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The Church, The March, and The Victory:

The focus of this article by the help of the Holy Spirit is on ‘the Church, the March, and the Victory’. The Holy Spirit is bringing this our way because, number one; He wants to challenge us to step up and understand who we are on the earth; number two, He wants us to understand why we are here on the earth; number three, He wants us to understand that we should not be ignorant of the reason why we are here on the earth, and I pray the Lord will guide us in this conversation in the name of Jesus.


The first point of call will be from First Corinthians chapter 1:9, “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” Remember that we said that the first thing the Holy Spirit wants us to do is to come into the understanding of who we are. He said, God is faithful by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. So, who are we? We are those that are called. Who is the Church? Why is the Church important? Why is the Church vital? Because the Church is those who were called by God in His faithfulness into the fellowship of His Son. Why is this important for you and I? Why is He vital for our daily walk as believers? It is because you are part of the Church. You and I are part of the Church; without the Church, we do not have an identity in Christ. I'm going to take us through several Scriptures, that helps us to see how our identity is linked to Christ, and the Church.

 So, if you will say, you don't want to be part of the Church, or you are not the Church, then you don't have an identity in Christ. Jesus did not come for a religion. Jesus did not come to gather people together so that they can form a group of people that are just having fun, and are just a mystery on the earth (they say, those people we don't even understand them, they are just different, those people are just special), that's not all that Christ came for. Christ came so that you and I can be called into fellowship with Him; That is the plan of God, that is the agenda of God. So, when we talk about the agenda of God for Christ is that you and I, as members of the body, called the Church can come into fellowship with Christ, this is like the first thing you must understand and come into understanding of, because this is the foundation upon which every other thing is built.


So, the Church as being called out, what does fellowship with Christ mean? It means that we could share the life of Christ. So, you and I have been called, called out of the world, so that we can co- share the life of Christ, the life of Christ is resident in Him. But God said this life will not be for Christ alone. This life will be shared with a set of people, and the set of people that this life will be shared with is called the Church, which you and I, if you are a believer, you have believed in the Lord Jesus, you are a part of.


So, what does it mean to co-share the life of Christ? It means that we are called to be in companionship, we are called to be in participation with Christ, whatever Christ is doing, we must join Him in doing. Are we evaluating ourselves? Is that how we are living? Is that how we are living from the beginning of this year to this point? Is that how we have lived our lives? If we have not lived our lives in this pattern, then we have missed a vital portion of what God has intended. The intention of God is not for you to come and live your life.


That's why Apostle Paul said, I have been crucified with Christ; nevertheless, I live, the life I now live is a co-shared life; it is a life I am living in companionship and participation with Christ. Nevertheless, I live, but the life I now live is in participation with Christ, the life I now live is in companionship with Christ, the life I now live is co-shared with Christ. That's why he also said that in Christ I live, in Christ I move, in Christ I have my being. This is the intention of God for every member of the Body of Christ. You cannot say that you are a member of the Body of Christ, or you are not sharing the life of Christ. You cannot say that you are a member of the Body of Christ, and you are not co-sharing the life of Christ.


The Holy Spirit is helping us with an evaluation; how have you lived your life? Who have you been throughout this year? Have you been a man or a woman living your own life at your own terms? Or you are in participation with Christ, you are co sharing the life of Christ, you are in fellowship: fellowship of His Son. The Church is called into fellowship. So, if you and I are not actively in fellowship with Christ, then we are not members of His Body even though we claim to be one. Jesus said, in the last days, many will call unto Me and say, Lord, Lord, and I will turn to them and say, I do not know you, you do not co- share My life. You didn't company with Me on earth, you did not participate in active fellowship with Me on the earth; I do not know you, O workers of wickedness.


Those same people that Jesus was talking about are people that will mount different pulpits in the world today. Men and women that will be crying Jesus is Lord, that will be proclaiming, that will be holding revivals, and holding crusades and be doing things in the name of Christ, but Jesus said in the last days, it will show.  So, how are we supposed to co-share this life?


Joel chapter 2:1-11, “Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the Lord is coming, for it is at hand: a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, like the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people come, great and strong.” Who are the Church? A people great and strong; that's who we are. “The like of whom has never been; nor will there ever be any such after them, even for many successive generations. A fire devours before them, and behind them a flame burns; the land is like the garden of Eden before them and behind them a desolate wilderness; surely nothing shall escape them. Their appearance is like the appearance of horses; and like swift steeds, so they run. With a noise like chariots, over mountaintops they leap, like the noise of a flaming fire that devours the stubble, like a strong people set in battle array.”


