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SMELL It Before You EAT 02: Change The Course For A Better and Desirable Future

Welcome to the channel. I believe you have started the week on a leading note. In this video we would be learning how to determine our future by our decisions. If you don’t want anyhow future for yourself, then this video is meant for you. So, let’s go into it.


Man is a creature of choice, and as such each person has the power to determine his or her future among the many possibilities. Since all men are made by God to make their own future by their decisions, we therefore differ in the quality and style of our lives across the world by the quality or nature of our personal decisions. As many as we are in the world today, so are our decisions. While some of us are catching out on our decisions, a whole lot are daily depressed by the outcomes of their decisions. While the word “decision” is the same, the content differs for each human.


Some decisions are great and some not too great, and some outrightly bad. If we must therefore become a better and leading people, then we must make better decisions, for it is our decisions that determine our future. While some of us are careful decision makers, many people are hasty in their decision making. They simply put to mouth whatever comes to their hands. Decision making is like eating, if you will not be choked in your throat, then you must smell what is going into your mouth before you swallow it. Should you take into your mouth a deadly or poisonous or injurious substance, once you chew and sense or smell danger you are expected to spill out such from your mouth.


If you refuse to spill out a bad substance from your mouth, you have refused to change your cause. Since not every direction or decision is right for your dream future, not every food will keep you alive. If your life is important to you, you must spill out wrong food from your mouth. If your future is important to you, you must learn to change the cause you took without proper thoughts. Usually, when we are hungry, any food is good for the stomach. However not every food is healthy or nutritious to the body. If you must not endanger your life, you must smell and chew whatever you want to swallow. In the last episode, we realized that it is important to smell before we eat.


However, there are instances where many people refused to smell before they eat. And so, while they are chewing, they still have the opportunity to make a decision to either swallow it or to spill it out. However, what most people do is to get so personal with the food in their mouth that they refuse to spill it out, even though they sensed they are biting wrong things in their mouth. And so, what did they do, they just swallow it. You must not forget that, what differentiate the wise from the fools lies in their choices. What you do and you don’t do informs the people whether you are a wise or a foolish person.


As a wise man, as a wise woman, you have the responsibility to suspect danger and then to take the right actions to avoid imminent danger on your life. If you have missed the phase of smelling, and you have inserted the wrong substance into your mouth, you have a responsibility while chewing such substance to still perceive whether it is dangerous or not. While you are chewing, should you perceive any danger, you have the responsibility to spill out or to vomit anything that will be injurious or dangerous to your body. You cannot expect people to suspect danger for you, the substance is right in your own mouth, not our mouth. It is in your mouth; you have the exclusive responsibility to sense the danger and to vomit it.


Many people have started different thing, they are into many things, already they have started, so if you want to blame them you can blame them for starting the wrong thing. However, they have a responsibility since they are chewing it, they have not swallowed it. When a food is swallowed it means it goes straight into your bowel. Now when an action is so to say swallowed, it means it has brought you to an outcome. And so, at that moment you cannot do anything about it. But before you get into the outcome, into the consequence phase of your decision making, while you are chewing it, While you are starting the execution of your decision, you have a responsibility to suspect or to sense danger and to avert imminent danger by you changing your course.


You see, changing your course does not necessarily mean that you are going to jeopardize your own chances. There are chances that are injurious to your future. There are decisions, there are directions that you have taken that are not helpful, and so  if you do not want to end in a grievous danger, if you do not want to end in a dangerous end, you have the responsibility to change your course at this moment. You see, for every direction, for every decision you make, there is an outcome. It is just a matter of time. Before the decision is finally executed, if you do not want a very wrong outcome, if you do not want a bad outcome, you must take responsibility to alter your decision, to alter your course, so that you can determine a desirable future for yourself.


Indeed, you can become a better person, indeed you can become a leading personality. However, you have a responsibility at this phase in your life to change your decision, to change your course of your life; so that you can determine the outcome of your life, the future that you have dreamt about. Your future is indeed at the mercy of your decisions. if you choose wrong decisions, and then you execute wrong decisions, you must then be ready for a wrong future.


If you make a wrong decision, and you have sensed that you’ve made the wrong decision and you choose to change that wrong decision, then you can have a new outcome that is different from the old one. If you must change your future, then you must change the course of your life. If you must change your future, then you must change the manner, the attitude, you must change the quality, you must change the style of your decisions. For it is your decisions that determines your future. If your future must be bright, then it must be because you have made a bright decision. If your decision is wrong, you must then settle for a wrong future.


Alright that’s the end of our broadcast today. I believe you have picked something from what we have shared: “SMELL IT BEFORE YOU EAT IT”. If you have failed to smell before you put into your mouth, now we see how to remedy the situation. You cannot continue to get personal with your decisions. Don’t forget your decisions could be personal, but the impacts, the consequences, they are not private. You cannot therefore be so loyal to your decision that you are disloyal to your destiny. Your future is at the mercy of your decisions. If you make a wrong decision now, you have a responsibility, you not me; you have a responsibility to change your own decision, so that you can change the outcome of your life. And indeed, so that you can become a better person and a leading personality.


Thank you for the gift of your time, my name is Gboyega Adedeji and it has been a great joy for me to connect with you in this episode of Better & Leading You. Till the next time I bring you another interesting edition on this Series: Smell it Before You Eat It, I want you to stay safe.


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