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Life Treatment: STAGNATION (Episode 06): How To Create And Sustain Personal Growth

Today we will be treating one of life’s issues that many a times we find challenging when we go through or we get to that point in our lives where we feel, why is this happening and why am I going through this, there is a treatment for it and today we will be looking at Stagnation. What does it mean? What does stagnation mean? It means a time in your life where there is lack of growth or development. You are not seeing changes. You are not experiencing progress like you should. You are not experiencing that kind of push that you expect to be happening in your life and at that moment, you are going through a stagnation, where there is little or lack of activity or growth and development.




Now, what is the treatment for stagnation, I found a scripture that I will share with you, that I find to be so true and to be so apt in treating this life issue and that scripture is in John chapter 15 verse 4 and I am going to be reading it in ESV translation (English Standard Version).


4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.

John 15:4 ESV


He said, Abide in me, this is Jesus speaking, He said abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. That’s very instructive, now Jesus is saying this, that see, for your life to make a meaning, for your life to make progress, for there to be a shift in your life, for there to be progress in your life, there is one thing you need to do and that’s grow in me, and that’s what Jesus is saying. Grow!


So, the treatment to stagnation is your growth, for you to stop being stagnated at any phase or any area of your life, you need to grow.  And how do we grow? By abiding in Him, by abiding in Christ. Grow in Christ.You know when we look unto Jesus, He becomes a standard for us, so we grow into Him. We look at where we are lacking and we will see it and we are able to make adjustments and as we grow in Him, our lives start to move.


The bible says that the path of the just is as of a shining light, it shines brighter and brighter so there is always progress in the life of the righteous, why? because of this verse in John.  He says abide in me and I in you. and you will experience a shift. You will experience a growth. There won’t be stagnation anymore because you are abiding. And He said as the branch cannot bear fruit, now what happens when there is stagnation?  you are not fruitful. You are not growing, you are not developing, much is not happening for you but if you want much to be happening for you, you want fruits in your life. He said this is the secret, abide in me and I in you because as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself. Unless, until it abides in the vine neither can you, you can’t make progress, you can’t develop, you can’t grow, unless you abide in Me, Christ Jesus.


So all the areas of your life that you are experiencing stagnation, lack of activity, you need to grow in Christ, you need to grow in the knowledge of God, you need to grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ and you will say, Lara what does all these mean? It means that you need to grow and know more, the more you know, the more you are able to do. The less you know, the less you are able to do so if you want to experience growth, then you must know more. There must be an increase in knowledge. Not just any kind of knowledge but in the knowledge of the truth, you must know more of the truth which is Christ Jesus.You must know more, the more you know the truth, the more you are able to do and walk in the realities of the truth and that’s what brings about growth, that’s what brings about progress.


So today, I just want to challenge you in that area of your life where you have been stagnated, where you are experiencing stagnation, increase your knowledge of the truth, is it your finances, is it your marriage? Is it your parenting? Is it your career? Is it ministry? Whatever it is in your life, where you are experiencing stagnation, there is a knowledge of the truth that will bring about growth, that will bring about development and increase for you in that area. I believe you have gotten a word that is able to change and shift you from where you are to where you desire to be.


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