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Recovering Your Calmness in the Midst of Adversity: Peace – Be Still

In this piece, we'll be sharing together something we are familiar with, but I trust that the Holy Spirit wants to do a quick work in our lives to deepen our understanding on this subject, and help us to be able to apply it into our day to day living. We're looking at Peace, Be Still”. We're going to look at ‘Peace, then we'll look at ‘be still’. So, we are dissecting that statement, or that phrase into two parts. Let us start with our reference Scripture, Matthew chapter 8:23-27. It says;


“Now when He got into a boat, His disciples followed Him. And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep. Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” But He said to them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. So the men marveled, saying, “Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?”


We're going to read this same text in the account of Mark; Mark chapter 4:35-41, “On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat as He was. And other little boats were also with Him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!”


Now, the reason why we had to read the accounts of Mark is that, there is more details in the account of Mark compared to what we read in Matthew. There was something significant that we read in verse 35. The Bible says on the same day, when evening had come, Jesus said to them; let us cross to the other side. And the means through which they will cross to the other side is the use of a boat. So, they were in the boat when Jesus had finished sharing several parables and teachings with the multitude. So, I believe Jesus was tired and He slept. He had said; let us go to the other side.


Remember the words of Jesus, Jesus will say, whatever I hear My Father say, I say; whatever I see My Father do, I do. So, Jesus speaking in verse 35 of Mark chapter four, what He was saying, was what the Father was saying. What was the Father saying? Let us cross to the other side; and that was the Word, the word that initiated the movement was, ‘let us cross to the other side’. But something now happened, even though the word has been released, even though the journey has been determined, the itinerary had been fixed.


The Bible says a windstorm arose, contention arose, and something stood against the Word: the Word of God is the Word of Peace, because He is the God of Peace. The word is let us cross to the other side. But after Jesus said the word, and they entered the boat, and He had slept. Verse 37 says, and a great wind storm arose. How many of us remember the parable that Jesus told about a house? He said that there was a time when somebody was going to build a house. And the person decided to build the house on the sand. When the wind came, when the storms arose, it beat against the house, and the house fell. Then He said, another person built his house on the rock. Why do we need Peace, if there is no storm? The reason Jesus said Peace, be still was because there was storm. If there was no great storm that arose, Jesus would not have uttered Peace. And that is why we want to look at this Peace that Jesus introduced into the stormy situation.


The word Peace, what does it mean? When Jesus said Peace, what was the word Peace or the fruit ‘Peace’ going to do in that situation? I'm going to give us a definition from John chapter 14. What is Peace? When we mention the word Peace, what is Peace? John chapter 14:26-27, “But the Helper; the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Jesus now speaking, He said, Peace, I leave with you; My Peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let it be afraid”.


So, what is Peace from that John chapter 14:27? Peace is an inward calm that God produces in us through an awareness of His presence. Before Jesus mentioned ‘My Peace’, He started in verse 26 with; “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit”. Who is the Holy Spirit to us? The Holy Spirit is the presence of God with us. Jesus was called, Emmanuel; God with us. That's why, when Jesus was going, He said, I'm not going to leave you as orphans, howbeit when I go, I will ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit in My name. So, the Holy Spirit is also going to be with us; just as Jesus is Emmanuel: God with us.


Let’s see what Jesus said in verse 26, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said, then He went to verse 27, Peace, I leave with you’; does it not tie to verse 26? But the Helper, the Holy Spirit; the presence of God will be with you, and when that presence is with you, as a result of that presence: Peace, I leave with you, My Peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give you; then He said, let not your heart be troubled, meaning that in the absence of Peace, your heart will be troubled. In the absence of Peace, you will be afraid.


So, what is Peace? Peace is an inward calm. That is why it is one of the fruits of the Spirit; it is an inward calm that God produces in us, it is not produced by the world. You were not born with Peace; God produces it by His Spirit. That's why, if we go to Galatians chapter 5:22, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, Peace”.  God produces it in us. Peace is an inward calm that God produces in us through an awareness of His presence. If you don't know that God is with you, you will not have Peace. This Peace is produced by the awareness, the consciousness that God is with us.