When we talk about the Church; number one, the Church is the Legislative Assembly of Christ on the earth, number two, the Church are the foot soldiers of Christ on the earth. So, if Christ Jesus is the Mighty Man of war, then the Church are the soldiers of war. When we say we are in fellowship with Christ, we are co- sharing the life of Christ. What it simply means is that everything that Christ is, we share in it. That's why the prayer of Apostle Paul was that I may know Him; if I know Him, I can have paths with Him. If I know Him, I can be one with Him. If I know Him, I can participate with Him. So, we are the soldiers of war; of Christ. So, if you're on the earth, what battle are you fighting? He said, they are like strong people set in battle array.


If we're the Legislative Assembly of Christ on the earth, what are we legislating? How are we legislating? Verse 6, “Before them the people writhe in pain; all faces are drained of color. They run like mighty men.”  Since the beginning of the description of this people, do we see passive people or active people? They are active people; the Church is active. You cannot be a member of the Body of Christ; the Church and be a passive member. You are not fit; to fit is to be active. It said; “they run like mighty men, they climb the wall like men of war, every one marches in formation, and they do not break ranks. They do not push one another; everyone marches in his own column. Though they lunge between the weapons, they are not cut down. They run to and fro in the city, they run on the wall; they climb into the houses, they enter at the windows like a thief. The earthquakes before them, the heavens tremble; the sun and the moon grow dark, and the stars diminish their brightness. The Lord gives voice before His army.”

The Church is His army. If Jesus will take any territory, the Church must march into that territory with Him and take it over; we are His army. It looks as if these days, to understand Kingdom is difficult because we now have countries; we have president, in those days, they give you pictures of kings and domains, where they rule kingdoms; and you will see that for any kingdom to advance, for any king to become more influential, to become more popular, to become richer, to become more powerful, that king needs to be active in war. So, you will see that in those kingdoms like that they usually have knights, villain’s men that have come to conquer different territories that ride with the king; they have elite soldiers.


Those soldiers are elite because they ride with the king. And you know one thing about the elite soldiers, they are soldiers that have been so trained, that they protect one another. The elite soldiers are the generals. If the king is going to have meetings, about world strategy, about where next to take over. Why they need to take over, the king will not invite all the soldiers; he won’t invite rank and fire, he will invite the generals; why? They are the ones that can understand strategy, they are the ones that can play out the mind of the king: it is the same way in this kingdom. In the Church, as it is, we are the army of God and there are generals. Why? The more you advance and take over territories in the kingdom of God; you are adding a batch.


Let's not deceive ourselves, Jesus died for everyone but it is not everybody that is working for Jesus. It is not everyone that as taking territories for Jesus. Jesus had a lot of disciples, but there were generals; there were twelve disciples that became apostles that followed Him. He said those that followed Me in My trials, and He said, you will judge the twelve tribes of Israel. Was it all His disciples He said that to? Do He say that to Lazarus? Lazarus was a disciple of Jesus. Did He say that to Joseph Arimathea? Did He say that to all those other foot soldiers? No! He was talking to the generals. And you will see that it is the generals that actually had to go through the rigorous pain of the battle.


In Hebrews 11, we saw how some of them were sewn into two, put into hot oil; so many things that happened to them. Just picture a battleground: that is where we function as the Church; we are here for battle. The Holy Spirit kept re-emphasizing that in my spirit that we are here for battle. If you are a member of the Church and you think all you are here for is to sit pretty, and look and be watching, thinking that Jesus is my errand boy, He will do everything, let me just sit down and watch; No! We are called to co-share; we are called to participates. When Jesus wants to take over territories, He should not be there alone; we are supposed to be there with Him. So, it's important we understand this, He said, and the Lord gives voice before His army, for His camp is very great. But remember where we read in verse seven and eight, every one marches in formation.


If you see a picture of a battlefield, you don't see everybody at the same time, there are archers, there are those that have spears, there are those that have swords, there are those that their assignment is to make sure they protect those that are in front; there are people on that same battlefield, that their own job is that those that are injured, they should make sure that they bind their wound and take care of them: but everybody is on the battle. So, he said everyone marches in formation. Do you know your own formation? Are you matching in formation? That's why God gives each and every one of us a unique purpose because your unique purpose and assignment is what make you march in formation, and they do not break ranks.


