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Kingdom Curriculum Part Two: The Word of Faith

Last week, we started by looking at the Kingdom Curriculum, seeing by the word of God that we have been introduced into the kingdom system by Christ Jesus and that there is a curriculum for this kingdom. Jesus said to Nicodemus (emphasis mine), “except a man be born again, born of the water and of the Spirit; the person has no part, cannot enter, cannot access the kingdom of God.” Jesus was speaking to the multitude and He said that it will be more difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom, in fact it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom (emphasis mine).

What was Jesus communicating to us? You cannot of your own works, of your own volition, of your own sufficiency partake of the kingdom. The kingdom is given as a gift; the kingdom is given as a privilege right for those that have come by grace. So, the kingdom is by grace and you receive that grace by faith. Believe. So, we defined the kingdom curriculum last week as an interactive system of instruction haven come by faith into the kingdom, there is a curriculum you must go through. There is a body of knowledge, body of instruction that God has made available for everyone that comes into the kingdom. It is called kingdom curriculum. It refers to an interactive system of instruction and learning with specific goals content, strategies, measurement and resources.

So, last week, we looked at the first layer of this curriculum which is The Word of Righteousness in the kingdom curriculum. And we saw last week that the word of righteousness is actually the revelation or you could call it the instruction of righteousness. And it doesn’t just come, you don’t just encounter the word of righteousness. Everything in this kingdom is by revelation. For you to partake of anything in the kingdom, for you to be able to connect with the instructions and learning of this kingdom, it comes by light. So, the revelation of righteousness is the first layer in the kingdom curriculum. Righteousness must be revealed to you for you to be a part of this kingdom. So, when righteousness is revealed to you, you understand your identity in this kingdom. Your soul becomes transformed, you are no longer self-sufficient, you are now God sufficient.

You know that your sufficiency is not in yourself but your sufficiency is of God. You understand by the revelation of righteousness that what you are privilege to access in this kingdom does not come by works it comes by election of grace. By the revelation of righteousness, you understand the finished works of Christ. The things that He did on your behave and on my behave. You are able to connect to the liberty of the Spirit via the revelation of righteousness. You are able to connect to the dimension of liberty that Apostle Paul declared. He said some people came to spy on our liberty, the liberty we have in the Spirit. What liberty was he talking about? The liberty we have in the revelation of righteousness. Whoever the Son sets free, is free indeed. So, that’s the basis of our liberty. We been the righteousness of God in Christ, is the basis of our liberty. So, when the revelation of righteousness comes to you, you know you are free, you are no longer bound.

You know there is nothing holding you bound, you are free. You are at liberty to express the life of God that is inside of you. And today we will be going into the second one, we mentioned that they are six layers of this curriculum that we examined; the word of righteousness, we looked at that last week, the word of faith is what we are going to this week, then we also look at the word of His grace, the word of life, the word of truth and the word of His power. So, we are moving quickly into the word of faith. Romans 10, We will read verse 7 and verse 8. Let’s start from verse 6 for clarity and context. But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’” (that is, to bring Christ down from above.) I want you to understand this. Verse 6 introduced us to the link between righteousness and faith. It said but the righteousness of faith speaks in this way; Do not say in your heart who will ascend into heaven that is to bring down Christ from above, 7 or, “‘Who will descend into the abyss?’” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). 8 But what does it say? What does the word of faith say? When you catch the revelation of faith, what does it say? It says “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach)”

The word, the revelation, the instruction, is near you, is within you. God said no longer will I write my law on tablets of stones. It said I will start writing my laws in the hearts of men. So, when God through Christ Jesus encountered man again, remember let’s say in the old testament, when God wanted to give the children of Israel the law, He called Moses to the mountain, and He wrote the law on tablets of stone. And Moses brought the tablet to the people. The people did not receive the tablets. We must understand because unfortunately people that come into the kingdom, are still operating in the old order. When you come into the kingdom, you are not coming into a religion, you are coming into the kingdom, the government of God, and the system has changed. When you have a new constitution, you cannot be bound by the old.

