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Life Treatment: UNFORGIVENESS (Episode 14): Learning How To Enjoy Good Life And Healthy Relationships

Thank you for joining me on the Life Treatment Series and I believe that you have been gleaning wisdom from the series that we have been having. Today we will be looking at another issue that we will be finding the life treatment for. And what are we looking at today? It’s one important issue that you and I face on a daily basis and we need to treat for us to make progress and for us to forge ahead in life. And what are we looking at? We are looking at Unforgiveness.




What does unforgiveness mean? What is the state of unforgiveness? It talks about the state where you are unwilling or you are unable to forgive. When you are experiencing unforgiveness, it’s because you are in a state where you are unwilling or unable to forgive. It also speaks to the fact that you are having or making no allowance for error. You are having no allowance for error or mistakes. That is when we get into unforgiveness. And quickly what is the treatment for unforgiveness?


Because one of the things I want us to note is that unforgiveness deprives us of peace and progress in life. When you get stalled in one place, fixated on one thing or at one spot, check yourself you might be dealing with unforgiveness. What that does to you is that it deprives you of your peace, it deprives you of your joy and you are not able to make the kind of progress you should be making in your life. So, I want us to go straight into two important Scriptures that will help us to deal with unforgiveness.


Number one is Luke 6: 37, it said, “Forgive and you will be forgiven.” The B part of that verse says forgive and you will be forgiven. So we must come to that point where we are willing and we are able to forgive because when the willingness and the ability to forgive comes into place, then you also have prepared yourself for an opportunity where other people can also forgive you for your errors and for your mistakes.


No human being is perfect, we all make errors at some point and we make mistakes at different phases of our lives. So, when we lock up and say “I am not going to forgive this error, I am not going to forgive that mistake.” Then what we are saying is that I also I’ve put myself in a place where I am perfect being, I won’t also make errors. I won’t make mistakes so I don’t need the forgiveness of another. So, it is important that we forgive. Be willing and be able to forgive. Let go! Give allowance for error. Give allowance for mistakes and you will also enjoy the same from other people.


Another very instructive verse is in Matthew 18:21-22, “Then Peter came to Him and said, Lord, How often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him, up to seven times.” You know sometimes we tell ourselves; “this person has stretched the level of my patience, I can’t forgive anymore.” That’s the same question that Peter was asking Jesus. What is the level, what is the limit to which I can forgive? How long can I stretch my patience in forgiving a brother that sins against me or a sister that sins against me. He now said, you know what, “is it up to seven times?” But listen to what Jesus said, “Jesus said to him, I do not say to you up to seven times but to up to seventy times seven.” Did you hear that? Up to seventy times seven. That’s a long stretch. What Jesus was simply saying to Peter is, let go. Give allowance for error. Give allowance for mistakes. Let go. Forgive so that you will also be forgiven.


So that person that you know sinned against you, that person that committed that error, that person that made that mistake, that hurt you so much, that made you feel bad, that made you lose that opportunity, that made you lose time and resources, let go! Forgive! Not just for the sake of the person you are forgiving, especially for your own sake because when you forgive, you bring yourself to the place where you can enjoy true joy, true peace and true progress in your life. So, I believe you have been able to glean wisdom there. If you are in a state where you are dealing with unforgiveness, remember the treatment is, let go, forgive. Let it go. Stretch the level of your patience with people for your own sake so that you won’t deprive yourself of your joy, your peace and your progress.


Thank you for the investment of your time with me on Life Treatment today



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