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Kingdom Curriculum Part Four: The Word of Life

Hello friends and welcome to another layer of our Kingdom Curriculum series. We have been looking at the kingdom curriculum from the month of June, and we are continuing on that series in this month of July, and the Holy Spirit has been taking us line upon line, precept upon precept, exposing to us what has been made available in God for our dominion on the earth. Don’t forget I made mention from the beginning that we are going to look at 6 layers of this curriculum, and the first one we looked at was The Word of Righteousness, which we also call the instruction, revelation and seed of righteousness, and we also looked at The Word of Faith, where we saw that the word of faith is powered by the Spirit of faith, and last week we looked at The Word of His Grace.

Everything that God gives to us comes on the vehicle of grace. If God is going to give you riches, He supplies you grace, He gives you the power in grace to profit. And when God wants to supply you glory, it also comes on the vehicle of His grace – the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. And today we are looking at the fourth layer of the curriculum; we are looking at The Word of Life. There is a lot that the Holy Spirit will be revealing to us on this particular expression and layer of the word of life and I pray any of us will not miss out on any of the things that God has assigned for us at such a time as this in the name of Jesus.

Let us start our observation this morning from Philippians 2:16, it is going to be a short teaching by the help of the Holy Spirit and we are going to pray because this expression, this particular layer of the curriculum requires us to pray through into it because it’s like an envelope of other layers of this curriculum. Philippians 2:16, the Bible says; holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.” It says; “holding fast” meaning that I don’t take with levity the word of life. and that is why the instruction this morning is for us to pray. You must not take with levity the word of life. and we will see the reasons why, so that faith can be stirred in our hearts to pray.

Apostle Paul said “holding fast” he holds fast the word of life so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain. Meaning that I have not enjoyed or stepped into the word of righteousness, the word of faith, the word of His grace in vain, so I hold fast the word of life so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain. John 6 we want to look at what is the word of life? Why is the word of life important? What is the word of life?  John 6, we will start reading from verse 27, we will skip some verses and we will move very quickly to other verses and we will start this morning. “Do not labor for the food which perishes but for the food which endures unto everlasting life, which the Son of man will give you because God the Father has set His seal on Him.”

“Do not labor” do we understand why Apostle Paul in Philippians was now saying I hold fast the word of life so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain. Jesus is saying here in John 6:27, “do not labor”, when you don’t hold fast the word of life, you will labor in vein. “do not labor for the food which perishes.” So, the word of life is the food that does not perish. The word of life is what Jesus was referring to in Matthew 4:4, when the devil came to Him and said; “turn this stone into bread” and He said to the devil, man must not live by bread alone, “food that perishes”, but by every word, the word of life that proceeds; the word of life is the word that proceeds from the very mouth of God.

So, Jesus said do not labor for the food which perishes but for the food which endures. The word of life is the food that endures, the word continues to live inside of you and it does not live for a time or a season, it lives to everlasting life, eternal life which the son of man will give to you. So, don’t be confused about where this word of life will come from. The word of life comes from the Son of man which is Jesus Christ. Because the reason why He qualifies to give this word of life is because God the Father has set His seal upon Him. Remember how the Holy Spirit took us into understanding the trinity because it’s so fundamental in our understanding of this different layers of this curriculum. If you don’t understand how the interconnected unity of the trinity works, you won’t be able to step effectively into all that God has made available with these different layers of the curriculum.

Who gives the word of life? The Son of man! But why is He qualified to give the word of life? Because the Father has set His seal upon Him. We remember in Genesis when man fell from grace, in chapter two of Genesis the Bible says God planted a tree in the midst of the garden of Eden, and in that garden there was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil and there was a tree of life. so, from every time that man plucks from the tree of life, he had life. Not just any kind of life, the tree of life was not a food that perishes. It was a food that gives man the ability to continue in that life to everlasting, to eternity.

That’s why when man sinned against God, the first thing that God did was to send man out of the garden, why? So that man could not benefit, man could not lay hold. If you go back to that book of Genesis 3, and you see when man fell from grace and fell from the instructions of God, in disobedience and in rebellion, God chased the man and his wife out of the garden and the reason of God was simple;

I want us to go that Scripture, Genesis 3, so that we would understand how important the word of life is. Genesis 3, we are going to read from verse 22. “Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil.” You may be wondering why is God saying this? If you see the ‘Us’ in your Bible, it is capital letter “U” talking about the trinity. Man has become like one of us the trinity, to know good and evil. But the capacity to contain and control that knowledge is not in man. So, God said; “And now, lest he put out his hand.” God was not concerned about any other tree in that garden, God said lest he put his hand and take also.” So, the attention here is focused on the tree of life. Why is it so important?

Lest also he takes of the tree of life and eat and live forever.  So, the word of life is the tree of life. He gives you the capacity. That’s why Jesus was saying in that John 6:27 that do not labor for the food that perishes, but the food that endures to everlasting life. That the Son of man will give to you. Man does not have the ability to lay hold of this word anymore, man does not have the ability to lay hold on this food anymore, He has been banned. And the reason Jesus could give man that food to eat now is because the seal of the Father is upon Him. The seal is like the approval, the endorsement of the Father.