When a new constitution has been enacted it makes the old obsolete, and that’s what Jesus did. When Jesus came, he came with the constitution of His government, that why the Bible says the government shall be upon His shoulders, He came bearing a new government. Jesus did not come bearing a religion, He came bearing a new government. When a new government comes, there is a law, there is a system of learning, system of instruction, that follows the government. So, when Jesus came on the scene, He came with a new constitution for the new government that he introduced. So, when He came with the new, the old has been made obsolete. So, in the old, the laws of God were written on the tablets of stones, but in the new, God haven prophesied through the prophet, He said those days will come, and those days are here, when God will write His laws on the tablets of human hearts.

That’s what Jesus came to do. That’s why for you to encounter this new government you need to be born again. Do we understand? Because we cannot be an old citizen, carrying the old constitution and passport and have access into the new. That was the problem of the Pharisees, they carry the old passport, the old identity, the old man, but they still wanted to partake of the new. And that’s why Jesus will always say to them, you are not going in and you are not allowing those that want to go in to go in. You are blocking people, because instead of you to show them the way, you are mirroring the old. And that’s why the Bible says; when we behold and look into the law of liberty. There is a law of Moses, Jesus came with the law of liberty. That’s why He said I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfil it. The law should not be a law that makes it difficult for people to access God. What I have come to do is to liberalize the law. So, the Bible says when we behold and look into the perfect law of liberty, so what Jesus came to do was to put perfection to imperfection.

So, when we are talking about the word of faith, the word of faith speaks in this wise, it takes us into connection with the new. The Bible says without faith it is impossible to please God. For those that come to God, as you approach the Father, you must believe, where do you believe? You believe in your heart. You must believe, there must be a belief system and that belief system will not just jump on you, it comes by instructions and learning, a curriculum. And that layer of curriculum is the word of faith. Something must happen to your heart, something must be introduced into your heart that brings about the transformation of your thinking, you are not thinking in the old, you are now thinking in the new. And that’s why when Nicodemus came to Jesus, Nicodemus didn’t want to go direct, He said these things you are doing I am a Pharisee I attest to it, that no one can do these things except God is with him. And Jesus said don’t beat around the bush, you want to access the new but you are still carrying the old.

Except a man be born again. We must understand the context with which Jesus was having that conversation with that man. Except a man be born again, he cannot. You want to have access but you cannot, except you come in the new system, you must come by the new way. That’s why Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father, no one can access the Father, no one can access our government except through me. So, the words of faith speaks like this. The word is near you. So, the word of faith does not speak in unrighteousness. The Bible says no one can say Jesus is accursed by the Holy Spirit, and no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. What manner of spirit are you of? There must be Christ in you for you to be able to connect with the new. If Christ is not in you, the glory of this government cannot radiate in your life.

The Bible says Christ has made us kings and priest unto our God, that we might do what? Reign on the earth. But until you accept what Jesus had done in righteousness. When the word of righteousness is sown in your heart, when there is a revelation of righteousness, you see what Christ has done, you can’t actually step into faith. That’s why it’s a layering, there is a layer of righteousness, until you understand that, until that revelation is rich in you, you can’t comprehend faith. Because when you get to that point when you are supposed to be digesting and ingesting faith, you would be saying like this verse said in verse 6, “who will ascend into heaven to bring down Jesus after Jesus has come, or who will go down to the abyss to bring up Jesus from the dead? Why? The reason this person would be speaking like this is because there is no word of faith. You don’t understand it.

In this kingdom we should quit religion and start speaking kingdom, our dominion is not in religion, our dominion is in kingdom. The reason why we are still struggling to reign, the reason why it looks as if principalities and powers and rulers of darkness are still having a filled day is because we have not started reigning. The kingdom curriculum is not rich on your inside. We have not become one with what God has offered us in Christ. So, see what the Bible says in verse 8; But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith. What is near you? The word of faith, what is in your heart? the word of faith. What is in your mouth? The word of faith we preach. Verse 9, “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” If you confess and believe. What do you confess? What do you believe. What word is near you? What word is in your heart? What word is in your mouth?

