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Prophecies and Prophets: Building Your Understanding and Disposition Towards Them:

In this piece I would like to share by the inspiration of the Lord, a very, very important subject. The reason why we're going into this subject is because I believe the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit wants to set us right because of abuse, many people have shied away from this subject in the body of Christ. But God is particularly calling our attention to it, because it's a fundamental pillar in the kingdom of God.


We are looking at Prophecy and Prophet. Now, as I mentioned, I know some of us will agree with me that there has been a lot of abuse of these two important pillars in the body of Christ. So, the teaching we're doing on this, is to help us understand the true meaning. It is not my idea or something that I picked up from a textbook or a motivational or inspirational book; this is directly from the Word of God.


What does God have to say to us? What does He have to teach us about prophecy and prophet? Our major text will help us into what prophecy is; and who are Prophets? We'll also look at the features of prophecy and features of a Prophet.


Our major text is from the Book of 2 Peter chapter 1:16-21. It says; “For we do not follow cunningly devised fables, when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we are eyewitnesses of His majesty. For He received from God the Father, honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory: this is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your heart; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit”.


From this text, we’ll start by looking at what is prophecy and who are prophets? Now, Apostle Peter was giving us a background into how they encountered a prophetic experience that launched them into verse nineteen where he said, ‘we have the prophetic word confirmed’. He said they were with Jesus on that mount when the voice came out and said; this is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. That is the voice of God in the hearings of men.


So, what is prophecy from this particular text that we have read? Prophecy is the voice of God. Another word we can use for voice is the word of God, or a word from God in the hearings of men. Anything outside this is not prophecy. Prophecy has to be a word from God, and to the hearings of men.


So, who are prophets? According to 2 Peter chapter 1:21, prophets are holy men of God who speaks as they are moved by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit. So, if you see anybody speaking, and the person is not moved by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit, the person is a false prophet. So, what is prophecy? Prophecy is the voice of God in the hearings of men; it is not prophecy, if men don't hear it. There are many things God says that is not in the hearings of men: you don't call that prophecy. Prophecy is when the voice of God comes in the hearings of men. And who are prophets? They are holy men that are moved by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit.


I want us to see Deuteronomy chapter 18:22, it says; “When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, (so prophets are men that speak in the name of the LORD, and any prophet that speaks in his own name; is a false prophet.) if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.”


Deuteronomy 18:22 helps us understand what Apostle Peter is saying in Second Peter chapter one. He said, if a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, and the thing does not happen or come to pass, that thing which he has said, God has not said: God did not speak it; because the word of God is synonymous with God. In Psalm, the Bible says, heaven and earth may pass away, but not one title: one dot of God's word will go unfulfilled.


In Isaiah chapter 55:8-11, God Himself said, ‘My thoughts are not your thoughts. My ways are not your ways, as the heavens are higher above the earth, so are My thoughts higher than your thoughts and My ways than your ways’. He also said the word that come out of My mouth will not return back to Me empty, and it will not return back to Me unfulfilled. So, when somebody speaks a thing, and it does not come to pass; it is not the word of God, because men can change, God does not. The Bible says He honors His word more than the names that we call Him. So, there is integrity of the personality in prophecy. That's why prophecies don't fail if it is spoken by the mouth of God. Can God change His mind? Yes, but God is going to affirm is word.


I want us to see another Scripture, 2 John chapter 4:1, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”  The emphasis is that it must be of God for it to be a prophecy that is fulfilled; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.


So, we can look around us and see many prophets, it does not mean all of them are true. How do we know this? Jesus Himself said, in the last day, when He will appear, He said many will cry to Me, saying Lord, Lord, we perform miracles in Your name, some of them will even say we prophesied in Your name, and Jesus will say to them, depart from Me; you workers of iniquity. We must understand that for there to be a false thing, that means there is a genuine one: the original. For example, how many of us have seen fake 300 naira note? We all have not seen it before. Why? The reason is, there is no origin 300 naira note. So, for there to be false prophets, that means there are true prophets. For anything that has false or fake, then there is the original, and it is because of the value of the original, that people spend time to create the fake. So, when you see something that is fake; there is a value to it.