So, there are ranks; they do not push one another. There is order in this kingdom, there is order in the Church. Everyone matches in his own column, and it is to show us that the Church is more spiritual than physical. Because if the Church is physical, how do I know my rank and I'm sure am marching in my column in Bwari Abuja, and another person is also in my column marching in Uganda, in Rwanda? How do we make sure that we are marching in formation and we do not break ranks? This is possible when we are conscious of who we are spiritually. The reason why you as a member of the Church will not break rank and will march in column is because you know who you are. If you're in the Church and you are without purpose, without understanding of your purpose and your assignment, you cannot march in formation; you will break ranks, you will push on another.


So, he says in verse 11; “for His camp is very great, for strong is the one who execute His word, for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible, who can endure.” Now this is who we are; the Church is the army of Christ, and that's why when Jesus died and was resurrected. The Bible says, and it's pleased God to give Him a name that is above every other name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee bows, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, that is for opposition. Do you understand it? For the oppositions, that is the devil and his cohorts; their knees will bow, and everyone that decides to queue behind the devil. But for the Church, at the name of Jesus; we take our position, we take our column, we take our rank, we stand in formation.


At the name of Jesus, meaning that once you have become saved, you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and your Savior, there is a column assigned for you, there is a formation you must march in and there is a rank that you must not break. So, the question is, do we know the purpose that we have being called in Christ? Because the reason why it looks as if the Church is not effective, and it looks as if our formation is disarray, is because there are many people that lack understanding of their purpose and their assignments in the Church, and the reason is because many of us take this matter of the Church, more physically than spiritually. The Church is the spiritual army. That's why he said, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, we do not march against flesh and blood; but we match against principalities and powers, and rulers of darkness. So, who are we? A people great and strong, that's who we have been made in God. How do we march? We march spiritually, we take territory spiritually.


This kingdom is not the Kingdom of Thailand, it is not the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; it is the kingdom of Christ and it is a spiritual kingdom; and that's why when Pilate asked Jesus if He was a king; Jesus said, My kingdom is not here; but Jesus was asked and He said, My kingdom is not physical: that's what He was saying. My kingdom is spiritual, it is in physical kingdoms that you have physical soldiers. My kingdom is spiritual, so I have spiritual soldiers. I've been commanded by My King to lay down My life, so I must; because angels could have been deployed to rescue Me at this point, but I must do this. So, who are the Church? The Church is a people great and strong, the spiritual army of Christ; and we march spiritually.


I want us to see I Corinthians chapter 3:9, For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building. We are God's fellow workers, this work we are doing for Him, are we doing it in the physical or we're doing it in the spiritual? It is a spiritual work, and that's why we must live as spiritual beings. Genesis 1:26 says, we were made in the image and the likeness of God; it was spiritual not physical, remember Genesis 2:7 had not happened when Genesis 1:26 happened, let Us make man in Our image, and according to Our likeness, according to the likeness of God, he was made: male and female, He made them; it was spiritual.


The assignment, the blessing, the walk is spiritual and that's why we must come to terms with our spirituality. As the Church, we must come to terms with our spirituality, and we must understand that this world we live in, it looks physical, but it is the spiritual that controls the physical. For everybody that lies in the spirit of lie, for everybody that says the truth is the spirit of truth, for everybody that commit fornication and adultery and all manner is also the spirit of immorality; and we must understand it. The Bible says that the prince of this world as blinded their eyes, are they blind physically? No! They are blinded spiritually, the things we look at as a Church we say, no, it's okay, let's just allow it; it is spiritual.


 The things we fight against, you don't know why there is just a resistance in your spirit against a particular channel for your children; it is spiritual. And someone tells you, there is nothing wrong with the channel, it is just kid stuff, it just fun; but there is a resistance in your spirit, don't follow the physical, you follow the spiritual. You walk into a room and you feel uneasy in your spirit, and the Holy Spirit is telling you, whatever they give to you don't eat it; don't say but it is food, even the Scripture says everything presented before us, we should bless it and eat; there's a caveat. If your King is ordering you, you know where the word of a King is, there is power. No is No; because it's preventing you, you will eat it and it looks like nothing happened to you because that's what happens to Adam and Eve.


