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Kingdom Curriculum Part Three: The Word of His Grace

Hello friends, happy new month. We are continuing today on the Kingdom Curriculum series that we began looking at about two weeks ago. I am so excited that you are getting blessed already through these teachings of God’s word. Kingdom curriculum has been the series for this month, and we understand by the working definition that we gave from the first day of the series that kingdom curriculum refers to an interactive system. Everyone born into the kingdom by Christ Jesus, comes into the kingdom to learn the process and the ropes of how the kingdom works. So, there is a curriculum that actually helps us to understand the all of this kingdom.

Everything that this kingdom represents, all this kingdom offers, our rights and privileges of this kingdom, is made known to us by the kingdom curriculum which is the word of God. And that word “kingdom curriculum” referred to an interactive system of instruction. So, the word of God is an instruction. That’s why the Bible says all Scripture has been given for the profit; because there is an instruction that will profit you in this kingdom, you must know it. God said my people perish because they lack knowledge, knowledge of my will, knowledge of the curriculum that makes them dominating spirits. Until we know and come into synch with this curriculum that the Lord has made available for us, we can’t actually become dominating spirits.

So, it’s an interactive system of instruction and learning, we must learn it. You must learn it; it won’t just jump on you; you must learn it with a specific goal. There is somebody you must become, there is who to become. There is content in it and there are strategies, measurement and resources that makes for our dominion in the kingdom curriculum. It started With The Word of Righteousness, which the Holy Spirit also revealed to us as the revelation of righteousness, the instruction of righteousness and particularly the seed of righteousness. So, when we come in contact with this layer in the curriculum, you get sown into you the seed of righteousness. And the seed of righteousness is sown into your spirit so that you become a tree of righteousness.

We are doing a recap. And haven understood all that Jesus has done for you, because the righteousness is not our own righteousness, the righteousness that we have is by faith in the Son of God that loved us and gave Himself for us. So, we understand that our righteousness is in Christ Jesus. The Bible says that we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. The righteousness is in Christ Jesus, and the word of righteousness is the seed of righteousness you must sow it into your spirit. That word must enter into you because that is the foundation. It is the foundation upon which every other layer of the curriculum is built. And the second one we looked at last week is The Word of Faith.

We understood from Hebrews 11:1 that faith is the substance; faith is the basis of your belief. Everything that you believe in this kingdom is substantiated by your faith. So, if you believe that Jesus is Lord, its substantiated by your faith, your faith in Christ. So, everything that we will see in this kingdom will come on the platform of faith. Everything that we will see that will become a reality and a possibility in our lives in the kingdom of God will come on the platform of faith. That’s why the Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. because those that come to God must come believing that He is and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. So, we understand that the words of faith are the word that builds us up, it’s the word that gives us a basis, that substantiate everything that we believe in this kingdom.

Today we are going a step further to another one, The Word of His Grace. We are going to start our observation from Acts 20:32. Why is the word of His grace important for us? The word of His grace is the seed of His grace. It’s the revelation of His grace. How can this grace be revealed to us? Until His grace is revealed, we can’t partake of it. Acts 20:32. So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you” I commend you to God and to the revelation of His grace, I commend you to God and to the instruction of His grace, I commend you to God and to the seed of His grace. When this seed enters into you, what will it do for you? “Which is able to build you up”, it does not build you up and leave you alone, but it also gives you an inheritance.

There is an allotment that comes with grace and gives you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. Who are those that are sanctified? The Bible says sanctify them by your truth, you word is truth. Everyone that has been sanctified by Christ Jesus, what does that sanctification mean? It means that you have put on Christ Jesus. How do you put on Christ Jesus? You have accepted Him, believing in your heart, and confessing with your mouth the Lord Jesus and when you do that you have become born again, you come into the kingdom in salvation. The truth that Jesus is the Son of God that He died, that He resurrected, and He ascended into heaven, is the truth that sanctifies you. For those that are sanctified by that truth there is an inheritance for them. That’s why in that Acts 20:32, it says that this word of grace is able to build you up and give you an inheritance.