So, prophecy is the word or the voice of God spoken in the hearings of men and prophets are those that are moved, inspired by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit. What are the characteristics of prophecy? When you hear a prophecy or you read it, how will you know that this is a prophecy? We're going to look at that side by side with features of prophets. So, let's go back to Second Peter chapter 1:16-21. Verse 19, and so, we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light.


Number One feature of a prophecy is that it is a light. When there is light, you can see; there is clarity. So, when there is a prophecy that brings confusion, it is not a prophecy. It is a false prophecy. True prophecy will bring light.


If there is something you have been confused about, you are been worried about; when the prophecy comes: it brings lights, it brings clarity. You are able to see, and you are able to know what God has been trying to show and tell you. Any prophecy that confuses you and makes things unclear; it is not from God. So, the first feature of prophecy is that it is a light and the light shines in dark place; it is not a light that shines in light (you already know and then the prophecy now comes). It is because there is a dark place; there is a dark area that the Lord is bringing light.


Now, let us go back to the example that Apostle Peter gave us. He said they were there on that mount; Jesus was praying and they were sleeping. And suddenly, they woke up to a vision, to an experience; a spiritual experience. They saw Elijah, Moses and Jesus; they saw them in their glorified body and they were amazed. How did they know it was Elijah and Moses? They saw them spiritually in their glorified bodies. And they said, what an experience, this kind of experience is too deep; we can’t leave this place. Let us build a tabernacle, one for Elijah, one for Moses, and one for Jesus.


So, they were confused. They saw something and they were in a dark place. They were confused about what they were seeing. And there was a prophecy and that's why he said the prophetic word was confirmed. They didn’t understand that they should not subject themselves to worshiping Elijah and Moses, or continue to follow those dispensations; but they should just focus on Jesus. And the prophetic word came from God. This is My beloved Son; leave Moses and Elijah.


Confirming the word in Hebrews chapter 1:1, that says in the time past, God spoke through the prophet, and now He speaks by His Son. So, the prophetic word that he said was confirmed was the voice of God that came from God in the hearings of men. And it came as a light when they were in a dark place. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear Him!


So, were the apostles confused after that word? Were they wondering what should we do? No! It came as a light. Prophecy comes as a light that shines in a dark place. Prophecy shines until the day dawns, it is not just for the moment. The kind of word that God sends is in His nature. Prophecy is eternal! That's why the Bible says that the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance; because they come in the nature of God. So, when a word comes from God, it comes in the body of the One that sent it: eternal! So, even after Jesus had died, resurrected and ascended to heaven, this prophetic word is being confirmed; and till today, it is still been confirmed.


How many of us, after this light came, still feels that we should create a tabernacle for Elijah and Moses? The prophetic word has come as a light for everyone who connects and press into it; that light shines on them. He said it shines until the day dawns, and the morning star rises in your hearts. What does that mean? It means that every prophetic word that comes to you continues to take effect in your life until Christ Jesus is completely revealed and He is seen in your life.


What is the essence of every prophecy? Every prophecy comes in bits and pieces; just as the Word of God to form Christ in you: just like the Bible says, until we come to the unity of the faith and to the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the fullness of the stature of Christ. So, every prophecy comes so that you would come into the fullness of the stature of Christ. And that's why he says, that word is a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns, and the morning star rises in your heart. Who is the Morning Star? Jesus.


So, if you received something else, apart from this experience, it is not prophecy. So, what are the features of prophets? Prophets are the kinds of men that bring this kind of word. Verse 20, knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation; so you can’t sit down and say, this is the meaning of what I have received, no! He said, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved. So, what is a feature of a prophet? Prophets are moved. Feature of prophecy is that there is a light that shines in the dark place. Prophets are holy men of God who spoke as they were moved. So, you are not a prophet, if you are not moved by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit. How do you know that this person is a prophet? The person is moved by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit. If it is you that you are moved by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit, you're a prophet at that time.


