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Life Treatment (Episode 31): Ignorance: How Wisdom, Knowledge, Information and Requisite Education is Key

Hello friends and welcome to Life Treatment, I am Lara Gboyega Adedeji. I am so excited to have you join me on this episode of life treatment. On this episode we will be looking at IGNORANCE. Ignorance has often robbed a lot of men and women of their dominion in life and in destiny. And that is why it is important for us to look at this important life issue. What is ignorance, if we are going to start that way? Ignorance is the lack of Knowledge. Ignorance is the lack of information or awareness about something, about a situation or an issue.


So, when a person lacks knowledge, or lacks information or lacks awareness or education over a particular issue, over a particular area of his or her life, the person is ignorant. So, another synonym we could use to explain or express ignorance is dullness. When a person becomes dull, the person is ignorant. And why is this issue important? At any point when a person becomes dull, when the person lacks knowledge, when the requisite knowledge, information or awareness is not available in the life of the person, it impedes the dominion and authority the person ought to command.


I am going to be sharing a Scripture with us in Ecclesiastes 10 and verse 10 while we proffer solution from the Scriptures to this life issue called ignorance. If the ax is dull, and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success.” But wisdom is profitable to direct. So, what is the Scripture saying to us as the treatment for ignorance as a life issue? The Bible says if the axe is dull, and one does not sharpen the edge; meaning that it is important for one to sharpen the edge. When one becomes ignorant, and dull in any area of one’s life, there is a need for that area to be sharpened. How do you sharpen the edge? How do you sharpen that area of your life? By knowledge, by information, by gaining education in that area. Arming yourself with the requisite knowledge in that area.


That’s how to sharpen the edge. So, if the axe is dull, if the marriage is dull, if the business is dull and one does not sharpen the edge, then he must use more strength. You find that in areas where you are ignorant you are expending a lot of energy. You struggle to attain dominion; you struggle to be able to mark success in those areas. And that’s why the Bible says “but wisdom.” So, what is the treatment for ignorance? Wisdom! It is the right application of knowledge. You must arm yourself, you must sharpen your axe with knowledge. You must sharpen yourself.


So, if you are ignorant in your finances for example, there is a need for your edge to be sharpened for you to arm yourself with the requisite knowledge in your finances that will bring about success in your finances. Because the Bible says wisdom is the right application of knowledge. So, that financial knowledge that you would arm yourself with would bring about success. It will profit you and it will direct you. So, it is important for every one of us to know that there might be certain areas of our lives where we are ignorant, certain areas where we are dull. It’s not enough to feel pitied, to have self-pity or call a pity-party.


The thing to do is to stand up and treat that issue quickly. It’s time for you to sharpen the edge, go for knowledge, go for information, go for education, go for awareness in that area. Sharpen the axe so that you can have success. I believe that we have been able to glean wisdom in this episode of life treatment. Wherever your axe is dull, wherever you are experiencing ignorance, this is the thing to do. Go for wisdom, go for the right application of knowledge, arm yourself with what it takes to sharpen that axe, and you will see that you will record resounding success in that area of your life.


I believe that you have been blessed, please do well to make sure that you are not just a hearer of what you have heard today, go and put the word to work. Put this information to work, put this knowledge to work so that you can record success in all areas of your life. Till I come your way again in another episode of life treatment, I am Lara Gboyega Adedeji. Every life issue requires a treatment and it’s available in the word.


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