So, if you have been called or if you are aware of the Fivefold ministry, then you understand the implication of what the Bible is saying. For everyone called into the ministry, everyone called into the fivefold ministry is taking from among men, is appointed for men in things pertaining to God. Now, the error of our dispensation or our generation is for us to believe or to think that a man is called into the ministry by man or by men. The Bible says: every high priest is taken from among men, that's the first thing. The man, the woman who would be an apostle, who would be a pastor, who would be an evangelist, the Bible says is taken from among men. And so, we must come from that understanding that for you to function in the fivefold ministry, for you to have an assignment to relate to God on behalf of the people and to relate with the people on behalf of God, you must be taken from among men.

So, we know these assignments are not given to angels. They are not given to objects to things, they're not given to idols, they are given to men. And so, every high priest is taken from among men, and note the next statement: is appointed for men in things pertaining to God. Did you notice you didn’t see is appointed by men? The Bible says is appointed for men. There is a difference between being appointed for something and being appointed by something. Now, the Bible says: "Every high priest taken from among men is appointed for men". Meaning that he or she has a responsibility for the people, the welfare, the peace, the spirituality, the maturity, the growth of men or the people is the reason for his appointment. However, he or she is not appointed by the men. See why I believe that.

Now if you go to verse 4, see what the Bible says: And no man (no woman) takes this honour to himself, but he who is called by God, just as Aaron was. No man put it upon himself the responsibility of being self-appointed into the ministry. Understand the dynamics of ministry begins with a man, a woman realizing that I cannot just venture into the ministry simply because I feel like doing it. I cannot do ministry because I just love ministry. I cannot do ministry because a group of people have invited me into the ministry. I cannot do ministry because a people said, I am a ministry material. The question is: how can I come into the ministry? See what the Bible says: No man takes this honour to himself. But he who is called by God, He who is appointed by God, just as Aaron was.

So, you must understand that every high priest is taken from among men, but is not appointed by men. Every high priest that is truly ordained by God is appointed by God for men. Now, to buttress this point, I want to read a Scripture in the book of Galatians chapter 1 verse 1 and 2 to you. See what the Bible says: Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead), 2 and all the brethren who are with me, To the churches of Galatia.”

Now, did you notice that apostle Paul did not consider himself to be called into the ministry as an apostle not by men, not through a man, but through Jesus Christ and God. So, that is to help us to understand that even though the work of ministry is expected to be carried out among men, it is expected to be for men, it is not expected to be from men. You don't have your ministry as a man or as a woman from men. Men don't gather around to give you ministry, men should not give you ministry. The work of ministry is so sensitive that it must be God through Christ Jesus that calls you into the ministry.

There is something else that I just want to remind us, I'm sure we will be aware of this before the end of this message. In the book of First Corinthians chapter 12:4, see what the Bible says. It says: There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.”  Note the phrase: the manifestation of the Spirit. But where I'm going actually is that part that says: there are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. So, whatever ministry you want to pursue, you want to focus on, it must be because the Lord has administered you, has ordered you, has ordained you in it, has called you for it.

You cannot take this honor unto yourself, you cannot be given that honor by men, you must be given by God. Of course, men can recognize your ministry. Of course, men can agree and confirm that indeed, you have been so called, you have been so appointed, you have been so ordained by God; and they give you the opportunity to minister among them on their own platforms, in their own ministries. But you must remember, there's a difference between men giving you opportunity to minister on their platforms, and actually you being called by Go.

Until God calls you into ministry, even though men could give you opportunity, you will not be enabled to fulfill the assignment. I'm sure you are aware, there are many people who have names in ministries today. There are many people who call themselves or who are called by men different titles. But you know, beyond the titles, there are little or no things to see around their lives in ministry. Many people, if you put the title on them aside, they are so empty, you know that what they do or what they claim to do or the kind of carriage, the honour they are enjoy in ministry, it is only to the degree of the names that men call them.

So, if you strip them of those names, they are empty. Why is this so? It is because they've given themselves the honor or men have given them the honor. It is God that must call you into the ministry. Whether men give you title or not, the assignment of God on your life, the calling of God upon your life is going to be a testimony of your calling. Jesus at a point said: "If you don’t believe me for what I am saying, at least believe me for the works that you have seen me do". That is, it! Your works will always reflect the calling of God on your life, if God has called you, your works will prove it, your works will justify it.

The Bible says: "This signs shall follow them that believe, in my name they shall cast out demons". So, when a man is casting out demons, you know, he has believed. So, when you do things, you are only demonstrating the calling of God on your life. So, instead of you waiting for men to call you, instead of you waiting for men to make you a minister; you must understand that you need to be with God, allow God to prepare you to a point that He Himself will appoint you. When He appoints you, it is only a matter of time, everyone will agree that indeed, the hand of God is upon this one. That is how God has ordained it, and that is where we are starting with this week, looking at the dynamics of ministry, and I am sure that you have learnt something, and it is not just about the head knowledge of what ministry is all about, it is important you walk with God into the actualization of the ministry that God has created you for.

Indeed, every man is ordained to minister to God in certain capacities, but you must allow God to appoint you. If God must reward you in ministry, He must appoint you. The appointment of men without the appointment of God will only lead you into sorrow, frustration, and regret. Allow God to appoint you, and men can then appoint you in the capacity that they believe that you have been appointed by God. That's how God has ordained it, men are to recognize the appointment of God in your life, and then they agree to it in their own space. If they refuse to agree, then you dust your sandal and you go to another people, you go to another place. Remember what Jesus said you would not have gone to everywhere in Israel before the Son of Man comes.

So, if they don't accept you, if they don't give you the opportunity in a place, it doesn't mean you have not been so appointed by God. Look for another place. And I pray that even as you tie with God till God appoints you for an assignment on the earth, that the Lord will keep encouraging you, the Lord’s grace will be supplied unto you, and you will not be discouraged, you will not be frustrated, you will not be defeated in life, in destiny in the name of Jesus.



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