And that's why we're going to look at the New Testament prophecy and prophets. The first thing we want to look at is that, prophecy in the New Testament is a gift; it is not hereditary. You can’t say because my father was a prophet, I am also a prophet: that's not how it works. This teaching is supposed to preserve us in the kingdom, to help us know the truth from the falsehood, to help us know true prophecy from false prophet because many people have been disappointed because of falsehood. Romans chapter 12:6, Having then gifts differing (meaning that they are different according to grace, they are not the same) according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith”.


In the New Testament, prophecy or being a prophet is a gift. Jesus ascended into heaven and He gave gifts unto men, some apostles, some prophets, some teachers, some pastors and evangelist; for the equipping of the saints. So, we must understand why the gift was given. It is not to make another person subject to you. In Genesis chapter 1:26, among the territories of dominion, there was no place where God said dominate on another man. He said you should be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air. There is no place you see over man because God made each man a dominating spirit. So, when you are operating in a gift, it is not to dominate on another man: the Bible says it is for the equipping of the saints.


So, what is your gift meant to do? It is to equip another. If you are doing anything different, you are not operating according to the principles and the precepts that Jesus has set for us. So, when a man comes to you, or a woman comes to you in the name of being a prophet, and the person is not equipping you, that person is not worthy to be called a Prophet. Prophecy is for the equipping of the saints and it is a gift. So, when you receive a gift, does it make you better than another person? No! When you receive a gift, it is a privilege and you exercise it that way.


I want us to also see a Scripture in 1 Corinthians chapter 12:10, “To another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, and to another interpretation of tongues”. So, prophets are people that have another gift. There are several gifts in the body of Christ; prophecy is another gift. In 1 Corinthians chapter 13:8, he said, “Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away”. So, prophecies, as according to New Testament Scripture, if it is not in love, it will fail. So, that's why you cannot operate in the gift of prophecy and want to dominate over another. It is a gift to be exercised in love.


When prophet Agabus took the girdle of Apostle Paul and tightened it, he was not sounding as if he was better than the one, he was prophesying to; even though he did not know the person. When you operate in prophecy, it comes with a great sense of responsibility; because you are communicating the voice of God in the hearings of men.


So, let us look at Hebrews chapter 1:1, “God, who at various times and in various ways, spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets; He spoke to the fathers meaning that they were before this generation, they were of the old. He spoke to the fathers by the prophets, verse 2, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds”.  


From this Scripture, some people can validate a point and say that it was in the Old Testament that God ever used prophecy; but that's not true! We want to look at the link between this statement and the New Testament stand; the present precept that Jesus has set for us in the Body for prophecy and prophets. He said, in time past, in various ways and various times, He spoke to the fathers by the prophets, but in these days, He speaks to us by His Son. So, what does this statement mean? In these days, these days includes this time that we're speaking, this time that you and I are; He is speaking by His Son. So, what does that mean to us? Who is the Son?


John chapter 1:1, the Bible says in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Son is the Word; the Word became flesh: that is when He took up the status of being a Son that was going to die. That is why he said, ‘unto us, a Child is born and unto us a Son is given’. So, ‘He’ now speaks to us in these days by His Son; how? Is it every time you hear Jesus Himself speaking to you? He now speaks to us by His Son; by the Word.


In the New Testament experience of prophecy and prophet, everything lies and rest on the Word; on the Son. There was a prophet called Hosea. That Prophet, God told him, ‘go and take a wife of harlotry’. Meaning that a woman that sleeps around and the whole community knows that she sleeps around. And God said to him, go and make her your wife; is it not difficult, is it not hard? But God used him as a sign. In Hebrews 1:1, he said, He spoke at various times, and in various ways; that's part of the ways.