So, we see how that if you come into the kingdom, ignorance of the knowledge of the curriculum, you won’t know what God has made available for your dominion and authority in this kingdom. Contemporarily speaking, in the earth as it is today, we realize that men that have inheritance, that have possessions, they rule. True or false? If you go to an area and a man owns a piece of land or builds a house in that area they call him what? The land lord. That means he has jurisdiction over that piece of property. There is nothing no matter how powerful you are, that you can come to that man’s piece of property and claim it and he will be looking at you. So, that man has a possession, that piece of property is his inheritance. So, he is dominating, he is ruling there. I want to read that Scripture in the passion translation. Acts 20:32. “And so now I entrust you to Gods hand and the message of His grace the message of His grace is the word of His grace. Which is all that you need to become strong. In this kingdom, the words of His grace is what makes you strong.

You will become weak without the word of His grace, the word of righteousness is what qualifies you to the sanctification of the inheritance. But that is not the word that gives you the allotment. The word of faith does not give you allotment, it gives you a substance. It gives you a platform to stand when you receive the word. But there is a layer, there is a dimension of the word called the word of His grace, that makes you strong, that builds you up, it does not make you strong so that you are just strong without no authority, or without no responsibility, that word makes you strong so that you can step into your inheritance. It said and the word is all that you need, the message of His grace, it is all that you need to become strong. If you faint in the days of adversity is because your strength is little, you have not ingested the word of His grace. When the devil comes at you with tricks and cunning devices, if you fall in those days it is because you have not been made strong. There is a word that makes you strong. It is called the word of His grace.

I want us to see this, our inheritance is Gods blessings, God will not come down to give you a house or a car or give you children physically, but there is a blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow. There is the blessing of the Lord that teaches you to profit and that blessing of the Lord comes via the word of His grace. All of God’s blessing are imparted through the message of His grace. So, when we are talking about the word of His grace it is different from the word of righteousness, it is different from the word of faith. Your impartation and the impartation of God’s blessing in this kingdom comes through the vehicle, through the means of the message called grace. All of Gods blessings are imparted through the message of His grace which He provides; God provides the word of His grace, the message of His grace as the spiritual inheritance given to all of His holy ones. What is your spiritual inheritance in God? Grace! Everything that God supplies for you comes through the vehicle of grace. The word of His grace is the spiritual impartation of Gods blessings on your life.

Your inheritance in this kingdom comes via grace. Everything that God will ever supply for you will come via grace. When Apostle Paul came to the Lord and said Lord take this away from me, what did God say to him? My grace, what I can supply you is grace I can’t take this thing away, but I will supply you an impartation, I will supply you an inheritance, I will supply you a blessing that will make this thing that you are praying for inconsequential. The word of His grace is Gods blessings for your life. So, when God says I give you grace, don’t take it lightly. That’s why we said the kingdom curriculum is an instruction and learning; you must learn grace to understand what it is or else you will cheapen it.

Grace is not to be cheapened; grace is actually your inheritance. So, when God speaks grace to you, you are don’t say God why not money? God why not speak houses? Why are you speaking grace? It’s because that’s your inheritance. If you can receive it, everything you need is in grace. So, the word of His grace is the word that sets you in your place in the kingdom. There is a place for you in the kingdom. Jesus said to His disciples, I am going to prepare a place for you, that where I am there you will be also. What is the medium through which our place is set in the kingdom? The word of His grace. When the message of His grace, the revelation of His grace, the seed of His grace comes to you, you have received your place in the kingdom. It is the seed of allotment of inheritance for the sons in the kingdom. The word of His grace is the seed of allotment, so when allocation is made in the kingdom of God, allocation is made by grace.

Your allotment in the kingdom is not by faith, it is by grace. faith is a platform; faith substantiates everything you receive. Faith is the medium through which you receive from the invisible to the visible. But you see your allotment, the seed of allotment for you in the kingdom comes via grace.  because the word of His grace is the word that settles you in this kingdom. The word of His grace is the word that set you and settles you in this kingdom. 2 Peter 3:18. I want us to start from verse 17 so that we understand context. “You therefore beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked, but grow in the grace.” Grow in His grace. For you to remain steadfast in this kingdom, you grow in His grace- in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. To continue to move in lips and bounds in this kingdom is to grow in His grace.

