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The Duty of Discipleship: Do You Really Know Jesus Christ?

It is no more a news that over 1 billion people across the world today profess Jesus Christ – as either their Lord or their Saviour; while some significant number profess Jesus as both their Lord and Saviour. The concern really isn't the number of people who profess Jesus Christ as Lord or Saviour or Lord and Saviour; but the percentage of this groups (joined together) who really know the Person of Jesus Christ.


At a point in time, Jesus said, "By their fruits, we shall know them"; the question is, who are we going to know by their fruits? I believe we will KNOW anyone who claims to KNOW Jesus Christ by the kind of fruits (behavior) they bear (exhibit). While that is a great way of knowing those who really belong to or know Jesus Christ; reading the Bible I discovered something that would be beneficial to you and I as we examine or review our individual knowledge of Jesus Christ. Let us read the portion of the Bible together now:


I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.

John 10:14


Very quickly, I want to emphasis on a few keywords there:

  1.  I am the good shepherd
  2.  I know My sheep
  3.  I am known by My own


In that Scripture, I saw a burden for both Jesus Christ and everyone that profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Jesus said,


  •  Because I am the good shepherd, I make it My duty to KNOW My sheep. I KNOW My own disciples and followers. I am not vague about who they are as individuals and groups. I know the thoughts that I think towards them. I know the WORK I created them to do. I know their future, present and past. I know My own.


  •  Because these people are My disciples, followers and servants, they also KNOW Me. They know My will and purpose for each one of them. They know My plan for them and where I am taking them to. They know the reason for their life experiences. They know My laws and principles; in fact, they know how to please Me and follow Me. They even know My sufferings and desires – as My disciples, they KNOW Me.


I saw those burdens in that verse we just read and I was inspired to share them with you and even with everyone else you care enough to share them with. If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, you have a DUTY to know Jesus Christ personally. One thing is certain, Jesus knows everyone that is in His fold. If you are there, then you are KNOWN by Him; while you must ensure that you KNOW Him too. That is your responsibility!




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