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Life Treatment: MEDIOCRITY (Episode 11): How To Snap Out of Mediocrity And Work in Excellence

It's with Jesus joy that I welcome you to another episode of Life Treatment™. I believe that you have been getting blessed and receiving answers and solutions to life issues that have been common to all of us. And the truth is that we all need life treatment at one point or the other in our lives. And today, we will diving into another important issue that needs treatment, and I believe this issue, if we can all treat it; it will take us from where we are to where we ought to be, as individuals and as organizations. And what are we dealing with today?




We are looking at Mediocrity. And when we talk about mediocrity, what do we mean? I am sure we all know, without knowing the full meaning of what mediocrity is, that mediocrity is not something palatable. It’s not something sweet. It’s not something that you want to wish yourself. Mediocrity is being ordinary, falling beyond average. Mediocrity happens when at any point in your life that you cannot attest to the fact that you have been able to excel or you are great at something in your life. That is mediocrity. And many people are battling with this life issue.


Many people are at mediocre levels in their marriage, in their work, in their businesses, their education and you want to move beyond that level of mediocrity into a higher level of excellence. And what is the treatment for mediocrity, I am going to read two scriptures for us and we are going to talk about it in a bit. The first is Ecclesiastes 9:10, because what we do is to find the truth. On life treatment, we deal with the truth and not facts. So we dive into the word of God to find the truth and that would address the lie of mediocrity in our lives. There are two scriptures we are going to be using for this treatment, Ecclesiastes 9:10 and Colossians 3: 23-24


"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol to which you are going."

Ecclesiastes 9:10


Whatever your hand finds to do; whatever means everything, whatever is a universal set. Whether it’s your marriage, parenting, your business, your work, your career, your education, ministry, whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might. That is how you treat mediocrity. You fall below average. You fall at not being excellent at what you are doing because you don’t do it with all of your might. Give your best whatever you are doing. If you are a parent, give your best to it. If you are a wife, be the best wife. If you are an husband, be the best husband that can ever be. If you are an employee, be the best and the award winning employee in your organization. If you are an employer, if you are an entrepreneur, you should be the best, give that business all that you’ve got.


Work with your hands with all your might for there is no work, or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol. When you leave this world, you are only remembered for what you do. So whatever you are doing, do it with all your might. Do it and leave a legacy behind. That is how to move away from mediocrity into excellence, when you do whatever you are doing with the whole of your might. Don’t leave your best behind. Everything you are doing, put your best in it and that is how you come out of mediocrity and you are able to treat mediocrity and mediocre results in every area of your life.  The second scripture that I said, the second dose for the treatment is Colossians 3:23-24, it says


"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not to men knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ."

Colossians 3:23-24


Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord. Work as though you are giving the whole of your best, the whole of your being into it, as working for the Lord and not for men. Raise that child as if God is going to ask you, because the truth is God is going to ask you that how far did you go? Do everything you are doing heartily. God is saying jump and you are telling Him, how high should I jump? That is how you should get involved in everything that you are doing and you will be able to move out of mediocrity. Knowing that from the Lord, you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. When you put that as your perspective, you move out of mediocrity.


You can’t serve God in mediocrity, so don’t serve humanity in mediocrity. You need to understand that whatever you are doing, do it heartily. Let your whole heart be in it. When your whole heart is in something, when you give your very best, your very best will be excellent, it will not be mediocrity. So you need to snap out of mediocrity and come into excellence and treat it by making sure that you do whatever your hand finds to do with the whole of your might. And whatever you do, you work heartily as for the Lord, not as for men. Don’t look at men as your rewarder, look at God as your rewarder. 


Don’t look at your children as your rewarder, that when they grow now, hope they won’t forget me and go after their own wives and husbands, do it, labour over those children as to the Lord. And that’s how you will be able to excel at parenting and not be a mediocre at it.


I believe that you have been able to glean on the treatment for mediocrity from those two scriptures today and I believe that they have blessed you. It is time for us to snap out of mediocrity and work in excellence. God bless you


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