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Power And Strength: How Exploits Makers Are Made

Power, they say is the ABILITY to do work; but we may also call Strength, the ABILITY to do work! While you need power to start anything; you will need strength to finish anything!

Power is like the Car Gear 1, which is needed to start movement; while Strength is like the Gear 2, 3 and 4; which are needed for continuity and speed. Many Power, they say is the ABILITY to do work; but we may also call Strength, the ABILITY to do work! While you need power to start anything; you will need strength to finish anything!
Power is like the Car Gear 1, which is needed to start movement; while Strength is like the Gear 2, 3 and 4; which are needed for continuity and speed. Many are called, but few are chosen – many start many things; but few finish many things; the secret of finishing any project or venture is strength from a sure source. 

According to the Bible, the best source of strength for any man is the joy of the LORD, which is sourced in the presence of God. Therefore, the more you come into His presence, the more of His joy you have, which becomes strength to your spirit, soul and ultimately, your body. Hence, while you may need to be powerful to start well in life; you need to be strong to finish well.

No wonder the Bible says in the book of Daniel 11:32 that the people who know their God shall be strong, and they will carryout great exploits – indeed, true exploit is tied to true source of strength! called, but few are chosen – many start many things; but few finish many things; the secret of finishing any project or venture is strength from a sure source. 

While every driver knows that Gear 1 is only relevant in the moment; no driver despises it. Hence, every man that wants to be great or relevant, must embrace the power that comes from God: for without it, you cannot start the pursuit of your life purpose; however, if all you have is power, finishing may be hard for you. Starting well is important, finishing well is a must – so, seek the LORD daily for daily release of His strength.

"….And He (Christ Jesus) shall STAND to FEED His flock in the STRENGTH of the LORD…"  

Micah 5:4

If Jesus needed strength to finish well, you and I will need it too. However, getting strength is not all that we require to make exploits in life; but getting it from the right (not the available) Source – the presence of the LORD!


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