And that’s why we are not just using the word of grace, but the word of His grace. The “His” began with capital letter “H” the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. And that’s why when Apostle Paul would want to end his letters and epistles to the churches, he would say may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, but the grace. You need faith but it’s His grace that sets you.  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. Because those are the things that settle you. So, the word of His grace is powered by the Spirit of grace. In John 1:14, the Bible records concerning Jesus, it said He is full of grace and truth. So, it is His grace, you don’t have grace, the grace you have is the one He gave you. You can have faith; you can’t have grace. It is His grace. So, when you are growing, you are not growing in your grace, you are growing in His grace.

We must understand this; it’s a learning. We must understand as a body of Christ that God is God of order and principles, there are certain things He has put in place from the foundation of the world, we must get it.  There are certain things God has set in place for our dominion. God is not a man that He will lie, nor the son of man that He will repent. If you are not walking in dominion the fault is not God’s, the fault is yours. Because God has set these things in place. He said He has set all things; from the foundation of the world He has set these things in place. But do we know them? Have we come to understand and learn them? In this kingdom, grace is the inheritance, his grace is the inheritance, everything that Jesus did is so that He can supply us grace. everything that is spiritually possible in God is supplied through grace. Grace is the medium. 1 Corinthians 2:12-13. We must understand the Spirit of grace, because every time we talk about the word, we must understand that the word is powered by the Spirit. “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. Please I want us to note this; “now we have received” grace is received. Now we have received not the Spirit of the word but the Spirit who is from God. Not which is from God but who is from God, because the Holy Spirit is a person. The person of the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace, He embodies grace the way Jesus embodies grace that’s why it’s called the Spirit of Christ.

In this kingdom we must understand from the beginning how the trinity operates. Another thing that is important to our understanding of the word is the association and the unity of the trinity. You can’t be a kingdom citizen and you don’t understand the interwoven connection of the trinity. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. If you don’t understand it, you will be shortchanged. Because the Father carries the will, in fact, the Father, the Godhead carries this expression. God the Father is the one that loved, He is the one that had the idea, Jesus the word, He is the expressed idea of the Father. That’s why in John 1 the Bible says in the Beginning was the Word-Christ Jesus, and the word was with God, and the word was God. All things were made through Him, because He is actually the expressed idea of the Father. Who has the idea? The Father. God the Father is the originator, that’s why you will see that every time we talk about the counsel and will in the trinity, it belongs to the Father. Love belongs to Him, so everything originates from the Father. He is the one that has a will, He is the one that has a desire, He is the one that has a counsel, He is the one that has a blue print.

God the Son is the expression of the God head that actually goes into and expresses the counsel and will of the Father. Don’t get confused because this is so important in connecting all this together. God had the idea, He wanted to save the world, He said who will go for us? The whole of heaven there was nobody to take the scroll. The Scroll was in the hand of the Father; He is the one that sits on the throne. That’s why in Revelations you will see the throne of God and His Lamb. Jesus sits at the right hand and the seven Spirits of God are before the throne, an expression or form of the Holy Spirit. But all of them are on the throne. That’s why they are interwoven but they are distinct but so connected. So, Jesus comes to take the scroll, Father not my will but yours be done. Who owns the will? The Father! So, Jesus comes to take the scroll and the whole of heaven will bow down and say worthy is the Lamb that is able to take the scroll and open its seals.

So, He is the one that is able to do the will of the Father. That’s why anyone that will do the will of the Father must do it in Christ. Because He is the only one worthy and qualified to do it. You understand why when we come to the Father and have to partake of anything of the Father we have to come in Christ the Son. The Bible calls Him the first born among many brethren. Do we understand it? So, grace is the idea of God, but it’s His grace, the grace of Christ. All these things are His will, then what’s the Spirit? The Spirit is actually the power, the executor of the will of the Father, and the idea-the word of the Father. When the Father has anything to do, He expresses it through the Son. That’s why He is called the express image of the invisible God. everything is expressed in Christ. That’s why anyone that is not in Christ, can never be in the kingdom. what are you expressed through? Nowhere! You can’t float in the kingdom, everything is united and joined together.

