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The Anointing Oil 2: Why Do I Need The Holy Spirit Urgently?

This Message Started from The Anointing Oil 1: Understanding What the Anointing Oil Represents. Kindly click the Link to read the said piece. Here is the continuation. Be blessed as you read.

1 Samuel 10:1-7; Saul was just a man that was looking for his Father’s ass and he had this experience.

Samuel took a jar of the special oil and poured the oil on Saul's head. Samuel kissed Saul and said, "The Lord has anointed you to be the leader over the people who belong to him. You will control the people. You will save them from the enemies that are all around them. He has anointed you to be ruler over his people. Here is a sign that will prove this is true: 2 After you leave me today, you will meet two men near Rachel's tomb on the border of Benjamin at Zelzah. The two men will say to you, 'Someone found the donkeys you were looking for. Your father stopped worrying about his donkeys. Now he is worrying about you. He is saying: What will I do about my son?'"

3 Samuel said, "Then you will go until you come to the large oak tree at Tabor. Three men will meet you there. They will be on their way to worship God at Bethel. One man will be carrying three young goats. The second man will be carrying three loaves of bread. And the third man will have a bottle of wine. 4 These three men will say hello to you. They will offer you two loaves of bread, and you will accept the two loaves. 5 Then you will go to Gibeath Elohim. There is a Philistine fort in that place. When you come to this town, a group of prophets will come out. These prophets will come down from the place for worship. They will be prophesying. They will be playing harps, tambourines, flutes, and lyres.

6 Then the Lord's Spirit will come on you with great power. You will be changed. You will be like a different man. You will begin to prophesy with these prophets.”

“You will be turned into another Man.” Before Saul was anointed, he was struggling looking for his father’s donkey but when the anointing came upon his life. Grace came upon his life. What he was looking for was found. Provision was given to him. He stepped into another realm.  What happened to be a painful and difficult process became easy for him because of the anointing. When the anointing comes upon a man, he becomes another man. Another man of grace. Another man enjoying the sweet grace of God. 1st Samuel chapter 16:13 "Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel arose and went to Ramah."

From that day forward, the spirit of the lord came upon David. David transited from being an ordinary shepherd boy to become a different man.  A man that could kill Goliath. A man that could terrorize the host of the Philistines because of the anointing. It was not easy to defeat Goliath. Before David came on the scene, all of them were struggling.  Saul was struggling, his brothers were struggling, the armies of Israel were struggling. They were afraid but when the man that carried the anointing came. The painful, difficult process became easy. What did he use? A sling and 5 stones and out of the 5 stones he only used 1. He carried with him the anointing, the symbol of grace, 5.  God’s anointing is for priests and for Kings.

Then God started anointing Prophets, 1st Kings chapter 19:15 – 17. It says: "Then the Lord said to him: "Go, return on your way to the Wilderness of Damascus; and when you arrive, anoint Hazael as king over Syria. 16 Also you shall anoint Jehu the son of Nimshi as king over Israel. And Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place.

Elisha was anointed Prophet and when the anointing came upon Elisha, Elisha the entrepreneur became Elisha the Prophet because every anointing carries a name. He said anoint Hazael as King so the anointing is for him to become King over Syria. The anointing was not just for him to be King and for him to be looking for where he should be King over. It was for him to be King over Syria. “And anoint Jehu as king over Israel” The anointing was specific. When God anoints us, the oil has a name. Let’s see Psalm chapter 45:7. It says: "You love righteousness and hate wickedness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You. With the oil of gladness more than Your companions."


Listen to Podcast: The Anointing Oil: Why Do I Need The Holy Spirit Urgently


So the oil has a name. The bible says in Revelation that Jesus has made us King and Priests unto our God so we qualify for the anointing. What qualified Aaron and his sons, to his descendants, those that were not born, they were already consecrated by the anointing, what qualified them for the anointing? It was because they were the sons of Aaron so their order became a Priestly order and that anointing spoke for their generation. The sons of Aaron were not mentions, it was “Aaron and his sons”, as many sons as he has. The same way Jesus has qualified us for the anointing by making us Kings and Priests unto God so in the order of Jesus, so “Jesus and his sons” are anointed by the lord as King and priests. Remember the scripture says he has made us King and Priests so that we do what? We shall reign. So God has named our anointing in Jesus.

Hebrews chapter 1:9

9 You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You. With the oil of gladness more than Your companions." 

I saw a scripture in Songs of Solomon chapter 1 that interests me that talked about the oil of Jesus so that we see that all the things we have read first are but types and shadows of the things to come. The old testament is a representation of what God had prepared in the new. Songs of Solomon chapter 1:3, it says: "Because of the fragrance of your good ointments, Your name is ointment poured forth; Therefore the virgins love you."

We see that it is not ointment but ointments. Your name is ointment poured forth. Therefore, the virgins love you because of the anointing. He was not just Jesus. He is Jesus Christ, the anointed one.  So, Jesus has anointing that rubs off on us that’s why he said your name is oil poured forth. The name of Jesus is ointment poured forth and we all as his virgins, love him. Remove the anointing from Jesus, we love him. We love him because of the anointing. We love him because he is Christ. There are many Jesus, There is one that is playing football but Jesus Christ, the one that has the anointing is the one we love because his name is ointment poured forth.

Now we understand the importance of the anointing. We understand that the anointing is beyond the olive oil. We are talking about the anointing in Jesus. Acts 10:38 "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with Power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with him."

Aaron was anointed with oil but Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and with Power. I am going to destabilize some theological foundations with the next phase we are going into. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit not the oil. The bible makes us to understand that when John recognized Jesus, He didn’t recognize the one that had oil on his head. What did God say to him? He said the one you see the Holy Spirit come upon and remain is the one and John testified of Jesus, He said I baptize you with water but there is one that is coming after me, I can’t even try to put my legs into his shoes. He is coming to baptize you with what? With Holy Ghost and with fire.

 So the new order of the anointing is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We have transited because you can pour oil on people as long as you want but when the Holy Spirit is not there, that oil is empty. Jesus had the real thing not the fake. When Jesus was around, the Pharisees were still carrying anointing oil because they followed the Mosaic law because one of the things that Moses handed over to them was the anointing oil but Jesus came with a new order that’s why they were amiss because he wasn’t carrying oil but he was carrying the Spirit.

The purpose of the anointing is to sanctify and what does the Holy Spirit do to us. He sanctifies us and this is what the bible says. The Holy Spirit is the seal upon our lives until the day of redemption. It says how do we know we are the sons of God, by the Spirit bearing witness with our spirit man. So the Holy spirit sanctifies us holy. He consecrates us holy for the lord. The same thing the oil does.  1st John chapter 2:27  "But the anointing, which you have received from him abides in you."

 This is the word of the Lord. We have read the old testament. We looked at the symbol of the anointing oil when God introduced it and Jesus came and gave us a new order in himself and God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and the same spirit we have given to us. And see what the bible says in 1st John 2 chapter 27, the anointing which we have received from him, abides in you. Is it talking about oil? It is talking about the Holy Spirit. So we are anointed by the Holy Spirit. We are anointed as Kings and Priests by the Holy Spirit.

Am I saying that people that carry oil are doing the wrong things? No! The oil is but a carrier. The major thing is the Spirit. Without the Spirit, the oil is useless. Without the Spirit, the oil is empty. But the anointing which you have received from him abides in you. This is not a oil that will run dry. It abides in you. It is resident. And you do not need that anyone teach you but that the same anointing teaches you all things and just as he has taught you, you will abide in him.

I believe you have been blessed


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