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Life Treatment: SEXUAL IMMORALITY (Episode 22): How To Overcome The Media-Induced Temptation of Immorality Daily

Good day and welcome to Life Treatment™. It is such a joy to have you join me on another episode of life treatment, and today we are going to be looking at one particular life issue, that has permeated the fabric of our societies. This issue started very subtle and it looks as if it has permeated the entire fabric of our societies. And it has become a new normal, "an abnormal normal" if I can put it that way. And what are we looking at today? We are looking at IMMORALITY. When we talk about immorality, what does it mean? Immorality simply put is “the state or quality of being immoral, being wicked, being perverse.” It talks about a state or a quality of sexual misconduct. And when we are talking about this immorality, it is a life issue that is threatening the lives of people, threatening the destinies of people, threatening the very foundations of our societies.


Today I want us to see clearly in the pages of the Scripture. 1 Corinthians 6:16-19, and I am just going to read it here. Listen to what the Bible says about it here. It says; Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For “the two,” He says, “shall become one flesh.” 17 But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.18 Flee sexual immorality.” So, what's the treatment for sexual immorality? Run away from it, don't let it happen. Flee from it, flee from sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.” Did you hear that?


The one that commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. “or do you not know?” Are you not aware that your body, yes that very body of yours is the temple of the Holy Spirit? who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” Yes, you are not your own. That body of yours is the temple of God. Why defile it with immorality? Why allow sexual immorality to take over your life and your space? So much that you are not able to discern, you are not able to think properly, you are not able to do the things that calls for your attention. When you are supposed to do it.


Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Don't you know that your body is the temple of God why perverse it? Because immorality talks about perverseness. It talks about you corrupting your body. It talks about you being wicked to your own soul. Because one of the things we must understand and I want us to see it in 2 Peter 2:19. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage.” Did you see that? By whom a person is overcome by him also is brought into bondage. So, when you get overcome by sexual immorality you get into bondage because of that immorality.


Because it starts by a little lie, a little sin, before you know it you go into perverseness, and deeper perverseness. And that is why you must flee from sexual immorality. Because you are slaves to whatever you choose to obey.


If you choose to obey the pleasures of your flesh, you become a slave to it. You will become a slave to the dictates and the commands of your flesh. Once you start obeying your flesh, once you cannot say no, you have become a slave, you are now in bondage. And that's why it says; you are slaves of corruption, they promise you liberty, that's how it sounds to you, you are free to do whatever you feel like, it's your body, use what you have to get what you want. It sounds as if they are giving you liberty. But you are becoming a slave of corruption. And gradually you are becoming somebody that is overcome by this particular act of immorality. And you will be brought into bondage, it becomes difficult for you to get out. And that's why you have to allow yourself to get out of this bondage.


That's why the Bible says flee sexual immorality, run away from it. Flee means run, don't stay, when you run away from something you are saying no to sexual immorality. Say no! You are young, vibrant, you are full of life and the devil wants to ensnare you, he wants to put you in bondage, he wants to make you a slave of sexual immorality say no to it. It has become so strong in our society, that young ladies and young men they bet on this thing. They say you have not become sexually immoral, that’s the in thing, you are not trending, you are not happening. It has become a joy.


It's wrong it's an error, flee sexual immorality it is not right, they paint it on the TV screens as if it's okay; that you are not happening, that you have not perverse yourself. It’s an error, it is wrong, its corruption, flee from sexual immorality, it is not right; it’s not okay, because what you are doing is that you are destroying the fabrics of your destiny, you are destroying and corrupting your life and your future. Say no, stay out of it, you are a married woman and they are telling you if you don't have extra marital affair then you are not wise you have not stepped up, you are not in the game.


Say no! Because what you are doing is that you are gradually eroding yourself of the beauty and the glory of the future. Say no flee from sexual immorality. Treat this life issue once and for all. nip it in the bud, say no Because your body is a temple and it’s a carrier of glory. Don’t erode yourself of that glory, by involving yourself in sexual immorality.


Say no to sexual immorality, no matter how beautiful they paint it on the TV screen, it is a sin, it is perverseness, it is immorality, it is wicked. And we have to stop it in our society, we need to nip it in the bud and say no to it.


Sex is good in the confines of marriage. Marriage is honorable among all, the bed undefiled. We need to stop it, and we need to teach our children this life principle, say no to sexual immorality, it is not okay, it is not fine to be sexually immoral, to be sexually perverse and I know that you have been able to glean wisdom today because it’s clear from the pages of the Scripture that it can promise you liberty when you are starting out but you are becoming a slave of corruption and you are gradually coming into bondage in your life. And I pray that as you make up your mind to treat this issue today, you will be set free and you will live your life in the beauty and the glory that God originally designed for you in Jesus name.




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