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The Anomaly of Worship: Can God Worship Man?

Just like you, I also have my thoughts or perhaps, my reservations about this question; however, it is one that has confronted all of us together as such a time as this in the history of mankind.


What many of us know is that God is to be worshiped by everyone and everything; however, we must also realize the current trend across the world today. While many are committed to worshipping God, quite a number of people are committed to being worshiped by God.


The question again is, "What does it mean for God to worship man?" In plain language, it means that God is bowing or seeking to please or appeasing or begging or trying to convince the works of His hands. For God to worship man, it means that God needs to submit to the authority of man, the one He created in His image and likeness.


Now let us flip this:


Then the LORD said to me:

"Out of the north calamity shall break forth on all the inhabitants of the land.

For behold, I am calling all the families of the kingdoms of the north," says the LORD; "They shall come and each one set his throne at the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem, against all the cities of Judah.

I will utter My judgements against them concerning all their wickedness, because they have forsaken Me, burned incense to other gods, and worshipped the works of their own hands."


Jeremiah 1:14-16


When I began this writing, I affirmed what was a bit strange to you, that God should worship man. In your mind, you felt, "How possible?"; "Can God worship man that He created?" As strange as that is, that is what happens currently with many people across the world today. We abandon the living God, we then make gods with our own hands and then worship them. We set other men, both living and dead in positions of God as our own gods, and then, we worship them daily.

By birth, I am a Yoruba man, born in Nigeria. As a Yoruba man, I have Ile-Ife as my place or city of origin. Ile-Ife is claimed to have about 201 gods, which are worshipped by the throne and the people of the land. In fact, the ruling Ooni (King) of Ife is said to be the 201st deity that the people of the land must worship. Come to think of it, who make these men (princess) kings? Isn't the people? That is it, we make men gods, we raise them up with our own efforts and sacrifices and then we bow to them!


In politics, the people of the nation VOTE in one of their people into power; and then, the people bow to their elected leaders, and even worship them. If God cannot worship man; why then do we men worship the things we created?


We bring calamity on our heads today as a people whenever we follow the wrong example of the people of Jerusalem, who abandoned the true God and then worship their own creative products. Indeed, let God be true and everyone a liar!


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