There was a prophet called Isaiah; for a period of time, God told him to walk around Israel naked; as a sign, that God was going to cause the land of Egypt and Syria, to be stripped naked, as a sign: in various times, in various ways in the old. That's why today, we see anybody trying to be a sign: it is not of the New Testament because in this time, these days, God speaks by His Son. Every sign that you want to see, He has already made it in His Son.


So, when we look at New Testament prophecy and prophets, you must take reference from Christ. Any prophecy that does not take reference in and from Christ is not a prophecy on the tenant of Christ Jesus in the New Covenant. God is no longer telling people to strip themselves naked or go and take a wife of harlotry has a sign. The reference and the sign is in Christ, and that's why Apostle Paul said ‘that I may know Him’. Because, if you know Him, you're already connecting to the prophetic sign or prophetic imprints that is in Christ. Our prophetic imprint is in Christ.


Luke chapter 24:44, Then He said to them, these are the words which I spoke to you, while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me”. Jesus made sure He captured all. Everything written in the Law, written in the Prophets, written in Psalms concerning Me, they are all fulfilled in Me. That's why we must take prophetic imprint or reference in Christ. Meaning that if anybody tells you something, and you cannot see that thing in the life of Jesus, you can't see Jesus do it, you can't see Jesus take it; then don't take it. Jesus is saying, ‘all of it is fulfilled in Me’.


I want to show us another Scripture, Revelation Chapter 19:10, “And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, see that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. The spirit carries everything. The spirit of prophecy that was written in the Law, in the Prophet and in Psalms is fulfilled in Christ. So, if there is going to be any prophetic utterance, if there's going to be any prophetic vision; you must not see anything that is not in Christ. And that's why the Bible says, looking unto Jesus; your gaze must be focused on Him.


If Jesus just came and just died, and He showed us nothing, then we'll be confused. But Jesus came to live for thirty-three and half years as a testimony. That's why Jesus did not rest. If you look at the New Testament, and read about how Jesus walked, you will see that He actually walked the length and breadth of Israel. He was not resting; because He needed to demonstrate to us, He needed to show us, and He needed to prove to us that this is how to live in the kingdom; that whatever you have experienced in the old, it is in the old. God now in these days, speak to us by His Son. That's why when the disciples of Jesus saw some people, who got them angry, and they said, Jesus, let us call fire down from heaven, like the prophets did. And Jesus said to them, you don't know the manner of Spirit that you have in you. The Spirit of Prophecy, the Spirit that has been fulfilled in these days, is not given to violence; it is love.


Now, all of these, is to help us because we're actually in the last of the last days. And the Bible says in First John, he said false prophet have gone into the world. My brothers and my sisters, they are carrying Bible. Some of them are wearing suits. Some they wear white. Jesus called them wolves in sheep’s clothing. Don't believe them? In the New Testament, anything that does not take reference in Christ Jesus is false. And the reason why many people fall prey is because we are desperate. We are a desperate generation, when we want sign, we want it now. When we want wonder, we want it now.


When we want anything, we want it now. How many of us will have Jesus as a friend, or we'll have Jesus nearby, and something will happen to us, and we'll run to Him first. How we are, is how the disciples were and Jesus kept pointing their attention. Jesus was in the same boat with them in the middle of the sea. They had tried all the possible means, when they realized their helplessness; they now went to wake Him up; saying, ‘Jesus, is it that you don’t care that we die? Can't you see all our efforts? Is that not what we're doing now? God, can’t you see all my efforts and it has come to nothing, won’t You do something for me? And Jesus was saying to us, He said seek first the kingdom of God; seek the voice of God first. Let the word of the Lord be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing shall be added.


Do not permit anyone to introduce you to a level of Satanism that you have not bargained for. Anything that Jesus did not do with His disciples, anything that Jesus did not say you should do; don't do them. Jesus made us understand, He said, the words that I speak to you, they are Spirit, and they are life. And that is what prophecy carries; Spirit and life (light). And it is the word of God in the hearings of men; that is what is capable of changing your life, not something you put under your pillow. Don't let them tell you to carry candles, and light them; when your heart is supposed to be burning for God in the place of prayer. Anything that does not take reference from Christ is not in prophecy. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. So, New Testament prophecy and prophet, take reference from Christ.


