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Life Treatment: WEAKNESS (Episode 02): How To Turn Your Greatest Weakness To Strength

Weakness is one of the things that many of us don’t want to accept. Everyone wants to be strong or everyone wants to appear strong but in the true sense of it, there are times when we are truly weak in certain areas, in certain moments, in certain seasons of our lives, and we are just weak and vulnerable. There is nothing wrong in being weak but the problem is you should not remain weak.




So what is the treatment for weakness? When we are talking about weakness today, we are looking at weakness in every area; I don’t know what area of weakness that you are experiencing. Whether it’s a financial weakness, whether it’s a physical weakness, whether it’s a spiritual weakness, whether it’s a marital weakness.  Whatever weakness that you are experiencing in your life today, there is a treatment that I believe that is holistic and it is in the Scriptures. Many a times we quote this Scripture and we don’t understand what God is saying to us there, that this is the treatment for weakness. I am giving you what can treat any weakness of your life.


And what is that, In Nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10, there was a conversation going on “And he said to them, go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, serve portion for those for whom nothing is prepared for this day is holy to our God. Do not sorrow”


That’s why I said weakness is something that affects all areas of human life, you are either weak or you are strong. At the time when you are not at the best of your strength, you are in weakness. And what is the solution to the weakness? Whenever you are at the time, that season of your life when you are weak, He said “Do not sorrow.” That’s the first thing. Don’t enter into a pitiable mood in any way when you are weak. Don’t engage a pity party. Something happened and you are weak at that time, that season of your life is not a time for you to get into a pitiful or pitiable mood. Don’t start casting off excuses and saying ‘you know, I am weak because of this, this is the reason why I am not succeeding, this is the reason why I am not strong financially’. Do not sorrow!


I wish there is a better way I can explain it to you but that is the instruction, do not sorrow. The first treatment for weakness is: Do Not Sorrow Over That Weakness. Don’t glorify it. Don’t pamper it. Don’t let it become something that you are glossing over.  Don’t gloss over your weakness. What do you do? Do not sorrow over it. So what is the next thing that you are going to do to treat that weakness? You are going to allow the joy of the Lord. He said “For the joy of the Lord is your strength.” So when you are in a weak state in your life, in your mind, in your emotions, in any weak state, do not sorrow, that’s the first treatment.


And the second treatment, let the joy of the Lord be your strength. For you to move from weakness to strength, you need to inject joy. Joy is the treatment for weakness. If you are in any weak state, remember joy is different from happiness. Joy is not based on circumstances. It is not based on experiences. It is not based on what is happening. Joy is spiritual. Make yourself move to a spiritual state where you believe God. Let the joy of the Lord, not the joy of your bank account, not the joy of your husband or your wife but the joy of the Lord. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength so you focus and zero in on God over that issue. Zero in on God. You are experiencing a weakness in your marriage, focus on God and let the spiritual state of joy overwhelm you to the point where you receive strength in that circumstance. We move from weakness to strength by the joy of the Lord, not the joy of anyone or anything but the joy of the Lord.


And how do you access joy in the Lord? It is via the word of God. You are experiencing a weakness in your life, go to the word. God has joy in His word for you that will move you from weakness to strength and I believe that will be your experience this week.


I don’t know whatever it is that you are going through as a weakness this period. I want you to translate from weakness to strength by the joy of the Lord. That’s the treatment for every weakness and I believe that as you do this, you will experience the abundance of life and eternity will be set and shed abroad in your heart in Jesus name.






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