Going back to Mark chapter 4 that we read earlier, the Apostles then remembered in the midst of the storm that Jesus was in the boat with them. That even if we are going to perish, there is Jesus in the boat; let us call His consciousness. Do you know at some minutes, they lost consciousness; they lost awareness of the presence of God. The reason they continued in that uncoordinated, agitated, disturbed posture was because they lost awareness.


As believers and followers of Jesus, how many times have we lost awareness that God is with us? The reason we lose our Peace over matters, over issues is because we lose consciousness of the presence of God. Remember, when they were coming, they knew Jesus was in the boat; just like you know Jesus is in your life. But how many times have situations of life stared you in the face and you have forgotten that Jesus is in this temple. Have you, like the disciples, been running helter-skelter? When you have now realized that there is no help, there is no option; there is no way you can get out. You now suddenly remembered Jesus; then you go to Him. But the first time when you were running helter-skelter, what has happened? You lost your Peace. You were not in Peace.


So, Peace is an inward calm that God produces in us, through an awareness of His presence. If you are not aware of the presence of God, you will lose your Peace. Jesus created that scenario for us; to help us understand that no matter where your life is built, there will be storm. He said the house that was built on the sand; storm came, rain came, wind came and beat against the house.  Jesus didn’t promise us that there won’t be tribulation; rather He said in this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome. It is not by power; it is not by might but by My Spirit says the Lord of host. You are not going to do it in your strength, nor by your ability.


What is the difference between the house that was built on the sand, and the one that was built on the rock? The difference is foundation. The presence of the rock makes the difference. The same wind will beat against the house, and the same rain will beat against the house. When there was cash crunch in Nigeria, it was everybody it affected; the same circumstances and situation, but what will keep you standing is the presence of the rock; awareness of His presence: that this life is not built on sand, wind can come and test the foundation. When issues of life arise, when a great wind storm comes against a life; it is coming to test the foundation of that house. If it is built on the sand, great will be the fall, but if it is built on the rock; it will stand.


Don't preach a false gospel to people, that see just follow Jesus and all your troubles will go away; it's not true. Is that what is in your Bible? No! Jesus Himself said; in this world, you will have tribulations but be of good cheer; I am in the boat. Be of good cheer, I am the rock upon which you have built your house. Be of good cheer, I will make you immovable: that's what He promised us; I have overcome.


So, every time the devil comes with a great windstorm, you will stand; you won't crumble like a pack of cards: that is the assurance. So, next time somebody accurse you and say; you are a believer, how come you are going through these trials and tribulations? Say to them, that the proof that I have Christ is that I'm able to weather this storm. Christ in me; the hope of glory. I am coming out victorious. I am coming out triumphant. I am coming out a victor and not a victim: that is the assurance.


So, that is what Peace is; an inward calm in the midst of the storm, that God produces in us through an awareness of His presence. So, when there is Peace, you are not troubled. When there is Peace, there is no fear. But when I say you are not troubled; does not mean there is no trouble: but the point is, you are not troubled by the trouble. When Jesus arose from the boat, did He not see what the disciples were seeing? The wind and the sea were contrary; the wind was blowing as if the boat was going to capsize. The same thing that the disciples experienced was what Jesus experienced; but what was the reaction of Jesus? What was the response of Jesus? Jesus introduced what was lacking; He introduced Peace.  


As a believer, I want us to understand this. And that's why I said it is something we are used to hearing, but God wants to deepen our understanding. When Jesus woke up from His sleep, and came to the scene, the wind was still doing the drama, the sea was still doing the drama, but He introduced something. What you must understand as a believer is that you must learn to live from the inside out, not from the outside in. Jesus was the Prince of Peace; Jesus came to introduce of His fullness. The Bible says, of His fullness we have received. He is full of grace and truth, and He's also full of Peace. Jesus came to introduce what was in Him, to what was contrary on the outside. Jesus had Peace within Him, and He spoke Peace forth.


If you read, verse 27 of Matthew chapter 8, and they marveled, who is this, that the wind and the sea obey Him? And Jesus said, as I am, so are you in this world. Circumstances and situation must obey you. Anything contrary in your life must obey you, but you must become a man, and a woman of Peace. You cannot give what you don't have. If there is no Peace within you, there cannot be Peace around you. There was Peace in Jesus, in spite of the storm, He was sleeping. I'm sure the boat was rocking through the process because the Bible says; a great windstorm arose. I am sure the boat was shaking left and right, but Jesus was sleeping; and that's why the response of Jesus made us understand the fundamental thing that was missing.


