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Life Treatment: DISCOURAGEMENT (Episode 10): Learning The Secret of Handling Fear And Treating Discouragement

Today, we are looking at another life issue that is so common and threatening, it’s threatening to our destiny, its threatening to the achievement of our life’s endeavors. And what are we treating today? We are treating Discouragement. I am sure you are saying, wow! It’s true. Discouragement is a threatening life issue because you would ask yourself when you want to achieve something great, when you are on the road of success and on the pathway of greatness, how come you just feel discouraged. You just feel as though everything should just halt, you are just tired, you are just tired of the whole thing, you are feeling stressed out. You are feeling like you know what let me just call it quit, let me just throw in the towel, that is discouragement.




And it happens most of the time when we want to achieve something great, we want to cross a major hurdle in our life. Discouragement sets in. So, what is God saying about discouragement, what is the solution to discouragement, what happens to us when we are about to be discouraged? And we are going to see it from the Scripture that I love to read. John chapter 14 verse 27;


"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

John 14:27


He said, peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. This is strong because sometimes we feel you know, everything should just be going, we should just be running and keep moving like that. That’s what happens in the world when people want to achieve something great, something mega but when you want to achieve something great and mega for God, discouragement will come and that’s why Jesus has given us the solution and the treatment in this verse. He says, peace I live with you, my peace, not the world’s peace. Get it. The peace of Jesus is different from the world’s peace. In the world, Jesus said you will have tribulations, you will have discouragement but be of good cheer, I have overcome for you and He says, I give you my peace and I don’t give you as the world gives. He said, do not let your heart be troubled. This is it! Our hearts get troubled, we get troubled in our heart, we are asking one hundred and one questions, what if it does not work, what if it does not turn out fine, what if it doesn’t come out the way I want it, what if it fails, what if, what if, what ifs!


Our hearts are troubled and Jesus says do not let your heart be troubled. You get discouraged because your heart is troubled. He said, do not let your heart be troubled, be at peace. Yes, you! Calm down. All those fears, all those things that are running through your mind, many of it won’t happen. So, don’t let your heart be troubled, be still and know that He is God. And He said, do not be afraid. We get afraid and we get discouraged. We get afraid. We get afraid of the future. We get afraid of the unknowns. We get so afraid that some people before even going for the job interview, they’ve lost it because they are afraid. What if I get there and the person has a lion head, what if I get there and there is rushing rivers all over the place. What if I get there and they don’t like me? Why not get there first? Don’t be discouraged, don’t let your heart be troubled and don’t be afraid.


Once you can deal with those issues, then you will not be discouraged and what is the treatment for discouragement, peace! That’s why Jesus said, my peace I give to you, peace I leave with you. When your heart is at peace, nothing missing, nothing broken, you will not be discouraged. No matter what is staring you in the face, when you have peace in your heart, you will not be discouraged because discouragement is an issue of the heart. When your heart is raging, there is a storm in your heart, you get discouraged but when there is peace in your heart, you are encouraged. That’s why the Bible says, when there came a storm into the life of David and David encouraged himself in the Lord. And how do you encourage yourself in the Lord? Allow the peace of the Lord to rule your heart and your mind. You will see that all those discouragement will fly out of the window.


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