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In His Presence: Examining The Tremendous Benefits of Being In The Presence of God

In the month of July, the Holy Spirit did tremendous things in our midst, as He took us on a journey in DEEPER DIMENSION. Personally, in my own life I have been experiencing that Deeper Dimensions of the Holy Spirit. We started by looking at an introduction into the deeper dimensions by examining what it means. In the book of Romans, the Bible makes us to understand that; “the love of God has been shared abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.” So, we connect to the love of the Father because we have the Holy Spirit, we fellowship with the Holy Spirit.


The Bible make us to understand in James that; “the body without the Spirit is dead.” So, there is nobody that can be alive to God without the Spirit of God. That’s why it’s so essential and important that we connect to the Spirit of God, so that we can be alive to God. It’s not enough to say you have heard about God or you know God; Are you alive to God? Is the consciousness of God alive in your spirit? Do you know that God is? Because the Bible says;“those that come to God must believe that He is and He is the rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.” If you don’t have that knowledge or come to that experience, you cannot be alive to God. It’s so important that we know and understand this.


Today, we are going further and deeper, last week we looked at the measuring line and how that the Holy Spirit comes with a measuring line for everyone that is in the East, and He also made us to understand that East is the location for formed men, that when the Holy Spirit goes out it doesn’t go out in the direction of everyone.The Holy Spirit moves in a specific direction,and we saw that in the lives of the Apostles in the upper room on the day of Pentecost. When the Holy Spirit moved out in the day of Pentecost, He did not move to the whole of Jerusalem, He did not move to Judea or Galilee.


The Holy Spirit moved in the direction of the upper room because that was the East at that time and that was the place where men and women that Jesus had formed were, and the Holy Spirit moved in the direction of the upper room and He filled that entire place and everyone that is in it because that was the location where formed men are. Last week, the Holy Spirit challenged us that we should always locate ourselves in the East, because that is the direction in which he moves; and today, He is taking us further and deeper on another level with the Holy Spirit. Today we are looking at DEEPER DIMENSIONS: IN HIS PRESENCE. I will love us to start today by looking at Psalm 16:8-11. It says;


“I have set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved Therefore, my heart is glad and my glory rejoices, my flesh also will rest in hope, for you will not leave my soul in shoal nor will you allow your holy one to see corruption. You will show me the path because, in Your presence is fullness of joy; and at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


In this Psalm chapter 16:8-11, there are certain things that are clear to us that David was saying from here; number one: He said “I have set the Lord always before me.” What does it mean for the Lord to be set always before me? Now if I say that “Mr. Obayomi is set always before me”, does it not mean that I am always in the presence of Mr. Obayomi? Because when you hear the word always it means it is every time. So, every time I have set the Lord before me. There is something that happens to us when we set the Lord always before us, it is that we are always in the presence of God. The men and women that are always in His presence are men and women that have set the Lord always before them.


David talked about his experience because of that. He said;“I have set the Lord always before me.” Many atimes, we don’t understand the importance of His presence, how valuable his presence is, we need to understand how important and how we can’t do without His presence. The Bible says; “I have always set the Lord before me, Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” I am not perturbed, troubled or anxious; I care less, because the Lord is always before me, and this is so key. And in verse 9 it says; “my heart is glad” The reason my heart is glad is not because I won a lottery, it is not because I just got something or I just bought a new car.


It is because the Lord is always before me. “I have set the Lord before me, because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved, therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will rest in hope. For you will not leave my soul in sheol nor will you allow your holy one to see corruption. You will show me the path of life in your presence.”  He is now repeating the reason for his experience. The reason for my experience and the several dimensions of my experiences is because in His presence there is fullness of joy. He is now making us understand again why the Lord that is set before Him, is the same thing as in his presence. In His presence is fullness of joy but I can’t connect to that joy if I am not in His presence. And he said;“at His right hand are pleasures forever more.”


Last week the Holy Spirit led us into Ezekiel 47:1-5. And we saw in verse 1 that there was water streaming out from a specific location called the right side. And we understood that the water signifies the word of God. The pleasures of our life are at His right side where the word is. So, the pleasure we desire are in His words. Don’t think that pleasure is in all the rubbish that is going on in the world today, that some young boys will just sit somewhere with a laptop and they will dupe people and frustrate people and allow people to commit suicide because they’ve duped them of their life savings and they will think they have joy or pleasure because they just bought a new car or had money they can spend or squander and corrupt themselves, that is not pleasure.