They went against the instruction of God, they did not understand that it was a spiritual instruction, it was a spiritual happening, and the same thing is what is happening to our generation and the world today. What God is asking us to do and not to do are spiritual, it looks as if we do it and nothing happens. And we continue with our lives but something has happened, it is spiritual. It is overtime that it materializes in the physical. If God has been speaking to you about pride, that don't entertain some thoughts in your heart; immediately they come; shoot them and you're saying God it does not matter, it is just in the realm of thoughts, let it be there, I'm having fun as it is there; let me just be thinking about it. And God is giving you the red signal, warning, danger and you continued in that realm and it happened.

All these things are spiritual, thoughts are spiritual, but it's a matter of time it will come to manifestation in the physical. Start thinking about somebody dying, hold that thoughts in your mind for a long time; before you know it, the person will be sick. Before you know it, it will actually happen because the devil works in that area; he is a master. He just needs to have a space in your life to sit, once he can manipulate you with your thoughts, he will bring out that thought and bring it to materialization. Job said the very thing that I fear has come upon me, was he fearing physically? It was in his thoughts.


In Job chapter one, we were introduced to the fantastic thing about Job, how Job will offer for his seven children; in his thoughts that maybe; just maybe (that was his fear) that they have done or will do anything against God; and he said the very thing and I fear has come upon me. So, what are we thinking? What are those spiritual signals the Holy Spirit is giving to us and we are waving off; they are dangers looming to happen, they are terrible things looming to happen. So, it is spiritual; when we are marching, we are marching spiritually. We are fellow workers with God because God is Spirit. How do you work with Spirit? You work with Spirit spiritually.


God is not physical; God is not flesh and blood, and He will not be. The Jesus that we saw that ascended before us, is a Spiritual Jesus, and He will come in like manner. I want us to see a Scripture in Acts chapter 2:46-47, so continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the Church daily, those who were being saved.” So, continuing daily; that's where I just want to pick. So, continuing daily, it is not something they did sometime, when they feel like doing it; then other times, they just live their lives: they continued daily.

The Church has been called to march daily. We don't march during Easter and Christmas, we march daily; the Church has been called by Christ to co-share His life daily. You don't choose the days that you decide to co-share the life of Christ. It is not when you are in crisis, it is not when you have problem, it is not when there is a challenge befalling you or in front of you, or you want something special from Him to do for you; Christ Jesus is not your errand boy, He is the captain of the army, He is the One that dish out the directions. You get to a level of maturity in the Church, you know, when you just become born again, you could always have this idea that God is your errand boy, you pray to Him and before you know it, you get the answer; before you even think about it, God has provided: all those ones are motivating factors.


What God is doing is to inspire you daily, so that you will know because first thing you must understand when you become born again is the love of God. So, when the understanding of the love of God have been founded, all these things you are seeing and talking of His goodness; it is so that you understand the love of God. When become born again, the first experience you have, you can't explain it, you can't fathom it; it is called the joy of salvation and it ushers you into the understanding of the love of God. When you have gotten there, you will step higher. You mature when you now understand the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the grace that teaches you, that you should shun wickedness, that you should shun evil and embrace the goodness of God.


Then that grace will start teaching you then you move higher, because the Holy Spirit will keep measuring for you. You are not persuaded by the things that you see; by whether God gives or doesn't, whether He answers or He doesn't answer: you are confident that He is with you, you know He is there, you know He is teaching you, you know He is leading you, and you have fellowship with Him and He is now the captain of the army dishing out instructions for you; things He Himself wants you to do, places He Himself wants you to go: that's the height of maturity in the kingdom.


You have become a son, you are no longer a babe that needs milk, you are now handling bones, you are now handling strong meats; this is how we march daily in and out of season, not when it's convenient, not when we feel like it. Do you know there are some times we feel reading the Bible is burdensome, sometimes we feel praying is burdensome. But we understand in the kingdom as we mature that it is a necessity, it is not about whether you feel like or not: this is the air that we breathe. So, we march, and when we march, there are certain things that is evident as we march.


 Number one: I want us to see Romans chapter 12:4-8, “For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function.” So, as we march, we are not marching with the same function. We are different members of one body. So, we be many are one body in Christ. And individually members of one another, we are interdependent. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them. We march using the gift that has been given to us according to grace. So, as a teacher, when you are marching, you are marching teaching as one called into the prophetic. As you're marching, you are marching prophesying. Verse 6, he said, having then gifts differing according to grace that is given to us, let us use them.