Let's go back to Mark chapter 4:40-41, but He said to the wind and the sea; Peace, be still. And He said to His disciples, why are you so fearful? What I see in you is fear, no wonder a fearful circumstance is around you. Child of God, are you fearful? Job said what I fear, has come upon me; because, this is how we live: we live from the inside out. If there is fear in you, there will be fearful situations around you. If there is Peace in you, it's only a matter of time; what is in you will become what is around you. Abraham was a blessed man; God blessed him.


 He said I will bless those that bless you; I will curse those that curse you. It was only a matter of time and we saw how Abraham became great. The Bible says that Isaac became very great because the same blessing was on him, and Jacob became exceedingly great. And you see the kind of influence; Jacob became a nation. He was not just a man moving from one place to another; as a nomad. He became exceedingly great, he became a whole nation. Why? What was in him became evident as what was around him.


See, child of God, what God is saying to us is that, the matter of Peace is a matter of what is inward. What is inside you will reflect around you; it is only a matter of time. What is in you will be what is around you. Why do we go to places where there are demonic activities and the place is dark, stinking, and dirty; because that is what is inside them. If what is inside you is dark, it will reflect around you. If what is inside you is light, it will reflect around you: that's how it is; it is a spiritual order. Why is there light surrounding the entire throne of God? It is because that is who He is; God is light. Why is there no hatred permitted around God? It is because God is love. He can't be in you, and love will not reflect around you. What is in you will become what is around you. If there is no Peace in you, there will be no Peace around you.


So, Jesus said, why are you so fearful? Jesus was making them understand the reason the wind, and the storm continued is because what was in you continued. Once you alter what is in you, what is around you will be altered. He said; how is it that you have no faith? Remember, Jesus was still speaking in a parable before this, in Matthew chapter eight, that if you can have faith like a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, be thou removed and cast into the sea; and you will have whatever you say. Jesus now said how is it that you have no faith? What was Jesus addressing? How is it that this situation happened in your life, and you said nothing? How is it that this situation persisted and you have said nothing? Jesus was speaking to us, He said till now; you have asked nothing. And the reason you have not received is because you have asked nothing.

So, the disciples of Jesus were running up and down, helter-skelter, and they said nothing. And Jesus said; how is it that you have no faith? And the same question is coming to us; how come that situation is persistent in your life and you have said nothing? ‘Yoruba’s will say that, if you are quiet, whatever is in you, or whatever is around you, or whatever is on you will also be quiet’. Imagine that I have all of you here, and an insect is walking around me and my hand is occupied; I can't help myself and I keep quiet, because the insert is small you cannot see it: but I know that the insect is climbing up. Imagine if I quickly call on someone to get the insect away from me; the person will help. But if I keep quiet, no help will come and I will end up struggling with the insect. 


God is in heaven, He rules in the affairs of men: but Jesus said, until now, you have asked nothing; and because you have asked nothing, you have received nothing. The wind continued, and they said nothing. And Jesus saying to them; how is it that you have no faith? Verse 39, then He arose and rebuked the wind; what are you rebuking in your life? Whatever you don't rebuke, you have permitted. Whatever you don't speak against, you have allowed.


The Bible says whatever you allow on earth, is allowed in heaven; not whatever God allows on earth, it is whatever you allow on earth is allowed in heaven. Whatever you disallow on earth, is disallowed in heaven. And He arose and rebuked. What have you been rebuking? What has been persisting in your life, and you say God are you looking at me? That's not rebuke but you are just simply gisting with God; and God says, I'm listening. Have you asked Me to do anything? No! God said, command a thing; if you command a thing, it will come to pass. What have you commanded? You’ve commanded nothing. So, nothing has come to pass.  


Jesus arose, the Son of God, He arose and rebuked the wind: what are you doing here? I remember a story that Pastor Adeboye told; he said he was under great oppression, as if he's going to die. And he still felt maybe God was going to take him home; that it was time. So, he said he was just relaxing; let me endure this pain, maybe it is God that is punishing me, and maybe it is God that wants me to go like this. He said until suddenly, he snapped and God told him, whatever you're going through; I don't know anything about it. He said; he suddenly came to his consciousness that so it is the devil. He said, he rebuked the devil, and instantly, he felt better. And you will ask, but God was in the room with him, and how come God saw what the devil was doing to him and God did nothing? It is because until now, you have asked nothing.


