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The 7 DIMENSIONS of God That MAKE Any Human FULFILL His Ministry VI: The Spirit of KNOWLEDGE

Good day, everyone. Welcome to another interesting edition of Forms & Patterns™. I'm so excited to continue with us the series we started a long time ago on The 7 Dimensions of God That Make Any Human Fulfill Ministry. The truth is: "Without God we cannot fulfill ministry." All of God is all we require for each one of us to accomplish the task that God has given to us. No matter how small no matter how big, if you are asked to sweep in the house of the LORD, if you are raised up by God as a sweeper in His kingdom, then you require the Spirit of God to sweep effectively. Anything we are asked to do by God, whether you have been raised up by God as a deliverer, as a teacher, as a model, as a guide, as a counsellor, as a mentor, as anything, whatever God has raised you up for in His kingdom, you must require and demand His Spirit to do it.


That's why the Bible says “it is not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit says the LORD. And the Bible says in Romans, as many as are led, as many as are equipped, as many as are quickened as many as are activated as many that are moved by the Holy Spirit; they are the sons of God (emphasis mine). And you know, Kingdom responsibilities are not for children. Kingdom responsibilities are for the sons, are for the children that have grown to sonship. Whether male or female in the kingdom, as long as you have matured the Spirit and you're maturing very well, you identified as a son, and you are therefore qualified to be entrusted with responsibilities by the king.


If you who has become a son therefore desires to be fulfilled in the ministry (in the assignment of your sonship); then you must function by the Spirit of the Father. The Spirit of the LORD must activate the grace that God has deposited in your life by creation. You remember how God made Adam in the book of Genesis chapter two, and the Bible says he formed him from the dust of the ground, but he was not effective. He had eyes, he had mouth, he couldn't speak; he couldn't see, he could not rise up, he couldn't sit down, he couldn't relate, he couldn’t function, he couldn’t rule, he couldn’t reign, but the natural endowment was there. But the Bible says and the Lord breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.


So being a living being is being a being, a creature of God that fulfills the purpose of his creation. If you and I will fulfill the purpose of our creation, then we require a dimension of God's Spirit in our lives, that will activate the dormant and natural endowment in us; that will bring to life, our natural senses, making us to fulfill ministry in grand style. And so today, we will continue from where we stopped. The last time we looked at the Spirit of might. Today we'll be looking at the SPIRIT OF KNOWLEDGE.


Let's quickly open our Bibles to the book of Isaiah chapter 11. I will read from verse one to verse five, as we always do, Isaiah 11:1-5, the Bible says:


There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
2 The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.

3 His delight is in the fear of the Lord,
And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes,
Nor decide by the hearing of His ears;
4 But with righteousness He shall judge the poor,
And decide with equity for the meek of the earth;
He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth,
And with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.
5 Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins,
And faithfulness the belt of His waist.


May the Lord bless the reading of His word in our hearts in Jesus’ name. Of course, we can see the impact of the dimensions of God's Spirit upon the Lord Jesus Christ, from verse three, it says: his delight is in the fear of the Lord, he shall not judge by the sight of his eyes, nor decide by the hearing of His ears, but with righteousness He shall judge the poor, He shall strike the earth with a rod…” You can see what He will be able to do, and the effectiveness with which He will do them simply because the dimensions of God, the full dimensions of God's Spirit, rest upon Him. No wonder John the Baptist said of Jesus, he said: “the Father love the Son, and He has given Him the Spirit without measure.”  He has given Him the full dimensions of Himself. So, when you seek wisdom you find in Jesus, when you seek knowledge you find in Jesus, when you see counsel, you find in Jesus.


The dimension of Gods Spirit that I believe you and I require to fulfill our ministry, which will become our focus this day is: The Spirit of Knowledge. You know, the Scripture says, at a point that God is the God of knowledge, by him, all actions are weighed. Now, that shows us that when we do things, or when anyone does anything, God has the ability to weigh them because He knows; He knows the things we are doing. He knows the things we will doHe knows the things we have done, He is aware of our doings, and He is therefore able to judge. See what the Bible says in Isaiah chapter 11, verse three, his delight is in the fear of the Lord, and He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, nor decide by the hearing of his ears.” The question is: how then will He judge? He will judge by the Spirit of knowledge.


There was a time Jesus asked the disciples, what should be done? How should we take care of this multitude who must be fed? At that time when Jesus was asking the disciples: how do we take care of this multitude? How do we feed them? Bible says, but He Himself” because they gave him all manner of things, but He Himself knew what to do.” At every point in time in life, as a minister of the gospel, by the Spirit of knowledge, you are enabled by God to know what to do, you are not trying to figure out how you will do what you should do. The day is ahead of you, they are not unknown to you, by the Holy Spirit, you know.


You know many times in ministry, you get to know even before you get to a point in time; but what many of us lack is the ability to have faith in the things that God has shown us. Sometimes you are at a point in life, and God is showing you your days ahead. God is showing you the understanding of your days behind God is helping you to have a perspective of the things that has been happening around you and the things that will happen. But because of unbelief, we keep doubting we want to see. And the Bible says concerning Jesus, “His delight is in the fear of the Lord, he shall not judge by the sight of His eyes…” Yet, we want to see before we believe what God is showing us as knowledge.