“If prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith, or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness:” this is how we march. We share in the life of Christ and we continue in it, because everything is according to the graces of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ embodies everything; teaching, prophesying, mercy, ministry, giving, all these things are embodied in Christ. Jesus is the head, we are the body, we reflect Him, we exude Him. So, as we are marching, we are marching with Christ, the minute we are marching outside Christ, we are not relevant for Christ and for the Church, but when we are marching in Christ, we are marching, doing what He has called us to do. So, if He has called you to teach, you are marching with Christ teaching.


If He has called you to prophesy, you are marching with Christ prophesying: this how we march. The reason many of us cannot march is because we don't even know what we are called to do. And you can't march as a member of the Body of Christ if you don't know your function; your function is your purpose. That's why he said, all of us are members, but we do not have the same function. So, you cannot look at me and say oh! she's a member of the Body of Christ, let me see how she's functioning and I will function in like manner because I like her; no! You function according to the grace that has been bestowed on you by Christ, according to the instruction that has been given to you by the captain of the army.


If what He asked you to do is to fetch water for the army, that is your function and you must be found faithful at that function: that's how you march with Him. You cannot march outside His instruction; you cannot march outside the function that He has given to you. It is important to understand this, because as we step into a new season, we must start marching with Christ; if we have not been doing that before, and if we've been doing that before, we must intensify our march.

Colossians chapter 3:15, “and let the peace of God rule in your heart, to which also you were called.” If there is a calling of Christ, it is a call to the Church, we are called to be to the Church in Christ. You were called in one body, and be thankful. Let the peace of God rule in your heart to which you were called in one body. We march as being called, you can't be a part of the body of Christ and you say, you are not called. That's why the Church is called; the called-out ones: you are called. You are called to one body, the body of Christ; the Church, but you are called to a function, you are called to be a member of the body.  In First Corinthians chapter 12: 12-13 and 25-27 is also speaking of the same thing, we are called as members of the body and that is how we march. We march fulfilling our function, fulfilling our assignment.


If I come into contact with you, and you are marching with Christ I should find you doing your function in the body; that’s how we can benefit from one another, that’s how we can maintain the unity of faith. Each of us doing our assignment, maintaining our column, standing in formation. If you stand well, you will help me stand; because what you are doing will help me to maintain my own stand: that's how we have been called. We are different parts of the body of Christ marching with Him. That's why the Bible says looking unto Jesus as we are all marching with different functions as different paths looking unto Jesus.


As we are marching, we are looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. That is how the unity of faith can be attained; all of us marching in our function looking unto Jesus: our victory is attained in Christ. See what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 16:18, “I also say to you that you are Peter, on this rock, I will build My Church. One of the things that came to my heart when I saw this Scripture is that I will build My Church; remember that Jesus said He is coming for a Church that is without stain or wrinkle. He is coming for a bride, that is without stain or wrinkle. But will the bride start without having stain or wrinkle? No! He said I will build My Church, meaning that the Church will need to be built. That's why Christ will keep working on us, He will keep working in us until we are without stain or wrinkle.

So don't look at somebody in the Church marching with Christ and say, so, you're also marching with Christ with all these your baggage, no! As we are marching with Him, He is building us. He said I will build My Church and the gates of hades shall not prevail. So, victory is assured as we march with Him. The gates of hades will not prevail against it. We are assured of victory in Christ as we march with Him. So, as we march with Him, we are not defeated. Don't think you will now prophesy in Christ and it will be a false prophecy. Don't think you will teach in Christ, and you will teach heresy.


Don't think you will speak in Christ and you will speak blasphemy; no! that's why the Bible says that no one can say Jesus is Lord outside the Holy Spirit, and without the Holy Spirit no one can say Jesus is Lord. So, when we are marching with Him, victory is assured. He said, I will build My Church, as you are coming to Him; you're now coming perfect, you're now coming without stain or wrinkle, but He will build you to become that person, to become that member that is without stain or wrinkle: because He will work in you. Christ in us, the hope of glory, the glory is when we are without stain, or wrinkle, the glory is when we appear before Him. If you see the Book of Revelation when He talks about the Bride of Christ, adored, that's why Apostle Paul said, it has not yet been revealed what we shall be like, but when He is revealed, we will be like Him. When He; Christ, our life is revealed, we will be like Him: so, victory is assured.