In one of Kenneth Hagin’s books that I read; he also had the same experience. He said he was in the room, and there were demonic activities going on in the room. He said Jesus was sitting right in front of him, and he looked at Jesus, Jesus won’t you do something about the devil. He said I have given you authority; He said all authority had been given to Me, and I've given you authority to tread upon serpent and scorpion and all the works of the enemy. He said, until he spoke and rebuked the devil; the activity continued.


So, in our lives; we should not be praying, ‘God are you looking at me’? He is seeing you, but He has given you authority to speak by faith. Believe it and been aware of His presence in you. It is God that works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. He works it in us; we have a responsibility to allow His workings to be evident. So, when there is fear and trouble; this shows the absence of Peace. When there’s intimidation, unsettledness; when you are cowardly, Peace is absent.


Peace is not a docile feeling that you say, I'm just a Peaceful man. No! You are a coward. The devil cannot be troubling your home and you say you're a Peaceful man: you are a coward. The devil can't be messing around what is yours, and you are quiet. Did you see what Jesus did when He went into the temple? The Bible said Jesus made a chord of whip, and chased all those who are buying and selling: that is action. He didn’t pass by the temple and say, can you imagine; a place that is supposed to be a house of prayer, see how they have made it den of thieves; these people, I am Peaceful. The Bible says He chased out those buying and selling.


Can you in Peace, go all out for those that have made your life; den of thieves and chase out those that are buying and selling in your family, that have made your family a den of thieves, stealing, killing and destroying what is yours? Can you be active like that? You need to rebuke. In your Bible, He rebuked the wind and say to the sea; Peace, be still! It came with exclamation mark, so it was a command. He wasn't joking. That is the same way; we must not joke with our lives.


Activities of the devil going on around us; don't sit down and be cowardly and docile and say, God is seeing it. God is seeing what is happening in Nigeria, how they are stealing our money. Can you rise up? The Bible says, and everything continued in Israel, until I, Deborah arose as a mother in Israel. God has given us authority; He has given us power and He wants us to use it. Yes, He's the Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent God. But without you giving God permission, He said ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened unto you. If there is participation from us, answer will come from Him. You will find what you are looking for in Him, but you have the responsibility of asking, you have the responsibility of seeking, and you have the responsibility of knocking.


So, let us look at ‘still’. Jesus said, Peace, be still! What is stillness? I want us to see Isaiah chapter 30:15, “For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness (another word for stillness is quietness; Jesus said be quiet. That means the sea and the wind were talking, shouting, and harassing) and confidence shall be your strength”. In quietness, in stillness.


So, stillness is a quiet rest and trust in the Lord. What has been making noise around you? Whose voice has been so loud, disturbing you? There needs to be stillness: talking about Peace; that's calm, there needs to be quietness. Then when there is stillness in your life, what happens? You will cease from striving. There's an adage that says an empty barrel, makes the loudest noise. Some people's lives are like that empty barrel: making noise. Let God fill the emptiness; when God fill the emptiness, you will be still. When there is no stillness, you will be creating effects and not making progress. It will look as you are moving: have you seen people that have motion without movement? You’ve seen people riding bicycle on the same spot; there is motion, but they are not moving from point A to point B: noise but no movement. A life that is not still, is a life with motion, but no progress.


What can bring us to the point where our lives are still? Where circumstances or situation around us are quiet? There is no unnecessary noise, no unnecessary activity without progress. Let’s see Philippians chapter 4:6-7, “Be anxious for nothing; (the reason many lives are in that situation is because you are in panic mode. ‘What is happening! My mates have gone; they have done this and done that. You are striving and not thriving). Be anxious for nothing; another word for striving is anxiety; you are anxious, you are trying to make things work. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;


When you are supplicating, you are making definite request; don’t say God is all-knowing that He knows, we are to make our request known to Him. God said, come! Let us reason together; bring forth your strong reasons. There are lots of billion people in the world, why should God attend to your case? Why should God visit you? Why should God intervene if you have not invited Him? He doesn’t just jump into people’s life: you will have to invite Him. How do I know this? Jesus said, behold, I am at the door knocking; whosoever will open. How will you open? You open with prayer, with supplication, with thanksgiving: saying, Lord Jesus come into my heart: this is how you open. You make your request known unto God and He will come into whatever area of your life and dine with you.


