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The 7 DIMENSIONS of God That MAKE Any Human FULFILL His Ministry: The Spirit of The LORD

In this edition of Forms & Patterns, we will be looking at something very important. It is going to be a series that the Lord will be guiding us through by His Spirit. And what are we considering? We are looking at The Seven Dimensions of God that Makes Any Human Fulfill His Ministry. The word “any human” actually includes you. Perhaps God has called you into the ministry, perhaps God has committed an assignment into your hands and you have been telling yourself “who am I to fulfill this ministry?” How can I ever fulfill this kind of ministry? It is not a normal ministry; it is not an easy ministry. Nobody seems to be giving me any opportunity, nobody wants to listen to me. How can I then fulfill this ministry? I don’t even have the resources, I don’t have the grace I need and confidence, the talent and the anointing. I am sure there are many people across the nations worried by these things and because of them, they have said to themselves “these things that the Lord has told me to do cannot be done by me.”


So, what the Lord is guiding us through over these few weeks is how to fulfill our ministries by the seven dimensions of God. One thing that you must note is that what you called ministry is God’s work, God’s assignment and so, if you must fulfill it, if you must succeed carrying out the responsibilities that God has committed to your trust, then you require God to fulfill that ministry. And so, very quickly, we will be looking at The 7 Dimensions of God that Makes Any Human Fulfill Ministry.


The first dimension of God which will be come the emphasis of this particular episode is The Spirit of the Lord. I want us to go very quickly to the book of Isaiah 11 and I will be reading from verse 1-5. The Bible says:


There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
2 The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.

3 His delight is in the fear of the Lord,
And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes,
Nor decide by the hearing of His ears;
4 But with righteousness He shall judge the poor,
And decide with equity for the meek of the earth;
He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth,
And with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.
5 Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins,
And faithfulness the belt of His waist.


May the Lord bless the reading of that word in our hearts in Jesus’ name. I am sure we are familiar with that Scripture. Our emphasis is actually on verse 1, 2 and 4. Verse 1 says: There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse.” Now, that brings us back to where we started from. The truth is there are many people who have the call of God hanging on their lives, God has appeared to them in different occasions at different times, God has revealed to them His purpose for their lives. But up to this moment, they have not actually started to do what God has created them or called them to do. The Bible says There shall come forth a Rod…” I want you to begin to imagine what happen to Jesus here is happening to you. The Lord is saying, perhaps directly to you at this time, that whatever name He has called you, you are coming forth. Bible says There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse…” Now, if you jump straight to verse 2, the Bible says The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him.” Then in verse 4 the Bible says:


But with righteousness He shall judge the poor,
And decide with equity for the meek of the earth;
He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth,
And with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.


The question is: For Jesus, what do you describe in what is written in verse 4 of the book of Isaiah 11? I considered this to be His ministry. He had a ministry ahead of Him and for Him to step into the fullness of it, He required the dimensions of God that the Scriptures mentioned here. And the first dimension of God that the Scripture says He required was and is: “The Spirit of the Lord.” The Bible says: “the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him.” Now, if Jesus, the Son of God required the Spirit of the Lord to rest upon Him for Him to step into the fullness of His ministry, I believe very strongly that even you require the Spirit of the Lord to rest upon you.


Now, while meditating on that verse 2, one of the things that actually came to my mind and came to my spirit is this: The Bible says “the Spirit of the Lord”, another way we can put that is “the Spirit of the Sovereign God shall rest upon Him.” The Bible says in the book of John 4:24 that God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” So, when the Scriptures says the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, that is actually telling us indirectly that the glory of the Lord, the weight of God’s essence and personality shall be upon Him. He shall carry the weight of God. When He appears, He shall appear as one who carried God upon Himself. And this is very instructive.


If you want to do the work of God in the year 2021 and you want to fulfill your ministry, then you must be a man, a woman that carry the presence of God in reality. And so, when the Scripture talked about the Spirit of the Lord resting upon Him, another Scripture quickly came to mind in the book of Isaiah 60:1. The Bible says: Arise, shine…” Now, if the word of God comes to you at this point and the word of God is: Gboyega Adedeji, “Arise”, that actually connotes that I have actually been sitting prior to the word coming to me. So, when the word of God says to you at tis moment: Arise, it means that you have been seating down or lying down. But the Lord is telling you to arise, it means you have to begin to do the works that God has committed into your hands. You have to begin to fulfill your own ministry.


The question is: How will you do it? The Bible says: Arise, shine.” Arise, fulfill your ministry. How will I do it or why should I arise? Why should I fulfill my ministry? The Scripture says “for your light has come…” again the Bible says “and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” If you look at that latter part of verse 1, you would notice that it is actually the same with the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him. You see, the Spirit of the Lord is the glory of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord is the weight of the Lord. So, when the Spirit of the Lord rests upon you, it means you carry upon yourself the Lord. And the Bible says you must arise, you must shine and the reason is because your own light has come. How? The glory of the Lord has risen upon you. How? The Spirit of the Lord is resting upon you. You see, it is a necessity for a man to carry the weight of God’s glory if He must fulfill his ministry.


See what the Bible says in Isaiah 60:2:


For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.


So, what happens when the Spirit of the Lord rests upon you? The Bible says it means that the Lord is arising over you and His glory is visible in your life. So, if you don’t want to waste your time in 2021, you require the glory of the Lord all over you. You require God to overwhelm you with His essence. When people see you, they must see the Lord in you, they must see God in you. The question is: How do you do the works of God when you have nothing about God upon your life? I believe you are very familiar with the book of Romans 8 and I want us to go there quickly from verse 18-19. The Bible says: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.


The truth is your nation is waiting for you to be revealed. Besides your nation, I also believe that your church is waiting for your manifestation. Your generation is waiting for your manifestation. It is important you realize that time is counting, time is ticking, it is important you rise up. And how will you rise up? You will rise up because your light has come. How has your light come? Because the glory of the Lord is revealed upon you. The glory of the Lord is revealed upon you because the Spirit of the Lord is resting upon you. And so, as you launch into the deep of 2021, I want you to be conscious of your requirement of the Spirit of the Lord. The Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. You are therefore at liberty to fulfill your destiny; you are at liberty to do the work that God has created and called you to do. It is important you know that without God resting mightily on you through His Spirit, without you carrying the weight of God’s glory everywhere you go to, you will not be able to fulfill your ministry.


The fulfillment of your ministry is not in doubt, the fulfillment of your ministry is actually in time. As you launch into the deep of 2021, stay with the Holy Spirit, pray till the Spirit of the Lord rest upon you knowing fully well that without the Spirit of the Lord upon your life, without the glory of the Lord rising over you, you can’t actually stand the chance of fulfilling your ministry on the earth. You must invite the Holy Spirit into your life. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father, you must do the work of the Father, you must allow His Spirit to rest upon you. You must allow the Spirit to dwell within you, you must be filled with the Holy Spirit of the Lord and as you do this, I see God helping you in Jesus’ name.


Thank you for the gift of your time, I believe you have learnt crucial lesson for your ministry fulfillment in the year 2021. You must remember that the Spirit of the Lord must rest upon you. It is enough that you have wished to do the work that God has created you to do, it is time for you to rise up, it is time for you to shine because the Lord is rising over you, His glory shall be seen upon you and Gentiles shall come to your light and their kings to the brightness of your rising. I see the Lord helping you in 2021, I see you moving swiftly into the path of fulfillment of your ministry and I see the Lord glorified in your nation and in your denomination.


As you do this, be blessed in Jesus’ name.


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