I want to show us another Scripture, Revelation chapter 22:18, For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book. If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book”. And that's why when Apostle Peter was speaking in 2 Peter chapter one, he said that there is no prophesy given to private interpretation, but everything written in this book of prophecy, holy men were moved by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit.


This is a warning, if God is not speaking, be quiet; because whether you like it or not, Revelation chapter 22:18-19 is in force. When you say a thing that God has not said, you have added. If you have refrained from saying what God has said, it is also there. You don't add, and you don't remove from God’s word. And that is why the word of God that we carry is not just a word of God imprint; it is a word that must become imprinted in our hearts. And that's why God prophesied in Isaiah; He said in the last days, I am going to write My law in their hearts. He's talking about you and I; that He will write His law; His word in our heart; so that we will carry it everywhere we go, and it is possible for execution in our lives at any time.


Anything you don't see in Christ, run away from it. Anything that is not in the Word; run away from it. Jesus said, all the Law, the Prophets and Psalms; the prophecies written in it, is fulfilled in Me. So, what are we looking for? Why are you running helter-skelter when you have Christ? Why are you running from pillar to post and they are telling you, all these things don't spoil the Bible, they don’t spoil your faith and they're not telling you that the thing is actually destroying the foundation of your faith.


The Bible says if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? So, what should be our disposition to prophecy and prophets? How should we relate in the New Testament as believers; as followers of Jesus to prophecy and prophets? 1 Thessalonians 5:20 “Do not despise prophecy”. Prophecy is the voice of God in the hearings of men, by men that were moved by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit. So, when you hear such voices, when you hear the voice of God, when you hear such words; don't despise it. What does it mean? When the prophecy came to Mary, she said, how will these things be, seeing that I know no man? And there was a response for her; she did not despise prophecy. Rather, she was looking at how she will be in agreement with prophecy. And that's why the angel said to her that there shall be a performance of those things that have been told her by the Lord.


How does prophecy come to pass in our lives? Prophecy comes to pass in our lives when we don’t despise it. If you despise prophecy, it won't come to pass; it will keep hanging. Remember, it is God's word, it is there. It will keep hanging until your unbelief changes.


Number Two: Revelation chapter 1:3, when you have prophecy, read it. When you receive a prophecy, write it down. Don't let it escape you. You are sure this is a word from God. Write it down, read it, say it to yourself, and believe it. Take heed! So, if it's a correction, take heed! If God is asking you to do something, obey!


Number Three: First Peter chapter 1:10, when you receive a word of prophecy, search and inquire; go to the Bible. God said, I know the thoughts that I have towards you; they are thought of peace and not of evil. If somebody comes and says, God is going to destroy you; go to the Bible. As God said He would destroy me? What are the things I would do that will make God be against me? Then you repent. When you change your own standing, know that God's standing will also change. That's what happened in Nineveh. God sent a word of prophecy, I'm going to destroy this place, and then the people changed their standing. They humbled themselves under the mighty hand of God, then, God saved them: He lifted them up, out of destruction.


So, when you receive a word of prophecy, don’t say no! It's not for me, I reject it. We are to search and inquire; is there something that I have done or that I am doing that is making me clash with God? Or is this prophecy even genuine? The Bible says in First John, search all spirit, be discerning. Discern the spirit whether it is from God.


Number Four: Psalm 105:15, honor prophets. When you honor a prophet, you will have a prophet's reward. The Shunammite woman honored Prophet Elisha, and the issue she had forgotten about; God brought it up and gave her what she wanted. Same thing with the widow at Zarephath; Elijah told her to make for him first before sorting herself and her son; and she did, and was tremendously blessed.


Number Five: Test the spirit. 1 John chapter 4:1, discern; ask the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit to help you with a discerning heart. Be able to know when somebody is speaking genuinely as moved by the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit or not.


