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Law of Passion: How To Remain Relevant in Every Season or Opportunity

Each time we all want to remain active doing anything, we often struggle with the need for rest or relaxation. We hardly struggle functioning for a season, our struggle comes when we have to function round the clock – we just simply fall asleep. In this article, I will be sharing a crucial tip that can help anyone become relevant round the clock.

If I may, I would like to liken relevance with being awake, and irrelevance with being asleep. The obvious reality is that no one is relevant in a state of sleep. To be part of any productive thought or activity, you must be awake. Whenever, anyone is asleep, even though he or she could wish to be part of great happenings, the person would only wake up to the awareness of events past.

The question is, how can a person remain awake? After giving this matter some thought, I realized that a person who is sleeping between or among fire pots can hardly sleep. Supposing the fire is burning at his right side and he unconsciously move towards the right side while sleeping; he will definitely experience a burn. In order to avoid being burnt everything he or she is asleep, such a person will remain awake and therefore, be part of great things every time around him or her.

The implication of this is simple, if you want to remain relevant, develop passion in multiple activities. While touching a fire pot could burn a person, engaging in a passionate venture could excite any person – and note, it is difficult to be excited and be asleep. Getting involved in many exciting activities could help to sustain your passion or joy; hence, your relevance over a long time. The mistake of many people is often their refusal to be part of great happenings, only getting boxed in boring businesses. In a short period of time, they get exhausted of their will to go on, and then fall asleep in irrelevance.

I believe you have picked a lesson in this writing? Find interesting activities to commit yourself into; look for quick wins that keeps you on; and stay excited with what you do! If you can keep your excitement level high, you can be sure of your involvement in such activities over a long time.


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