In Genesis 3 and verse 22, I said they should not lay hold, but now through you Christ Jesus you can give them of that tree of life. “Therefore, the Lord God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. So, he drove out the man.” See the kind of security measures that God put in place; so that when Jesus is giving us this word of life, mystery of life, we don’t take light of it. He did not come because we qualified, but because the seal of the Father is upon Him. So, He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.”

See how God secured the tree of life, after man disobeyed and fell from grace through the rebellion, God guarded the tree of life, so it’s not a joke. So, we should understand what Jesus is saying now in John 6:27. What He was saying to us here, that access has now been granted not to man directly but to man through Christ Jesus. Until you know what Jesus has done for you that’s a foundation, you cannot lay hold of faith, you cannot lay hold of His grace, you cannot lay hold of life, until you know righteousness, that’s why the Bible says when the judgement of God comes upon the earth, the people of the earth will learn righteousness because righteousness is a foundation. The people of the earth cannot attain life until they learn righteousness. You and I cannot attain to life until we learn righteousness, what Jesus has done, the finished works of Christ.

So, the Bible says; this everlasting life which the son of man will give to because God the Father has set His seal upon Him. I want us to see that same John 6 and we will read verse 63 and verse 68. It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh profits nothing, the words that I speak to you; Jesus is now opening us to how He is going to give us the food that does not perish. He is opening us to how He is going to give us the food that endures, He is opening us to how we can receive and despite the fact that man has fallen from grace, how we can have life in Christ Jesus. It says; the Spirit gives life, the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you, they are Spirit and they are life. How do you partake of the tree of life? By the words that I speak to you. How will the Son of man give you this food that endures to everlasting to eat? By the words. That’s why it’s called the word of life. 

The medium through which you partake of the tree of life, is the word of life. The words become seed that makes you a tree of life. When Jesus mentioned somethings and some people turned away from Him, verse 68 says; but Simon Peter answered Him; Jesus was asking them, will you also go away from Me? But Simon answered Him, Lord to whom shall we go? And this must be our response all the days of our lives. When life situations confront us, when we are being challenged by issues, and it looks as if the world wants us to quit and throw in the towel, and God ask us a question, do you also want to go away? Are you tired of being fed, is this food chocking you? Because when the Son of man gives you the word of life to eat, it contains His life. That’s why Jesus said except you drink of my cup, except you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no part in Me.

Drinking His cup and eating His flesh will not be easy and rosy all the time. And the question will come, will you also go away? But this must be our response every day. Simon Peter answered Him; Lord to whom shall we go? Where can we source life apart from you? To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life and that is what we want to eat. So, the question this morning is; what food do you want to eat? The food you want to eat in your life will determine where you source your feeding. If what you want is eternal life, then the Son of man must feed you. If what you want in your life is the food that endures not the one that perishes. The food that perishes is with the devil, he has a lot of it. So, he will tell people, what’s there? Don’t stress yourself, you can become a billionaire overnight, these are the things you should do. And suddenly the person becomes a billionaire.

Somebody asked me a question last week, he said he was looking at fraudsters and he said through spiritual means they have been able to decode a spiritual technology that makes them rich overnight. So, I knew he was a believer. He now said, because he knows that what the devil gives to them is the perverted or the fake. That means the Spiritual technology in the kingdom of God that makes people rich. I say very true. But the difference is that what the devil has is but a short time, what He will make available for people will be also limited with his short time. But because what God has with Him is eternity. The Bible says a thousand years is like a year before Him, a day like a thousand years. He will make you rich but not overnight.

So, he said I should explain further. I said the blessings of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow. And I said the blessing of the Lord comes upon a man via obedience and obedience takes time. And God will not entrust anything into your hands if He is not comfortable, if He is not sure that you are able to handle it, so He wants you to know Him and be like Him, and knowing Him and being like Him takes time. That’s why in the kingdom of God you cannot be a billionaire overnight. He said okay I have spoken about so many things, He wants me to narrow it down. That what exactly is that spiritual technology in that kingdom? And what the Holy Spirit dropped in my heart is the blessing.  I said the blessing is what makes so many people rich in the kingdom.

If the blessing can come upon your life, you can become rich. What Isaac had was the blessing and he became exceedingly great. What Jacob have and Esau did not have was the blessing. And blessing made him more exceedingly great. So, if you can lay hold of the blessing; that’s the technology in this kingdom. So, he said yes he has gotten it. I said that blessing is so important that it doesn’t just drop on anybody, it takes process, it takes time. That’s why Simon Peter was saying; to whom shall we go? We can’t go away from this, what we want is life. and with you are the words, the seeds of eternal life. So, they said we are going nowhere, with you are the words of eternal life. Do you believe it? With Christ Jesus are the words, the seed of life. and it is holistic.

Let us see that John 8:51. Because we want to see the words of Jesus, what Jesus is saying to us about this word. John 8:51, “Most assuredly, I say to you, when Jesus use most assuredly, He is always talking about something that cannot be refuted, something that cannot change. Most assuredly I am giving you my full assurance, if anyone keeps My word; what is that word? The word of life! He shall never see death.” Do you believe it? You can take it literally because in Christ Jesus we don’t die. The Scripture was saying, death where is your sting, where is your victory? You can’t overcome because He has overcome. He overcame, and overcame death. So, anyone who keeps my word of life, who eats it, who digest it, who assimilates it, will never see death.