So, Christ Jesus is the one that expresses the ideas, the will, the counsel of the Father. From Genesis 1, we remember, I am taking a little bit of digress because I believe the Holy Spirit wants us to understand this. In Genesis chapter 1, the Bible made us to understand that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and it came to a time the earth was without form. The first time you will see the display of the trinity, and it said there was darkness over the face of the deep, then the Spirit of the Lord, if you go to Revelations, you will see the expressions of the Spirit of the Lord, the seven Spirits of God, and if you go to Isaiah 11, we will see that He is the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of counsel, the Spirit of might, everything that Jesus is going to express is powered by the Spirit. So, the Spirit hovered over the face of the waters and God said; who has the will? The Father; let there be light. How comes God said let there be light, there was light. What happened in-between shows there is unity.

When God said let there be light, the Spirit of God goes into execution. So, when God wants to deliver His grace to you, the Father will not come down to deliver His grace to you, the Spirit of God will brood and hover over your life and deliver it. in Luke chapter 1 when Mary had an encounter, God had a will, His Son must come to the earth to die. And the angel brought the message of who? The Father and saluted Mary, Mary blessed are you among women, highly favored of God, you will have a child this is the will of the Father, He will be born of the Holy One and His name will be called Jesus. Now when Mary said how will these things be? How will this will of God be done? And he said the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the highest, will overwhelm you and he will do what? Overshadow you. The word had gone out of the Father but the execution has to be carried out, it has to be powered by the Holy Spirit, and who was the word that was sent forth? Jesus!

So, if there is anything that God wants to do in your life, there must be an agreement of the trinity. In 1 John the Bible says these three agree in heaven. The Father, the word, and the Spirit. They agree as what? One! One the earth these three bear record and agree as one; same thing the Father, the blood and the Spirit. So, if anything will be done on earth as it is in heaven, there must be an agreement of the trinity. So, when the word of His grace will materialize in your life, there must be an agreement of the trinity in your life. The Spirit must hover over you, God must have a will concerning you, and it is released via the Word-Jesus and the Spirit performs it. So, for the delivery or the supply of grace it must be by the execution of the Spirit. If there is any inheritance that God wants to will to you, it won’t just jump on you, God has a will, I want to bless Francis, I want him to become this and this, that’s the will of the Father.

Then He sent forth His Word-Jesus, His expressed idea, and the word will become flesh and the Holy Spirit will make it dwell, He will make it settle. So, when we talk about the word of His grace, it is not enough that you are given an inheritance, that inheritance must become settled. And the person that makes an inheritance settle in our lives is the Holy Spirit. Everything that God wants to do, remains at that realm of the word until Spirit. The Bible says until the Spirit is poured out from on high the wilderness will not become a fruitful tree. The destiny of the wilderness is to become a fruitful tree, but the Spirit has not been poured out. Have you received the Spirit of grace? Because it’s the Spirit of grace that powers the word of His grace. The word of His grace is the intention of God for your life so that you are set and settled in your place in the kingdom. But that word cannot settle until the Spirit is poured out.

Everything that Jesus wanted the Apostles to do, they could not do it until the day of Pentecost, until that day when they were in the upper roam, 120 of them until the Spirit was poured out. Peter remained timid, they kept hiding until the Spirit was poured out. Jesus said here in Jerusalem until you are endued. There is an endowment of the power of God that backs His word. Jesus has spoken it; He has ascended into heaven. They will never experience it until the Spirit is poured out. So, for us to become dominating spirits functioning in the word of His grace, there must be the word of His grace active and alive in our hearts. Making sure that the word settles. So, the word of His grace is powered by the Spirit of His grace, and that’s the Holy Spirit.

Hebrews 10:29, “Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace?” That’s why Jesus said you can sin against the word. Certain sins are forgiven, but a sin against the Spirit has no forgiveness. Because the Holy Spirit is the binding force of the trinity. The Bible calls it the Spirit that comes from the very presence of God. He not an angel, He is not a living creature, He is not an elder, He is God. But He is an expression of God that is so subtle that you can take Him for granted. Gentle, quiet; He is not the one you will find in the whirl wind or in a tornado. That still small voice, that leading of God, that presence of God on your inside, that’s the Holy Spirit. And He is the Spirit of grace. that’s what this Scripture is making us to understand. Of How much worse punishment do you suppose will be thought worthy for who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and this is like the worse, the weightiest-insulted the Spirit of grace.

