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Life Treatment: UNFRUITFULNESS (Episode 13): How To Transit From Poor To Good Results In Life

We will be looking at one life issue that needs treatment that all of us will agree that at one point or the other in our lives and experiences, we have been at this point or we have been having issues with this. And what are we looking at? We are looking at Unfruitfulness.




What does it mean? It simply means that ‘not producing good results or a state where you are not producing helpful results in your life.’ A state where you find yourself not producing good or helpful results in your life and your experiences is called the state or a life issue of Unfruitfulness.


We will be looking at a Scripture that will help us to understand why we are unfruitful, why we are not producing the good results that we desire or the helpful results that we desire. We will be looking at John 15:4. It says, abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine so neither can you unless you abide in Me.’ Now these are the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, He is saying to us that fruitfulness is embedded in his person. His personality helps us to be fruitful. You want to ask yourself; how do I produce or how do I yield good and helpful results or how do I produce good and helpful fruits?


Now Jesus made mention that a tree is known by its fruits. If you have a good tree, you will have good fruit. If you have a bad tree, you will have bad fruit. So, we understand by these that the nature of the tree that you are is the nature of the fruit that you bear. If you as a person is not a helpful tree, you cannot have helpful fruit. If you are not a good tree, you cannot have good fruit, meaning that if your personality is not a personality that is good, you cannot produce good results. If your personality is not a personality that is helpful, you cannot have helpful results.


And what Jesus is saying simply to us from this Scripture in John 15:4 is that we must become what we want to produce. For you to want to become fruitful, then you must become a fruitful tree. And you cannot become a fruitful tree if you are not connected to a fruitful source. Now for everyone that desires to bear good and helpful fruit, then they must be connected to a helpful and a good source.


There is no one that is good but God. You cannot produce a result that is different from your source. If your source is God then you will produce good and helpful results. If your source is not God, you cannot produce good and helpful results. And that is why it is important for us to know that the treatment for unfruitfulness is that we connect properly to the source of fruitfulness, which is God. We connect to the source of good and helpful result, which is God.


For you to start experiencing and start producing in your own life helpful and good results, you need to connect with God. You need to connect with Christ Jesus. You need to connect with the source of righteousness for you to become the tree of righteousness that bears the fruit of righteousness. That is how it works because you cannot bring forth the fruit of righteousness if you are not the tree of righteousness and you cannot become the tree of righteousness if you are not connected to the foundation of righteousness which is Christ Jesus.


Now you might want to say to me, Lara listen, I am looking at people in the world, I am looking at people all around me, I think they are producing good and helpful results and they are not connected to Christ Jesus as it were. But listen to me, how good and how helpful is the results of their lives? For you to produce genuine, good and helpful results, you need to be connected with Christ.


And that is why the bible makes us to understand that when the judgment day will come and Jesus will say to the people on his right. He will say to them when I was hungry, you fed me. Ehen I was naked, you clothed me. When I was in prison, you visited me. You produce these kinds of results and they will say to him, when were you hungry that we fed you, when were you naked that we clothed you, when were you in prison that we visited you? And He will say, ‘as long as you have done these to the least of these ones. You have done it to me.’ Those are the people that produce good and helpful results. Their reward is not just in this time but even in the time to come.


And that’s why you must settle it in your heart to become a tree of righteousness so that you can bear fruits of righteousness whose relevance is not just for this time but also for the time to come. So, these are people that have written their names and imprinted it in the sands of time, whose legacy will outlast their living and these are the kind of fruits that we must have in our lives.


So, the treatment to unfruitfulness is for you to connect to the right source and for you to become the tree of righteousness, bearing fruits of righteousness. I am sure that you have been able to glean on important truths. And as you apply it in your life, I believe that you will see differences, and upgrade and elevations in Jesus name. 


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