He said, I will build My Church, as you are marching with Him, know that He will build you. He said to Peter, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. As you're marching with Him, He will build you, He won’t leave you the same way you are, as you are prophesying, you will improve in prophecy, as you are teaching, you will increase in teaching: grace upon grace will be given to you as you march with Him. The Bible says the path of the just is as of a shining light that shines brighter; the reason it shines brighter is because we are looking to Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. So, our victory is assured.


Ephesians chapter 2:19-20, “Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, meaning that all of us are stones.” Jesus is the chief cornerstone but all of us are stones, we are God's building. So, all of us, stone upon stone, we are building a building for God; the Church. You have your part to contribute, I have my part to contribute, that stone must be released into the hands of Christ, let Him make it into a fine stone that is fitting for the building. He said having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets; they have contributed their own quarter: the foundation, Jesus Himself being the chief cornerstone in whom the whole building, being fitted together. You can't just jump into the building without Christ's. And that's why Jesus is not for a religion; He has come to show us how we can be part of God's building: religion ends on this earth.


No matter the name of your religion, none is eternal, the only person that is eternal is called Christ Jesus, the Son of God, the Father, the Holy Spirit: they are the ones that bring eternity into our hearts, they are the ones that bring eternity to our experience, where mortality gives way to immortality; they are the only ones that make it possible. He said Jesus Christ, in whom the whole building fitted together, grows. So, you are not going to remain the way you are, I will not remain the way I am; when Christ Jesus comes into our lives and we are marching with Him: He grows us, He makes us fit in for the building. He said fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. Is it in Jerusalem? No but in the Spirit!

Our victory is assured because when we march with Him, He is bringing out of our lives; beauty, that we will be so fine, that we will fit in God's building. Our lives will be so fine in the hands of Christ, that we will become part of an eternal Project of God; called the Church. The Church is the envy of the nations; Bible says in the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house shall be exalted, above all other mountains that yields, the Church will become the envy of nations, nations will flow to it. And what happens to us that's supposed to be the envy of nations, are we distinguishing ourselves in Christ or we are conforming with the world? Jesus said I will build My Church; He is building us.


When you look at yourself, don't think you are the same, and say what really is changing my life? Let me look at it; don't look at mundane things. Every day you pray, every time you study the Word, the Lord is bringing fineness out of you, the Lord is building in you, the Lord is making you fit for that building: the temple in the Lord. So, as we march with Him, we enjoy victory: the Church is built on that foundation. You are also a stone in that building and the Church is eternal. Our victory is assured, He said, I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it; daily as we continue, as we saw in Acts chapter two, as we continue in the study of the Word, as we continue in having fellowship with the Holy Spirit, as we continue in offering prayers and standing in our own formation, not breaking ranks, we are being built.


 It looks as if you are standing in Rwanda, you are standing in Nigeria, you are standing in Tanzania, you are standing in USA and everybody is looking at you; what is it with you, just enjoy your life, are you the one that killed Jesus? Remember what He is building with your life, remember what He is making of you; don't give up. If it is not impossible to give up, the Bible won’t have told us to stand, that means we could fall. He says stand, therefore, and he that stands, let him take heed lest he falls because there are circumstances and situations; the way the world has been fashioned, it is to target us, to target our falling: but we must understand what the Lord is doing with us.


It might not look as if the world is following Jesus today, but you that are following Him; understand why you are following Him, understand what you are doing on the earth for Him, and understand why you are on the earth. That's why when we started, the Holy Spirit helps us to understand that we must understand who we are, we must understand why we are here, and we understand the reason He has put us here. He has put us here and we are numbered among the army of God; so that we can push the frontiers of the kingdom of God everywhere we are, and expand the territory of Christ Jesus, and we do it daily. As you are praying in your closet, don't think of what relevance is my prayer, of what relevance is my ten minutes prayer; if only the Lord will open our eyes to see.


As a believer, you are filled with the Holy Ghost and you are within a neighborhood, the havoc that your presence in Christ is making; if only the Lord will open our eyes: so, we are so relevant. Why did the Bible say, when the saints of God are taken from the earth, then woes, all manner of woes will start happening on the earth? Why? It is because we are the reason for the stability of the earth. That's why He said you are the salt of the earth. Let's not forget who we are. Daily, as we wake up, let's understand we are in battle, and the captain of our army has an instruction for that day. Let's co-share this life. Let's Participate with Christ. Let's be in companion with Him daily. And I pray the Lord will help us in the name of Jesus.


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