Number Six: 2 Peter chapter 1:20. Don't subject it to personal interpretation: this is what I think God is saying, no! The Bible says no one knows the heart of God, except the Spirit of God. When you receive a prophecy, take it to the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit. What is God saying to me? What is the word of God for me? What is God asking me to do? Don't subject prophecy to personal interpretation; it is dangerous.


How many of us remember the story of the old prophet and the young prophet? The old prophet said to the young prophet, God speaks to me too; and the young prophet missed it by yielding himself to the old prophet’s counsel. The only person you should discuss the prophecy of your life with is God, the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Holy Spirit: He will teach you what God is saying.  


Number Seven: Deuteronomy chapter 18:22. Believe prophetic utterances; have faith. If you will harken, if you will believe; you will receive. The Bible says in Hebrews chapter 11:6, that those who come to God must believe that He is, and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. If you don't believe in the word, you can’t receive it. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Without faith, it is impossible to receive from God. Faith is the currency of the kingdom. To transact in the kingdom, faith is required. If there is no faith in your heart, what is in the hand of God will not leave the hand of God into your life.


Number Eight: 1 Corinthians chapter 13:2, have love for prophecy to become something in your life. Apostle Paul said, even if I have the gift of prophecy, without love; it is nothing. Prophecy can become nothing without love. Have the love for God in your heart, have the love for one another, and have love for your neighbor.


Number Nine: 1 Corinthians chapter 13:8. Hope in the love of God. Just like in Habakkuk, the Bible says that the vision is yet for an appointed time. Though it tarries, wait for it. What will make you wait? Hope will make you wait. For it will not tarry. Have hope!! For twenty-five years, Abraham waited for the promise. God told him, you will become the father of many nations. In fact, God changed his name, He said you'll no longer be called Abram; you'll be called Abraham: the father of many nations. And for 25 years, people were calling him, Abraham; father of many nations. It is a prophecy.


The name God gave him was a prophetic name; it was a prophetic word. He brought him out at a point and told him to count the stars, and said to him that as many as the stars, so shall his descendants be. But what made Abraham to be able to receive the promise? The Bible says he hoped against hope. And what was keeping the hope alive? The love of God kept the hope alive. God loves me too much that He can’t fail me. God loves me and He is so mindful of me that this word He has said, I know He is investing in it. He is not a man that will lie, nor the Son of man that will repent.


You don't have hope for what you can see; you have hope for what you cannot see. So, have hope! That is what will make prophecy come to pass. There are some prophecies that will not come to pass right before your eyes in the twinkling; it will take time. But what will give you the staying power? Your hope in God will give you the staying power. Why? He loves you, and love never fails and that word will never fall to the ground.


Number Ten: Hebrews 12:2, “Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses. Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so ensnares us and let us run with endurance, the race that is set before us”. How are we running with endurance? We run with endurance by looking unto Jesus.


As you are running the race of your life, look unto Jesus; your life must not leave Him. Our disposition should be to look unto Jesus, the author, and the finisher of our faith. Every prophecy is based on our faith. Looking unto Jesus, the One that started our faith, and the One that ends it: how did He do it? Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and had sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.


Everything Jesus went through on the face of the earth was prophesied. In Isaiah, the Bible says that there is nothing comely about Him that we should desire Him. The Bible says He was stricken by men, a man of many sorrows; His suffering was prophesied. The miracles and signs and wonders that He did was prophesied. He said the government will be upon His shoulder.


In Daniel, it was prophesied that God in the last days will set up a stone that will be caught without hand; it is going to come and smash all the other kingdoms, and it will fill the entire place, and it will become a very large mountain: this was prophecy concerning Jesus, and everything came to pass.


I don't know what you're going through. I don't know the situation of your life, but hear the word of the Lord; He said before you were formed in the womb of your mother, He knew you and He have ordained you. He said, I know the thoughts that I have towards you, says the Lord; they are thoughts of good and not of evil. It's in the book of prophecy.


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