The word that must be in your heart and in your mouth must be the word of faith. Because it’s the word of faith that has been instituted to transform and change us. in Hebrews 11 verse 1, and then we will read verse 6. It says;  Now faith is the [a]substance of things hoped for, everything that you hope for in the kingdom is substantiated by faith. All the possibilities of God is substantiated by faith. It says now faith is, not now faith was. Faith is present, and that’s why were we read in that Romans 10, it said the word is near you, in your heart and in your mouth. Faith is about present, what is present in your heart is what you have faith for. Hope is for something that you have not yet seen, you can’t hope for what is present. But you can have faith for what is present. The things you can’t see yet you have hope for them. that is why Faith will not be or faith will be is not what we are reading in this Scripture. “Faith is” Faith is about the present, what is in your heart and what is on your lips is faith. So, you can say I am having Faith in God that my life will change, but is that change in your heart?

Are there Scriptures of that change in your heart? Are there Scriptures of that change in your mouth? Because this is about practical things, let’s not go theoretical. The word of God is living, its alive, sharper than any two edged-sword. The word is living, it’s not had lived. The word of God is present and that’s why when we engage the word of God, you don’t engage the word of God in your past, it must be in your present.

So, the Bible says faith is the substance; “is” is what you hold onto. Of things you are hoping for   the evidence. Faith is substance, faith is evidence. Let’s unbundle it a bit. Faith is number one; substance. Let’s leave out all the things that followed it. faith is substance. Is substance invisible? When somebody says substantiate your point, meaning what? Your point is floating in the air, give it balance, give it a foundation. So, everything that is possible in God has substance in faith. Substance is what gives it backing. Anything you are requiring from God you need a substance in faith. That’s why the Bible says it’s impossible to please God without faith. Because faith is the substance. Everything you are asking God for, is like things floating in the air without faith. Do we understand it?

Now you want God to give you a job, that request or that desire is floating in the air until there is faith and substance. Faith must be able to substantiate your request. So, faith is the substance in the kingdom that gives us basis for the possibilities of God to be a reality in our lives.  Everything you are trusting God for is possible in God. with God all things are possible, nothing is too hard for God to do. But how comes those things are not visible, they are not realities in our lives? Faith has not substantiated them. what translates the invisible to visible experiences in our lives is faith. Faith is like a vehicle. For by faith we know that the things that are seen were made from the things unseen. That the visible is made from the invisible by faith.

By faith you know that the child that you are trusting God for and you are carrying in the womb of your Spirit you are going to carry it in your physical womb by faith. Abraham received covenant of life by faith. God said stand up, I Am taking you to a place no GPS, no location, no map, and what happened? Abraham packed all His belongings, no option, packed everything that He owned and He started a journey with God. what happened? There was a word, what was that word? Go! Leave your country, leave your father’s house, that is the word, that word has no basis in Abrahams life except his faith. The Holy Spirit is trying to break things down for us so that we can truly reign as kings. Do you know that Abraham was not the only man that lived in His generation, they were people before him? There were a lot of people during his time, a lot of people. Right? But there was a man that God spoke to, and that word was not in Abrahams past tense, in Abrahams life the word of God is in his heart and in his mouth.

In his heart he had no preoccupation, he had no their priority except what God had said. That’s faith. And he opened his mouth to say to his wife and to his family, I am leaving, I am taking a journey with God, to where? I don’t know. But He said He is taking me to a land flowing with milk and with honey. Can you say what is not in your heart? you say it with your mouth because you believe it in your heart, so when you do that, you give basis, you give a foundation, you carry the invisible to visible. Every word of God is an expressed idea of God, it is the intention of God. now, God said my intention towards you, is of good; my idea, the things that I am thinking, my thoughts. The word of God actually is thoughts, His will, His counsel, My thoughts, will counsel towards you is of peace. So, even though it looks as if I am telling you to go to where you don’t know, my counsel for you is of peace and evil, to give you a future.

Why I am saying the things I am saying to you is because I want to give you a future and a hope. And when He says that, Gods idea is Gods idea. How does Gods idea, thoughts, will and counsel become an experience in our lives? We believe you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth. You bring that word and make it a priority. when God speaks to you, don’t write it inside a journal and put it under your pillow and feel like the visible will become invisible, it doesn’t work like that. You must substantiate it, it must be in your heart, it must be on your mouth. And that is why you can’t rule out confession in the place of faith. Confession is the twin side of the dual expression of faith. The first is believe. It is not enough to say faith is to believe in God, that’s not all about faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. It is “evidence!” – the Bible says that where the word of a king is there is power.  

