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Life Treatment: SELF-DISCORD (Episode 27): How to Live from Your Spirit for a Coordinated Life of Harmony

Hello friends! Welcome to another exciting episode of Life Treatment I am Lara Gboyega Adedeji, I am so excited to have you on board today on life treatment. Today we are looking at a very important life issue, and we will be finding treatment for it from the word of God. And today what we are looking at is DISCORD. What does it mean? Another word for discord is contention or strife. So, discord happens in the life of anybody when there is contention in such a person’s life. 


Now remember that man is a tripartite being, he is made up of the body, the soul and the spirit. So when we talk about discord, we are not just talking about discord as a component of the body, we are not just talking about discord as the component of the soul, we are not just talking about discord as a component of the spirit, but we are talking about discord as it relates and as it cuts across these three human break down. So, when we are looking at discord, we are looking at it as it cuts across the three-human breakdown, body, soul and spirit. So, when there is contention or strife or discord as the case may be, which speaks about a state or condition marked by a lack of agreement or harmony.


Now when there is a lack of agreement, or there is lack of harmony in your body, there is discord in your body. When there is lack of harmony in your soul, your soul talks about the seat of your emotions, your will and your intellect; when there is no harmony within your members, as a body, there is discord. When there is lack of harmony in your soul, which seat your mind, your will and your emotion, then there is discord in it. And if there is a discord within your spirit, there is no agreement within your spirit, there is no agreement between your body, your soul and your spirit, then discord is present within your members.


So, what is the treatment for discord? The treatment for discord is unity. There needs to be a unifying force. There needs to be a unity in your body, your soul and your spirit. Many of us find ourselves in this state of discord, at different points in our lives. And every human being that is actually born into the world, exist with these inherent discords in their spirit. Where there is no agreement, there is no harmony, there seems to be a vacuum that create creates a lack of harmony and agreement in their spirit.


So their body, their soul and spirit are not speaking the same language. When that happens to you as an individual, there is a discord. There is a need for you to unify your entire being and that’s when you can actually make progress and forge ahead in destiny.  Now we are looking at the word of God in Matthew 6:22, as we look at the treatment for discord which is unity. “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light”


What is the Scripture making us to understand from this place? It is making you to see that if you can focus, if your eye can be good, if you will have one singular focus in your life, then it will affect your entire body. Now the focus of your entire being as an individual is your spirit. From your spirit you are able to pull out the message that harmonizes your soul and your body.  So if your spirit is not good, if your spirit is not in harmony, not in agreement, if there is a discord in your spirit, it will affect your body and it will affect your soul. And that’s why you see people that live with unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, strife, people that live with all these things, are people that often times have health challenges and they often fall into depression in their soul because their spirit is not good.


So, it causes a discord, a disagreement, a lack of harmony between their body, their soul and their spirit. So what are we saying to this end? We are saying that for you to be able to have a healthy body, a healthy soul, then you must have a healthy spirit. So what comes out of your spirit? If your spirit is good, your entire framework will work in harmony and agreement. So, if you are full of joy, if you are full of peace, if you are full of love, if you are gentle and kind, you will find out that it will affect your body and your soul. Your entire framework, your entire body will be full of light.


I believe that you have been able to glean wisdom from this. Please let your spirit be in agreement, let there be harmony, let there be agreement from your spirit. And it will affect your soul and your body. Thank you for the investment of your time with me on life treatment I am Lara Gboyega Adedeji.


God bless you.


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