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Life Destiny – At The Point of Death: Who Will You Be & What Would You Have Done?

In my book, Strategic Living: A Life Guide for Effective Living  I submitted as inspired that Life is a journey to an unknown, through an unknown and for an unknown. It was clear that among other things, life is a journey. 


As a journey, life has a point or place of ORIGIN and a point or place of DESTINY. The point or place of ORIGIN is where everything about a life began from; while the point or place of DESTINY is where everything about a life ENDS. In one of the books of the Bible, a quote stands out, "Surely there is an END……..and the expectation of the RIGHTEOUS shall not be cut off." (Proverbs 23:18)


If you read that quote again with a clear mind, you would notice that the matter of the END is a definite matter. Irrespective of your life experiences, your end in life is in view – whether soon or later. However, your expectation is what is variable. While we all have a sure end, we don't all have a sure expectation. What becomes of our lives often depends on how we pattern our lives – the choices we make!


A RIGHTEOUS man has a different life expectation from an UNRIGHTEOUS man. What our lives ends with isn't about our wishes, but our choices. If you want to have a predetermined (predictable) end that is beautiful and without regret or shame, then you must review your life choices. Review what you do daily and why you do them. Be mindful of who you want to be at the point of your death, and what you want to have done at the point of you death. 


Since, no one knows when his or her life will be recalled by God, it is therefore wise to live ones life as if death could come at any time. Should you be recalled by God this day, HAVE YOU BECOME THE RIGHTEOUS MAN YET? HAVE YOU DONE THE RIGHTEOUS WORKS ALREADY? 


If you'll have no regret or tankful of wishes at the point of your death, then you must redefine your life, seek for the truth that sets free and begin a new life towards a good legacy as you await your transition to glory with open hands without regrets or shame.





Perhaps you need someone to guide you as you retrace your steps back to God through Jesus Christ, please says the words sincerely from your heart:


"Lord Jesus, I confess my shortcomings to you; I have disobeyed your commands and wronged your will. I ask that you forgive my sins and I accept you (again) this day as my Lord and Savior. I pledge my obedience to your word and loyalty to your will. Give unto me your Holy Spirit and reign in my heart as King forever more. Amen!!!




If you have said all that, I believe that you are saved and your sins are forgiven by Christ. To help you remain in Him, I would love to know about your decision today, and if possible, guide you towards more maturity in the Kingdom of God. You could send an email to – or WhatsApp @ +2347033823104


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