So, how do you empower in this dimension? The word and the counsel of the king of kings by speaking as a king of king. So, when we confess, the Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every matter shall be established. So, God has said it, you make it a priority in your heart, you affirm it on the earth. Let us go back to Romans 10, we are reading back verse 8. “But what does it say? “The word Gods agenda, Gods will, Gods counsel is near you.” How is it near you? The only time its near you? Is when it is in your mouth and in your heart. That’s why when God speaks to us as a people, and we receive the word, it is not yet the word of faith until it is in your heart and in your mouth. God’s expressed I idea, will, counsel and purpose concerning your life is not permissible, Jesus said whatever you allow on earth including the things that God said concerning you. Whatever you allow on earth is allowed in heaven, how do you allow it? It must be in your heart and in your mouth. And whatever you disallow; how do you disallow it? It’s not in your heart, it’s not in your mouth. So, when we are talking about faith, it’s the substance, the word of faith is the word that you have received and made a priority in your heart and in your mouth.

That’s why you will see that as children of God, we all have several dimensions and expressions of Gods realities in our lives. Why? They are the things that are in our hearts and in our mouth. The realities, the dimensions and possibilities of God that you see in your life are the ones in your heart and in your mouth. If it’s not in your heart that God can raise the death and it’s not in your mouth it won’t happen. even though that possibility and that reality is in God because you have not allowed it on earth it’s not allowed in heaven. The dimensions of God you see are the ones that we have allowed by the word of faith. Which one is in your heart, what is on your mouth? That’s why you find many people saying but I believe God, but what is in your mouth what is in your heart? So, what does it say? The word, Gods message, is near you, it’s on your lips, it’s in your mouth.

The word of faith is the word of transformation that brings everyone into the experience of the kingdom. Believing and saying. The things you believe in this kingdom are the things you see. Abraham believed. In Hebrews the Bible says and Abraham was holding unto a promise looking for a land whose builder and maker is God. Did he have it or not?  He had it. So, when you say Abrahams blessings are mine, understand how Abraham connected to that blessing. Abraham was not looking for another land, it was that one that God promised whose builder and maker is God. And that’s why he told the people when he went to battle, he said take these things I don’t want them, so that you will not say that you are the one that made Abraham rich. Because I am not looking for this kind of riches, I am looking for a land, I am looking for the true riches, whose builder and maker is God. the word of faith is the basis of our sonship in the kingdom. The word of faith builds you up.

Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Faith is our basis; it is the substance of our sonship. Our sonship in the kingdom is floating until the word of faith is expressed. Do you believe that you are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ? Is it in your heart? Is it in your mouth? The Bible says the weapon of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty in God to the pulling down strong holds casting down imaginations and it said holding thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Christ. How do you do that? By faith. What is in your heart? the Bible says greater is He that is you than He that is in the world. The greater one inside of you is expressed and released by your faith. Who do you believe God is? How big do you think He is? Has God been revealed to you? The Dimension of God has been revealed to you, do you believe it?

Is it on your mouth? Because sometimes we want to mechanize our faith, we want to turn it into a religion, we want to turn it into empty futility. And that’s why we want to always build structures around our faith. Just like the disciples we want to build a tent for our experiences. When actually God is moving. We want to build tent, one for Moses, one for Elijah one for Jesus, when Jesus is actually moving. He said what I revealed to you yesterday is I am that I am. In any situation and circumstance that I want to show myself I show myself in different ways. And that’s why the elders and angels, they will always cry and bow to the Lord and cast their crowns why they see several dimensions of Him and they believe it.

Nobody will cajole you to praise and worship God when faith is expressed in your heart when there is a revelation that you have caught. You will catch a revelation of God, you don’t just care where you are when you get on your knees and truly worship like a baby, like a child, why? You have caught a glimpse. John the beloved saw Jesus on the earth, He was with Him, they slept together, they ate together, but when he saw the glorified revealed Christ, he said I fell on my face as one that was dead. Why? See the glory. So, let’s stop the petty things, the kingdom is the big deal. And you have been made by Christ as king and priest unto our God to reign. Our dominion is us actually understanding and connecting to this reality. So, the word of God, we live it and witness it. our faith flows from the fullness of God. Those that come to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder. Our faith must flow from the fullness of God.