The true pleasure is in the word of God, the true pleasure is the experience that you have with God in His presence. “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Come and taste and see that the Lord is good. There is pleasure in the word of God, line upon line precept upon precept you work in the reality of it, and at His right hand are pleasures forever more, it’s so important. Psalm 139:7, David was saying something important and we must also hear it. He said; “Where can I go from your Spirit or where can I flee from your presence?”


The more, we think we are running, the more we find ourselves that we can’t run from His presence. The more we try to hide, the more we try to disguise, the more we realize that we can’t run from His presence. In the book of Genesis, the Bible says God came down in the cool of the day after Adam had sinned and Adam hid himself and God asked Adam like He is asking some of us right now; “Where are you?” Adam you can’t hide from me, I am asking you so that you will know that you can’t hide from Me. Adam said; “When I heard your voice, I hid myself because I was naked” and God told him who told you, you were naked?


That knowledge did not come in my presence.That means you have gone outside my presence anytime we go outside the presence of God we find bitter untrue knowledge, false knowledge, in His presence we find the true knowledge, in His presence is the true pleasures. In the world there are false pleasures. Pleasures that don’t last, pleasures that ends the life of those having it. But in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there are pleasures forever more. David was saying here;“Where can I go from your  Spirit or where can I flee from your presence for if I ascend from heaven you are there, if I make my bed in hell, behold you are there, if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the utmost part of the sea even there your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall uphold me”


There is something about that right hand; there is something about the word of God and our lives. We can’t go deep without the word of God. There are no deeper dimensions outside the word of God, there is an experience the word provides, its deeper dimensions, the more you know the word of God the more you experience God, the more of word you know the more of God you know.“Your right hand shall uphold me where can I go from your presence or where can I flee from your Spirit or where can I flee from your presence.”


We can’t run from God, His eyes are everywhere, He is seeing everything. That is why the Bible says in the book of Matthew, Jesus was saying to them;“the things you have done in your closet,it shall be announced on the roof top.” You can’t hide from God. You can be pretending to people, don’t be deceived God cannot be mocked, whatsoever a man sows that will he reap. You can pretend to yourselves; you can deceive the people around you, but you can’t deceive God. So, when God is offering us an opportunity/invitation to come deeper the best thing for us and the wise thing to do is to respond to that invitation and follow God into deeper dimensions because you can’t run from Him.


I want us to see Psalm 91:1-2. We are still building, we want to see how critical His presence is, before we go into the benefits of His presence. How critical is the presence of God? Psalm 91:1-2. He who dwells in the secret place of the most high, shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.” So, it is your choice to dwell, you make a choice either to dwell or to leave. Remember the presence of God you can’t run away from it, but you can choose to dwell. That God I’m not running anymore but  I’m staying here, I’m not going into the world and all the frivolities that are in it, I’m staying with you God, I’m staying with you Jesus and he says;“he who dwell in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.”


Your responsibility is to dwell God will make you abide. Once you decide, its like cause and effect, once you decide or make a choice to do something, it’s a seed you have sown, God determines the harvest. When you choose to dwell, God makes you abide under His shadow. Then he said; “I will say of the Lord” because this is my experience, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in Him I will trust” because it takes trust to dwell. Imagine coming into this building and you see that the roof has removed can you trust to sit in it?


So, you can’t dwell in it, but when you trust the place you will dwell there. How much trust do we have for the presence of God? Because we can’t trust His presence if we don’t trust Him. You can’t separate God from His presence, how much trust do we have in God? If we trust Him, we will dwell and He will make us abide and we will say of the Lord he is our refuge and fortress. When we talk about refuge and fortress, God is a refuge and fortress to those that seek Him. The Bible says; “the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are saved” Let us stop being irresponsible believers, the Bible says; “the righteous run into it” not that the fortress is looking for the righteous. The righteous run into it and they are saved.


The presence of God does not change we are the ones that leave. When we dwell, we experience what is in the presence but once we leave, we dissociate ourselves from it. The prodigal son told his father, “my father, you have so much estate and many resources give me my portion and let me go and the father gave him and he left.” The Bible says immediately he left the presence of his father, he started spending his portion on riotous living because that is what happens. When we leave His presence, in His presence we enjoy access we are not starved because we enjoy His presence, we enjoy benefits in His presence. I want us to see Psalm 1:1-3.


