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Rediscovering The Purpose of Your Body: An Introduction!

Do you in any way have an idea of the PURPOSE of your body? Perhaps, like many people across the world, you don't really know the purpose of your body; I would like to advice you not to be too much into the habit of using what you don't really understand. Remember, when the purpose of a THING or a PERSON is not known, abuse of the THING or PERSON is inevitable?


Have you seen a pilot who operates an aircraft he or she doesn't understand how it functions? In fact, once you acknowledge that you don't know the purpose of your body; you should be "recalled" back to "base" (where you came from to this earth), or you should submit yourself to be "retrained" by the agency that brought you here. Although, I am using some strong terms/words here; yet, I want you to understand the gravity of what is at stake if you remain on earth without knowing the purpose of your own body; nor use the body for the sole reason it was made for you.



Consider the soldiers in the image above; how do they look? Do they appear the way anyone would appear going to a regular office or ceremony? One thing is sure, this men are dressed up for their own ocassion (purpose). When you see these soldiers, you see a people who are made or FASHIONED by their purpose for the sole purpose of fulfilling that purpose. No soldier in his or her right senses would DRESS up like this and then choose (or mistakenly) forget the PURPOSE of this DRESSING.


For soldiers, wearing HELMETS, CAMOUFLAGE, carrying "nice" guns and strong shoes is part of their bodily appearance. If they must FIGHT at the battlefield; then, these things are not luxuries, but necessities for them.


For you and I, if we must FIGHT a good fight on this earth, as God's ("C.I.A") officers; then, whatever, was MADE WITH US, must always REMAIN WITH US; and must always be USED BY US. The point am making is, no matter how beautiful or handsome your BODY may appear, it is not accidental or for frivolous ventures or adventures – like the Soldiers, you don't bear any arms for the sake of mere bearing. Everything you came to this WORLD ("Battlefield") with, must be seen as crucial tools or instruments for your survival on earth and your victory in this world.


If you read the book of Genesis 1:26, you would realize that among other things, it is your BODY that makes you a LEGITIMATE spirit here on earth; without you BODY intact, you will cease to function visibly on earth. Beyond that, the authority that God instituted on earth is for a spirits who carry about the plan of God in their mortar bodies. If you therefore desire to continue to please God on this earth; you must appropriate your body to productive ventures and adventures that God so commands.












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