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The Consuming Man: How Have You Been Built To Function?

More than what you may love to think about man, woman or yourself; I have come to discover the very thing that explains the functionality of every man – irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or generation.


According to the book of Genesis 1:26, man was made in the image and likeness of God. However, unlike God, the body of man was made from the dust of the ground (earth). As soon as the body of man was fabricated by God, He released His nature into formed body, which made man a living being; even as God is the living God.


To sustain the formed body of man, God fabricated man in such a manner that makes man a consuming being. Man was made to consume – in fact, any man who refuses to consume, risk being consumed or destroyed. From consuming oxygen (which is breath of life) to consuming food (which we could call the bread of life); man was built to live by the things he consumes. No wonder the first commandment from God to man wasn't to fast and pray or even give arms; but to EAT – consume:


Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and to keep it. And the LORD God commanded the man saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.


Genesis 2:15-17


Among other things, we notice that man is a consuming being, who lives (survives) and dies by what he eats. Food is indeed one of the things man was built to consume, and as that food can keep a man alive enough to do the will of God, the same food can kill him. As man was made a consuming being, everything that man was made to consume, when not put in the right perspective, could also be the very thing that kills man.


Sex is to be consumed by man; however, premarital or extramarital sex can kill anyone who indulges them. The death may not be instant, but surely, as God told Adam, the death would come. Everything that God made man to consume must be approached by man with a sense of decency, decorum and grace. Remember, you can't eat your cake and have it – and there is time for everything.


I truly understand that you love to consume, don't worry, it is part of your make up; even our God is a consuming fireHebrews 12:29. He being a consuming fire, has made you a consuming man, to live and die by the things you eat. So my friend, you can elongate or shorten your life by the things you consume, I advice that you engage God's wisdom for wise consumptions daily! God bless you!







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