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Life Treatment: REGRET (Episode 07): Learning The Secret of Successful Decision Making

Today, we will be looking at a very important life issue that many of us have come across at one point or the other and we have seen people around us deal with this issue and today we will be looking at the treatment for this issue. And when we are looking at this treatment, what we want to do is to make sure that we don’t experience this again and if we do, we know how to deal with it. And what are we looking at today on this episode seven of life treatment? We will be looking at Regret.




When someone feels bad or feels sad for an action, or over something that he or she has done, that’s a feeling of regret. So, you feel like: "Why did I do it? Why did it turn out this way? Why did I get myself involved in this? Why did this happen to me? " That’s a feeling of regret. When this happens, often times we feel sad, we feel disappointed, we feel as though you know, the earth should just open up and swallow us, we feel our self-esteem is lowered and in most cases, we are faced with, you know, this battle of self-acceptance. You know, our confidence is lowered and these are the feelings that come with regret.


And the truth is; in life, many of us don’t want to live a life of regret but when it happens what should you do? Whether it happens to you or to someone around you, what is the posture you should have? What is the treatment for it? I will just love to read a Scripture to us in Proverbs chapter 16 verse 3. It says: "Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established."


It says, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed." The reason you have regret is because your plans did not succeed. Things did not turn out the way you wanted them to turn out, things didn’t go the way you had planned them. This Scripture makes us to know that when we commit your plans to the Lord, not to man, not to ourselves because most of the times, when we feel this strong sadness over regret, it’s because probably we have committed ourselves to men, we’ve committed ourselves to people and they’ve brought about this feeling of sadness, and disappointment and regret over that issue but this is what we should do going forward.


Commit to the Lord whatever you do, don’t think something is too small, but it is only a business, is God interested in that? Yes He is. It’s only about, you know, the school that I want my son or my daughter to enroll at. God is interested in it. It said, whatever you do, any action, in your talking, in your living in your daily activities, commit whatever you do to the Lord. And this will be the result. Your plans will succeed, you will not have regrets.


When you commit to the Lord, your plans, whatever you do, when you let God into your activities, into your daily living, into your daily decisions, you will not have regrets because God will make sure that your plans succeed because what happens when you commit your plan to the Lord is that you are able to know what His will for you is. Many people end up living a life of regret because whatever they are doing, they are only doing it on their own. They are doing it to please themselves, they are doing it to feel good but when you commit whatever you do to the hands of the Lord, you will realize that His will and your will, will enter a point of synchrony, and you are able to have success in your plans.


So, I want to enjoin you that please whatever issue in the past, whatever thing, because sometimes, when people have regrets, they live with it for the rest of their lives, it doesn’t help you. You can also commit that issue where you have regrets even to the hands of the Lord and God will turn it around for you. And henceforth, going forward, commit whatever you do to God and He will make your plans succeed. Another interesting verse is Proverbs chapter 15 verse 22. It says: "Without counsel, plans go awry, But in the multitude of counselors they are established."


It says, without counsel, plans go awry, they go off, they go to a point of regret but in the multitude of counselors, they are established. Your plans are established when you have multitude of counselors and the truth is this, if you have the Lord as your counselor, you have the Holy Spirit as you counselor, and you commit whatever you do to Him, He will make sure that your plans succeed because at that point, there is a synergy between you and God, and your will and the will of God is married together and you are able to have successful plans in your life. That is how to live a life of no regrets, making sure that you commit everything you do into the hands of the Lord.  Please live a regret free life as you commit your plans to the Lord.


God bless you.


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