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Obedience Is Not Transferable Pt 1: Whose Blessings Do You Claim?

After David had served his generation according to the Will of God and was set to rest with his fathers, he left his son, King Solomon with this parting Goodwill Message:

“And you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father. Serve God with a pure heart. Be happy to serve him, because the Lord knows what is in everyone’s heart. He knows what you are thinking. If you go to him for help, you will get an answer. But if you turn away from him, he will leave you forever. (See 1 Chronicles 28:9 ERV.)

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has not changed His dealings with them that are called by His name.

Hardly will there exist a man who goes to God in prayers without expecting God to answer him or her – people don't engage in real prayers for fun. All that go to God in prayers wait on God to get help for their petitions to God.

But there is a key thing the Lord wants us to bear in mind as we pray: Obedience is not transferable. Touching the prayers that we pray, whose blessings do we claim in our places of prayers, are they blessings due to us by our obedience, or blessings promised to others as reward for their obedience?

Surely, if it is not your blessings: if what you pray, and I pray are not blessings that our lives attract, or that our relationship with God individually commands, the BLESSINGS and FAVOUR would not come to us cheaply like that.

If you observe carefully, you will discover that the Book of Psalms, is our popular Book of prayers. It is so popular to the point that, even some persons who may not be familiar with some other Books of the Bible could recite many chapters of the Book of Psalms off hand any time any day.

It is popular to hear believers saying to themselves, have you recited the prayer of psalms 23 or 25 or 100 and so on depending on the problem they notice the person is going through. There is specific psalms for each or different problem.

But is that what prayer ought to be? The believers or Christians before us, was it what they did? Are we been driven by too much revelations or the lack of it, and we are using our logic and reasoning to fix things for ourselves even when God has not commanded it?

When King David or the other writers of the Book of psalms were communing with God in the place of prayers or fellowship, which Book did the people recite from? That is where we are getting the issue of prayers mixed up with too many self led plans and self will.

Prayer is meant to be a communion, a fellowship, a relationship, an experience between the Supreme God and His creature, man, or His people – for congregational prayers.


Instead, we have confused or changed Prayer to a 'Herbalistic' or 'Fetishistic' Practice. Rote learning and a life style that is strange to the early followers of this Faith. They will be ashamed of our irresponsible life if they ever had the opportunity to visit the earth for a second unit of time.

Prayer is spiritual exercise, and must be treated as such. Prayer is not what should be read and people should be asked to pray it. Prayer is spiritual, prayers should be an out flow from the inward man not from head knowledge except in cases of prayer request. BUYING PRAYER BOOKS is not Christians. DOWNLOADING PRAYER POINTS for personal use is not Christians. It is not right for you to give people PRAYE POINTS to go and lead prayer. That is canal leadership. If you claim God has given you prayer points you should go ahead to lead it. We should stop reducing spiritually incline thing to the frame work of our minds. Only them that are led always by the Spirit of God are the children of God.

Shall we continue like this as if we never learnt? Will the Lord praise us for abandoning faith to augment our lives with fables and lies contrary to our spiritual nature? Where is our Faith, why do we trust more in what is seen than what is spiritual, when our relationship is but spiritual relationship with the Father and the Son?

Obedience is not transferable. We need to be obedient for ourselves. The holy men of old obeyed God for themselves, their experience can never become our experience because we are busy reciting their revelations and divine promises and prayers.

It is written: "Unless we believe God, it is impossible for us to make God happy. Anyone who come to God must believe him. That person must believe that God is really there [no transfer of others' obedience to your account, you most relate with God for yourself]. And they must believe that God is good to people. God gives good things to everyone who really wants to find him." (See Hebrews 11:6 EASY.)

Wouldn't it have been better we grow our personal life, personal relationship, with God in the place of prayers, and live out the persons we have become in the society to win a place in the heart of God like David did?

Dear friend, it wouldn't work nor produce any tangible results , if the prayers you pray or recite or I pray, rehearsing before God is another man's life, a product of his relationship with God but never yours or mine.

To be continued in part 2, next week.

Don't go away, stay tuned, we will be back God's willing by next week Monday on same platform, as we continue to share in the light the Spirit of God is bringing our way.





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