The truth is, if you are going to demonstrate any dimension of God's Spirit, you require faith. You must believe that the knowledge you are gaining not in the flesh, but in the Spirit is as authentic as any knowledge that you could value. If you have faith in the things that God has showed you, then you will pattern your life according to the things that you are knowing. You see, that's why it has been said that it's not only knowledge, that makes a man, that transforms a man. Of course, you could know but what happens when you refuse to use the things you know as a guide in your decisions? Bible says: “He will not decide by the hearing of His ears…” So, there are information that He receives from His ears, but He will not decide, make decisions on them.


So, the things that enter into Him from the physical senses, He will not make decisions from them. So, the knowledge He receives from the spiritual dimension, that is what guides His decision, and this is instructive for us. You see, when the Spirit of knowledge gives you knowledge, it comes via means you cannot explain. If they ask you: how do you know? You may not be able to explain how you come to know, but by the Holy Spirit. You know, if you lack enough faith in the things that you know, in the Spirit, then you cannot make decisions on them. So even though God has spoken to you aforetime about things that are happening in your life, and things that will happen, you will still make decision on the things that you are seeing and things that men are telling you.


So, the question is, whose report would you believe? When you get a report from God, and God gives you a clear picture of what will happen and what is happening. God gives you an understanding, God gives you a knowledge, would you abandon what God is showing you, and then side with the things that men are showing you or the things that you are showing yourself? If the Spirit of knowledge must be allowed to have a free course in your life, then you must have strong faith enough in the God who speaks to you, in the God who opens you up to knowledge. Knowledge can come from different sources. The knowledge that comes from God is via the Spirit of knowledge, there are no other ways. If God shares knowledge with you, it is by the Spirit of knowledge. Since the Spirit is invisible to your eyes, you cannot see the Spirit of knowledge, yet you will know.


So, what you know by the Spirit, you must put great weight behind it, you must believe in it, you must tell yourself this thing God is showing me this knowledge I'm having, even though I cannot explain how I'm having it, I believe it comes from God. And by this knowledge, I'm going to be guided, I will not decide by the knowledge that I'm gathering around me in my neighbourhood, in my nation, I will be guided by the knowledge that the Holy Spirit supplies, I may not know how, I may not know why. But as the knowledge comes, I make decisions by them. As the Spirit of knowledge comes to me, I make decisions by them. You see, there are many miracles we are looking for that they are just decisions, or they are just obedience to the knowledge of God or align to the knowledge away from reality. God has given you steps that you must take for you to see certain things, but you refuse to take the steps yet you want to see. If you don't guide your life, if you don't pattern your life after the steps that God gives to you, you can't see the hand of God at work in your life.


Bible says: "Jesus Himself knew what to do". By what? By the Spirit of knowledge. And since He knew what to do, He requested for some things: five loaves of bread and two fishes; and then He raised it up to God since He knew what to do. And then He said, Father, I thank you because you always hear me. And He blessed it, and they shared it. By the knowledge of God, He had a picture of what will happen when He does this. And then He did as He knew. And then He saw the result. How come Jesus had the confidence to walk on water? He knew what will happen when He walks on water by faith. He knew! While Peter was sinking, he was sinking because he did not know that the wind that was boisterous was not able to overcome the power of God that gave him the ability to walk on water.


So, we doubt God because of our lack of knowledge. And the knowledge that we really require is not the one that men will share with us; it is the one that the Holy Spirit would give to us. Apostle John said: "You have the anointing of the Lord; you know all things". You know all things by the anointing of the Lord, you know things and by the knowledge you have from the Lord, you're able to see the hand of God demonstrated in your life, because God will be showing you things, you will not be doubting them you will be believing them and you'll be patterning your life after the things that you believe from the Word of God.


As you do this, I believe your ministry will shift from where it is to where God expect it to be. Your tomorrow can be better, but your tomorrow must be guided by the knowledge of God. The knowledge of God is not what you get from men or you get from universities. It is what the Holy Spirit supply. You may require the Holy Spirit to daily live with you, to daily dwell in you for Him to daily fills you with knowledge. And by the knowledge, you will strike the earth with a rod of iron, you will fulfill your ministry. Your ministry will be effective, your ministry will be sharp, you will have discerning Spirit, the Spirit that is able to help you to know what to do per time. The two hundred sons of Issachar, they know what Israel ought to do, their brethren were at their command.


By the knowledge of the Spirit of God, you will be in charge. You will be in charge of circumstances; you will not be caught unawares. The Lord would have informed you aforetime what your days shall be like, what your weeks shall be like, what your year shall be like. And by the knowledge of God, you we leap over the walls, you will fulfill your ministry you will succeed and you will be safe; in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Amen. Thank you very much for the company for the gift of your time, such a great time we've shared together, learning about the Spirit of knowledge that only God can give to you. When God gives you knowledge, don't try to explain the knowledge of God in the flesh. It came by the Spirit; it must be spiritually discerned.


So, when God shares a knowledge with you go to the Word of God to be sure that what you have received is actually from the Lord. The knowledge that comes from God can only be substantiated by the word of God, not by any book in the world. Thank you for the gift of your time. My name is Gboyega Adedeji to the next time I bring you another dimension of God, which is very important for us, stay within the knowledge of God and be blessed.


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