The words of life are the words that makes you never see death. That’s why I said the word we are receiving this morning is a word that will steer us up to pray. If you are seeing death in or around you, have you received the words of life? Apostle Paul will say those that have died in the faith, they did not die, they are asleep. He said if only in this word we have hope we are all men most miserable. Because the life we have transcends time.  Believe it! What God is doing with you transcends time, if you allow the Lord build your spirit, this same spirit will reign with Christ in eternity. So, why do you think you are going to die? The words of life when you receive it, when it builds you, when that word makes you, you will never see death. It is those that are not in Christ Jesus that die, in Christ we don’t die we live.

Apostle Paul said though our outward man may perish it might look as if its perishing, but our inward man, the one that never dies, is being renewed day by day, we will never see death. That’s the words of Jesus. John 12:50. “And I know that His command is everlasting life.” It is Jesus that is speaking here, so understand the one He is referring to. He said, I know His command, the command of the Father, just as the Father has told me, so I speak. So, you understand how the seal is upon Him. The seal of God the Father is upon Him. Whatever He tells you, is directly from the Father. He is the source of life. if you go to the book of Revelations, I love that; you see that everything before the throne of God is living. Even the Lamb that looks as if it was slain is still living. Because there is no death around Him.

No one can be in Christ Jesus, received His words, received His life and experience death. No! it is not in the character of God. If you go to the book of Revelations, you will see that death itself will be judged. Because death is an enemy. There is no death in God, life! Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is living-lets never forget that. The word of God is living, and sharper than any two edged swords, the word of God is alive; when you receive that word you receive life. The DNA of God is life. The word of God is what changes us and infuses the Spirit of God into us. When you receive the life that Christ gives, you receive the person of God. Everything around God is living. So, if there is anything around your life that is dead, as you are receiving this word, let faith be steered in your life, it is not permitted. The life of God must flow into it.

I want us to see Ezekiel 47 so that we understand the word of life. We will read from verse one. Let me skip some parts because of our time, but you can write it down verse 1 to 12 in your note. I will just read from verse 1 to 12.

Again, he measured one thousand, and it was a river that I could not cross; for the water was too deep, water in which one must swim, a river that could not be crossed. 6 He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen this?” Then he brought me and returned me to the bank of the river. 7 When I returned, there, along the bank of the river, were very many trees on one side and the other. 8 Then he said to me: “This water flows toward the eastern region, goes down into the [b]valley, and enters the sea. When it reaches the sea, its waters are healed. 9 And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever [c]the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes.”

This water carries life, the water talks about the word. Scripturally when you say you are being born of the water and the Spirit, the water signifies the word.

The Bible says everywhere in this Ezekiel 47 that the waters go, what happens? There is life. This is a picture of the word of life. wherever the waters go, everything will live. And there is healing. Verse 10,

“It shall be that fishermen will stand by it from En Gedi to En Eglaim; they will be places for spreading their nets. Their fish will be of the same kinds as the fish of the Great Sea, exceedingly many. 11 But its swamps and marshes will not be healed; they will be given over to salt. 12 Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.”

Does your water flow from the sanctuary? Where does your water flow from? The water that enters your life, where does it flow from? The reason these will bear fruits every month is because their water flow from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.” Where does your water flow from? The water that flows into your life, does it carry life? This is so important. Galatians 6:8, “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” When you sow to the Spirit, what do you sow? The words that are sowed into you are the words of life so you will reap everlasting life. The body of seed that is sowed into your life, would determine your harvest.

The word of life must be the body of seed that you carry. That’s why Apostle Paul in Philippians 2:16 says I lay fast, I hold fast the word of life. Are we going to hold fast the word of life? He said so that I can rejoice in the day of Christ and so that I would not have labored in vain or run in vain. There are many people that will get to heaven and they will cry not because they did not make heaven, but because the life they were supposed to live on the earth have been shortchanged. They will look at their lives, the life they are supposed to live versus the life they lived and they will cry that God so this is the life I was supposed to live? So, death was not permitted in my life? So, I allowed it?

The Bible says whatever you allow on earth is allowed in heaven, whatever you disallow on earth is disallowed in heaven that’s why we need the kingdom curriculum. You must know what you want to allow and disallow. That’s how to legislate. Death is not permitted. If the words of Christ flows into, death is not permitted around you. Are we ready to pray this morning? are we ready to sow into the Spirit? Are we ready to sow the words of life this morning? I want us to rise up on our feet and we going to pray and say Lord I have learnt your word, I have heard your word, Father whatever is dead around my life I declare, I receive the word of life, I receive the words the Son of man has given me, now that I am in Christ Jesus I know I have access to the word of life, the words that Jesus has spoken to me I receive them, and whatever is dead in and around me receive life in Jesus name. I declare life, the life of Jesus is on my inside. I receive life in my body, soul and Spirit.


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