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Reaping the Supernatural Pt 2: Understanding The Things You Need To Sow Deliberately In 2019

Please, click the link to read: Reaping the Supernatural Pt1: The Order of Giving In 2019



God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:24). NKJV

You can’t sow in God and sow in the flesh. God is Spirit. If you want to sow in God, you sow spiritually. Worship is a selfless exercise. When you worship God, it is selfless or what do gain when you are worshipping?  how does it benefit your eyes?  how does it please your eyes or your ears when you worship? It doesn’t gratify the flesh. it’s a spiritual exercise. You are giving up in the Spirit. Your number one sowing experience should be worship.  Selflessly giving yourself entirely to God in Spirit and in truth, withholding nothing back. Making God first. Honoring God.

Putting yourself as nothing before Him. The bible says concerning the 24 elders, they cast their crown, their achievement, everything that gratifies the flesh they cast it down at His feet worshiping the one that sits on the throne. Your Worship experience in 2019 is a way of dying to the flesh. Flesh does not have say or have room in your affairs. Kill the flesh in the place of worship. Sacrifice in the place of worship. serve God in the place of worship. God desires worship and worship is our own principal way of sowing to the Spirit.



“Pray without ceasing”, (1 Thessalonian 5:17) . NKJV

Pray without ceasing. What does prayer do for you? It helps you to empty yourself before God, when you communicate and commune with your father.

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints”

 (Ephesians 6:18). NKJV

If you truly allow the Holy Spirit to pray through you, then it is selfless. It is when you pray in the flesh that is selfish. Give yourself to prayer in the Spirit always. This is another fundamental way we can pray in the Spirit. You sow into eternal life by sowing in the Spirit. The kind of prayer we should be praying in 2019 is not God give me a Lamborghini. Pray eternal life focused prayers. You must not give in to the flesh in 2019, we must be solely committed to the Spirit. Pray as the Holy Spirit is leading you because you are praying your way into the harvest of a new life, the life that God has pre-ordained for you.


Listen to PodcastReaping The Supernatural: The Order of Giving In 2019


God said “my thoughts are higher than your thoughts your ways are higher than my ways”, (Isaiah 55:8-9) “my thoughts towards you are of peace and not evil to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11). There is nothing you are thinking about yourself that is higher than the thoughts of God towards you. That’s why, we must give ourselves wholly to praying in the Spirit. Seek the Lord in the place of prayer in openness, genuineness, sincerity by saying “Lord I want to know you, I want to commune with you, I want to have fellowship with you”. That’s how we can sow in Spirit and reap eternal life.


Study and Meditation of God’s Word.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

 (2 Timothy 2:15). NKJV

Study, meditate eat the word of God. Let the word of God be one with you. That’s how to sow in the Spirit . Let the word of God become the very bread that you eat. Jesus said to the devil “Man must not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). So, in 2019, we must not live by bread alone, gratifying the flesh but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. We are moving by ‘ thus says the lord’,  we are acting by ‘thus says the lord,’ The guidance of God. David said “the word of the Lord is like a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119: 105).

That means the word of the God illuminates my path and gives direction to my feet. That is how the word of God should be to us in 2019, our pathfinder, our way maker. We should remember that Jesus is the word. The bible says “the world was framed by the word of God” (Hebrews 11:3). Let the word of God frame your world in 2019. Let your life be framed by the word of God because the word of God contains boundless possibilities.


Being Led in Obedience

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." (Romans 8:14). NKJV

We sow in the spirit by being led by the Spirit, by obedience to the Spirit of God. Every time you obey the Holy Spirit in 2019, you are sowing in the Spirit, you can’t gratify the flesh by obeying the Holy Spirit He helps you to live that selfless life in God.


But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.

(Isaiah 40:31). NKJV

Those who expect God, those who look for God, those who hope in Him shall change and renew their strength and power. This is the experience of everyone in 2019 that follows the order of giving in the Spirit, they shall lift up their wings and mount up close to God as eagles, mount up to the sun. They shall run and not be weary because they will not be walking in the natural order because they did not sow in the natural realm. They shall work and not faint, they won’t become tired. For everyone that sows in the Spirit in 2019 shall reap the supernatural. For everyone that sows to the flesh in 2019 shall reap the natural. Give your commitment to the Lord. Say “lord I have examined my ways in 2018, I have seen how I have reaped destruction, I have seen how I have reaped decay, I am changing the order of my giving, I am changing the order of my sowing in 2019 because lord I want to reap the supernatural, I want to reap and harvest a real life.”

This is what God is calling us to this new year. God Is calling us to the life of the supernatural and it does not happen in the flesh, it happens in the Spirit. When you sow in the Spirit after that same order, you will reap. When you sow in the supernatural after that same order you will reap. You can’t give yourself to God and God turns his back against you. God will be for you and no devil can be against you. God will stand by your side as you walk with Him in obedience and nobody would be able to do you wrong. If you want to experience the supernatural, sow in the spirit. Give up your time, money, attention and comfort in the spirit.

This should be the order of giving in 2019. Sow your words in the Spirit not in the flesh. Sow your words in hope, in the spirit. Sow the word, the life, and blessing of God and after that order you will reap and I pray that will be our experience in the name of Jesus.


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