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Seduction of Perfection: How To Find Happiness Now

This article is an answer to some questions in the minds many people across the world; and I hope it enriches the thoughts and choices of many men and women that reads it.

Seduction is married with perfection in this article to find out the possible result of their marriage – whether good or bad and to form an understanding of what we must do daily as a people pursuing God's purpose on earth.

Seduction is the act of seducing someone or tempting someone. I could stop with that, but I decided to go further to ask the question, "what does it mean to tempt someone?" I found out that to tempt is to entice or try to entice (someone) to do something that they find attractive but know to be wrong or unwise. It is about an urge or a persuasion to do something. The implication is that, whatever moves you to do something subtly or quietly; but persuasively, might be tempting you. If I may add, temptation is about enticement to do or say a thing you would not ordinarily do considering your first judgement of the thing.

Perfection is a state of being perfect; it simply means faultlessness or flawlessness. I said sometime ago to a group of participants at our last Purpose and Destiny Conference at a Federal University that it is one thing to be something; and it is another thing for you to think you are something! The implication is that, perfection is a state of faultlessness – whether real or assumed or presumed. 

In my little time on earth, I have discovered that there is a big difference between what is, what ought to be and what could be. I have also learnt that impression, perception and presumption are some of the things that drive the world system. For instance, if you assume that a comedian is well paid, anytime you seek his or her service; you pay him or her well. If you form a perception that a political party is the best party in town and others are just wasting time; you might want to die to actualize the election of such party.

The alarming truth is that, many people are not as concerned about the formation of great personalities, as they are about presenting their defective personalities in great ways. Marketing, publicity and all manners of branding have complicated the matter; many businesses and celebrities are simply make-believe individuals that make their fans believe that they are what and who they are not.

I have not yet found a man or woman who is specially drawn to imperfections; hence, the primary objective of men and women, boys and girls is to build a perfect image of themselves to everyone they are able to meet in their lifetime. People spend so much money, time and energy on nothing else other than their public image.

Many ladies have been shocked a week in marriage having realized that their perfect "men" are not close to it. My wife Omolara said sometime ago disappointment is a product of expectation – you are disappointed over a matter or a person when your expectations are not met. The challenging part of this art and act of perfection by many men and women, business and corporate leaders is the ever-increasing expectations of the people that listens to or follow or see them. People build so much expectation that only God can meet; but erroneously expect their spouses, partners, friends, associates and colleagues tto meet them.

Everyone is attracted to one thing or the other; whether the things are real or imagined is another matter. We build our impressions of people and things overtime and respond to or relate with them based on our perceptions, which are products of our expectations. 

You see a young man who is happily married to  wonderful wife lusting after another woman. He does that each time he thinks that the new prospect or lady has something that his wife does not have. The pitiful part of this is when such men decide to separate from their wives because of their new expectations. In most cases, their new prospects are far below their expectations and they wish to return to their first love – wives  at home!

 Many people have lost their jobs due to this seduction of perfection. Each time a man sees people working with a particular organization; he forms an idea of an ideal working place; and hopes to work in such organization someday. Many people have been thrown out of the labour market because their expectations were not met – and they cannot go back again.

Perfection truly attracts; we want to live perfect lives; work in perfect places; have perfect families; but the experience of many people with fewer regrets is not usually that of perfection; but of contentment – the desire to enjoy what they have and to celebrate where they are; while growing to become better, stronger and wiser. You may be easily attracted to beautiful women – many people feel what you feel; however, many people have chose to be committed to their choices and cherish their chosen partners. When you join those people; you will work more at growing your current capacity or the current capacity of your spouse. You will soon discover that what you think you need elsewhere can be grown where you are with what you have.


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