If the word of faith is revealed to you outside the fullness of God, you are shortchanged. And that’s why there is this clamor for the Holy Spirit; Know God for yourself. It is not about the God that Paul preached, Peter preached, pastor Adeboye preached, Know God for yourself. Because your faith will flow to the dimension of the fullness of the God that you know. The word of faith, the word is near you in your heart and in your mouth, the word of faith that we preach. Apostle Paul said we don’t come to you in excellency of human speech so that your faith will not be of men but of God. It must be about the fullness of God not of men. Because the best of men are men in themselves. But God is God, He is not a man that He would lie nor the son of man that He would repent. Know God for yourself, seek Him. Be like David as the deer pants after the water brooks so my soul longs after you. There were prophets in the times of David but David sort God for himself. Saul was about what Samuel will say, David was about God I will come to you, I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help? Not from prophet Nathan but from the Lord.

When they told him David you have done this, these are the options he said it is better for me to fall into the hands of God, because I know Him, He is merciful, I know Him, He is kind, I know Him, He suffers long. You will see that the Psalms of David came from a point of revelation. He wasn’t about what the prophet told him about God, it was about a personal encounter. I know Him. Do you know God like that? That’s why when they came and captured His entire family and the people that he was leading, and after he cried he encouraged himself in the Lord, and he said Lord, should I pursue, and God said go pursue.

You may want to ask if he had the ability in himself to pursue and he was not afraid, why was he crying?  Until God said pursue, the courage to pursue was not there, the will to pursue was not there. God said go pursue and without fail you will recover all. and what happened? David substantiated that word by obedience. The word was in his heart and in his mouth. He said to his people, let’s go. Why? Confidence in the word. There is a substance, evidence! The word of faith. The word of faith is powered by the Spirit of faith, until it is revealed in this kingdom, you cannot partake, you cannot lay hold. We lay hold of possibilities in this kingdom by revelation. Suddenly a Scripture you have been reading for years will just open up to you. And you say wow so this is what God is saying. Then that is how your portion is appropriated in the kingdom. What was Apostle Paul saying to the Ephesian church? He said let the eyes of your understanding be enlightened, that you may know; you need light to know the things that have been appropriated as your inheritance in Christ.

It doesn’t just jump on people; it doesn’t come by just doing gymnastics and jumping up, it comes by revelation. Who brings that revelation? The Spirit of faith-the Holy Spirit. It brings the revelation your way, and you are able to internalize it, believing it with your heart and confessing it with your mouth. That’s why a lot of people, the promises of God are hanging on their lives and destiny. You will see men walking on the face of the earth with precious promises hanging on their destiny, how comes they have not come to pass? No evidence. The word is not in their heart, it is just hanging on their lives. See Sampson, his birth was prophesied, in fact the rule of engagement of his life was preordained, so that word was hanging over Sampson’s life, as long as Sampson had faith in that word and doing what God had instructed, he was going to enjoy it, as long as the word was in his heart and in his mouth, he was going to enjoy it.

But if it’s not in his heart, that means it is despised, what is not in your heart is what you doubt. What is not in your heart is what you despise. There was a day the Holy Spirit just brought a revelation to me and I was there and I was just saying to myself why am I thinking about these kinds of things, I want to push it aside, and the Holy Spirit said stay on that thought meditate on it, because it’s not the devil bringing it to you, I am bringing it your way. stay on that thought. And I stayed on it and I caught light and when I saw it I knew that it was a word in season. And I started seeing the result in my life. That’s how the word of faith works. The Holy Spirit will bring it, That’s why it’s called your teacher. It said you need no man teach you, but the same Spirit, the Spirit of faith will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance, the things you need to know. It comes by revelation; the Spirit of faith activates the word of faith in your heart. That’s the light, it brings the light, it brings the light of faith to your heart.

But you have a responsibility, stay on it. When you stay on it, then it becomes active in your mouth. The word of faith, let’s believe God all things are possible with Him, with God all things are possible. 


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