Verse 7 says; “And the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. God respond to our anxieties through Peace. So, God’s answer to our anxieties, our worries, and our agitations; is His Peace. That’s why in John 14:27, Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give to you: that Peace is the answer. Jesus was not arguing with the sea. He said Peace, be still! Because even the sea was worried, so Jesus said, Peace, be still! Be quiet. And the Bible says, and there was great calm. The life that will experience great calm is the life that allows the Peace of God to be introduced.


So, all our anxieties, all our worries, what do we do about them? We pray about them. By prayer, supplication with thanksgiving, make your anxieties, make your worries, and make your agitations known unto God. The One Person that I know will not call you a talkative in this world is God. What Jesus rebuked was vain repetition; don't be saying the same thing, because God is not deaf. That's why he said by prayer, supplication with thanksgiving. When you have prayed and have supplicated, then bring it with thanksgiving again; continue to bring it with thanksgiving, until the Peace of God that passes all human understanding, guard your hearts and your mind. 


What is His Peace that we're talking about? This Peace that we said is the answer to our anxieties, our worries, and our agitations; it is that tranquility of our soul, in assurance with our salvation in Christ, that we fear nothing, and we are content in God, and whatever it is on the earth does not border us.


The Bible says that when you pray, know that you have received an answer, because He heard you. But how do you know you have received an answer? Number one, it comes from your salvation. God does not listen to everybody. That's why the Bible says, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that you may obtain mercy and find grace. How can you come to the throne of grace? You come to the throne of grace by the blood of Jesus. He says, we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Without Jesus, you can't come to the throne of grace; without coming to the throne of grace, you cannot pray and supplication with thanksgiving.  


So, our assurance is in our salvation in Christ, that when we come before Him, He is faithful, and just to hear us because He has forgiven us; and we can now come boldly, that we may obtain mercy and find grace.


So, what do we do when His Peace has come into our heart? Because what we do when His Peace has come into our heart is what will determine our stillness. In Psalm chapter 46:10, God said, be still and know that I am God. What does it mean to be still? When God said, be still and know that I am God; what does He mean? Let’s see Philippians chapter 4:8-9, “Finally, brethren, whatever are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there is any virtue, and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things”: that's when you are still.


Be still and know that I am God. Meditate on the things that are true, don't meditate on lies. When you meditate on lies, you will be unstill. What brings that stillness; that quiet assurance that you have in God, is because you have meditated on the things that are true. You have meditated on the things that are noble. You have meditated on the things that are just. You have meditated on the things that are pure. You have meditated on the things that are lovely, and they are of good report.


What will this do for you? Let's see, verse 9 of Philippians 4, “The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of Peace will be with you”. Apostle Paul was saying to the Philippian church, you would have seen the things that are true, that I have said to you, that you have heard, meditate on them. He said when you continue on those things that you have learned and receive and heard; he said, practice them, do them, and the God of Peace will be with you.


Philippians 4:7 says, and the Peace of God; what the Peace of God will do is to guard your hearts and your mind, while the God of Peace; the presence of God: His presence will be with you. God will be with you in stillness. When Elijah wanted to see where God was, the Bible says, and when the wild wind came, God was not in it. Even in the fire, and other different activities; God was not in it, but He was present in the still small voice. The God of Peace is with you in stillness.


As a believer, you want God to show up for you; you must be still and know that He is God. The reason many of the things we want God to do for us is not happening; is that we are anxious, we are agitated, and we are worried. What we need is to fix our minds. That's why the Bible says, looking unto Jesus; that's the posture for stillness. Looking unto Jesus; because when you look unto Him, you are looking at what is pure, you are looking at what is true, you are looking at what is noble, you are looking at what is of good report, and you are meditating on the One you are looking at. And as you are looking at Him, and you are still; you will see the salvation of the Lord, and you will know that He is God.



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