You can’t insult the Spirit of grace and walk in the word of His grace; you can’t insult the Spirit of grace and walk in the fullness of the Spirit of grace for your life. The fullness of His grace for your life is the setting and settlement in this kingdom. So, if we are wandering in the body of Christ, how comes we are not walking in dominion? Have we forgotten we are in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit? Dr Myles Munroe called Him the governor of the earth. The most important person on the earth is the Holy Spirit. Because He is actually the one that galvanizes the will of God, the counsel of God, the blueprints of God. Do you know the Holy Spirit is the one that is in charge of making sure that you and I walk in alignment with the blue prints of God, that God has designed and preordained and predestinated concerning you and I?

He is the one with the check list. So, why should you insult the one that has your record? The one that it cost Him nothing to erase your entire record from the earth in the blink of an eye. That’s the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of grace, you can’t insult the Spirit of grace. You are joking with your inheritance when you try to insult Him. The Bible says as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are; inheritances are not for bustards they are for sons. And sons are identified by the leadership of the Holy Spirit. If you are not led by the Spirit, you have no inheritance in God. When He powers you- the Spirit of grace, you will bear fruits of grace, people will see the grace of God at work in your life. you will effortlessly by the help of the Holy Spirit deliver in your generation.

This is so important; I believe the Holy Spirit is hammering on this deliberately this morning. many of us are praying and crying to God, Lord settle me I want my inheritance in this kingdom. Jesus said this thing will not go except by prayer and fasting. What prayer and fasting will do for you is to position you, help you so that you are sensitive and discerning and you are able to yield correctly. The person that will settle you, that will give you your room in the kingdom that will tell you this is your place stay there, is the Holy Spirit. That’s why Jesus said will not leave you as orphans, I am going, but I will ask the Father to send. Note it; He first said I will ask the Father to send, then He said I will send. Because there must be a permission from the Father to send, He is the Spirit of the Father as much as He is the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Christ. 

When you are reading the Scripture, just carry on let the Spirit lead you. The first place Jesus was going to mention the Holy Spirit, He said I will ask the Father to send the comforter, the Holy Spirit, the helper. Then later on after that period He said I will send. The Holy Spirit is not a joke; He is the real deal. He is the binding force of the trinity. It helps you to honor the Father, it helps you to honor the Son, He is the one that helps you to gain perspective of the kingdom. You will not gain perspective of the kingdom without Him, that’s why He is called the teacher. He will lead you into all truth, He will disclose Christ to you. The things you think you know about Jesus; you have not known anything.

When you come into communion, into fellowship with the Holy Spirit, He will show you Christ. That’s why the Bible says the letter kills but the Spirit gives life. that’s why we can’t connect to the word of His grace without Him. This grace is possible in God but this grace works with a close connection with the trinity. God supplies grace to the weak and those without might He increases strength. Our inheritance in this kingdom is grace. What you need is not more money, it is more grace. what you need is to grow in grace, because you are in Christ Jesus, there is an allotment already, there is an inheritance with your name on it. but until you come to understand and grow in the knowledge of His grace, you won’t know all that has been given to you. That’s why the Bible says we have not been given the Spirit of this world but the Spirit of God so that we can know the things that has been freely given to us.

We know the things that have been freely given to us by the Spirit. So, you must receive Him and hold Him dear. The Holy Spirit is not a person to insult, His not a person to toil with, He is a relationship you must guard, He is a fellowship you must be committed to because your inheritance is with Him. He sets you and He settles you. He is the one that actually helps us to navigate this kingdom. The Bile says we don’t know how to pray as we ought to, but the Spirit makes intercession. Do we see that we can’t live without Him? He tells you this is the blue print, this is the next phase of your life, this is how to get to the land that the Lord has allotted for you. This is how to get there. I want us to bow down our heads and make a commitment to the Holy Spirit and ask for mercy if we have sinned against Him or insulted Him before, pray for forgiveness. Say Father forgive me for insulting your Spirit, for not allowing your Spirit find full expression in my life, today I have learnt that I cannot walk in my inheritance without the Spirit of God.


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