“Blessed is the man who walks not int the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the paths of sinners, nor seat in the seat of the scornful; But his delight” because we must see the part,we need to play in this. In enjoying the benefits, you must see your own role. “But his delight is in the pleasures at the right hand of the Lord, his delight is in the word of the Lord, and in His law, he meditates day and night” he is always found there. If you are meditating on something day and night are you not in the presence of that thing? Its in the presence. I have set the Lord always before me, I have set His word always before me, and see verse 3, that man we are talking about, that is always in His presence, it says; “he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water” this will be his experience.


He will be going from dimensions to dimensions, deeper in God, because he has set the Lord always before him. “He shall be like a tree planted by the river side that brings forth it fruit in its season and whose leaves shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosperIs this a probability? No! It’s definite. It’s a matter of time and a matter of process but it will happen. He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaves shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper. The benefit of the presence of the is that the presence of the Lord serves for you as a place of refuge and fortress, a place of security, you are secured in the presence of God. The devil cannot toil with your life and what belongs to you if God has not given permission, because you are in His presence, you have always set the Lord before you.


The presence of the Lord is a place of refuge, a place of prosperity. There are pleasures at His right hand. He shall be like a tree that is planted by the river of water, his leaves will not wither and his fruit will not failand whatever he does will prosper. The presence of the Lord is a place of prosperity, is a place of security. You are secured because the presence of the Lord is a place of refuge and fortress. And you prosper because you are in His presence, because there are pleasures at His right hand.


We are going to go back to Ezekiel 47:6-12. The Holy Spirit took us on a journey last week on the measuring line, how that the Holy Spirit measures for us and for you to respond to that measuring line, it means you are in His presence, you have not left. The more you respond to the measuring line, it means you are responding to His presence. You are in His presence. And what is the benefit of being in His presence? Ezekiel 47:6-12.


“He said to me son of man, have you seen this? Then He brought me and returned me to the bank of the river, when I returned there along the bank of the river, where very many trees on one side and the other. Then He said to me, This water flows towards the eastern region.” Can you see? Being in the east is great, “this water flows towards the eastern region, it goes down into the valley and enters the sea. When it enters the sea, its waters are healed.”


I am tempted to stay in that verse 8 because there is so much there. But let’s move on. Verse 9;


“And it shall be, everything that moves, wherever the river goes will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish because this water go there. For they will be healed and everything will live wherever the river goes. It shall be that fisher men will stand by it from Engedi to Englem, they will be places for spreading their nets. Their fish will be of the same kinds of fish of the great sea, exceedingly many. But its swarms and marches will not be healed. They will be given over to salt. Also, along the bank of the river, on this side and on that will grow all kinds of trees used for food, their leaves will not wither and their fruits will not fail. They will bear fruit every month because their water flow from the sanctuary, their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.


Did we see that? It said; the reason they are having these dimensions of experiences according to this Ezekiel 47;6-12 is because their water flows from the sanctuary. Where is the sanctuary? The presence of God. The sanctuary is a consecrated place, a holy place and a place of safety and that is the presence of God. The reason they are having those results to show is because their waters flow from the Sanctuary. Where are your waters flowing from? The waters of your life, where are they flowing from? Do we see that this passage Ezekiel  47:6-12 is similar to Psalms chapter 1:1-3 Scriptures interpreting Scriptures, you can’t delight in the word of the Lord, you can’t set the Lord always before you and not have these dimensions of experience, it will happen its definite, it says;“they will bear fruits every month because their water flows from the sanctuary.”


When I got to that verse 12b, I was wowed because the Bible says their fruits, the fruits of their lives will be for food and their leaves for medicine because they are solution providers, they will carry solution and wisdom, they will carry grace and tangible anointing they will carry the solutions of men, they will feed men and they will heal men. Why? Because they are in His presence. You can’t be in the presence of God and you won’t be a solution provider, you can’t be a child of God and you don’t carry solution in your DNA.


Because the Bible says; “we are born of an incorruptible seed, the Incorruptible seed is the word of God” Every seed produce after its kind, if the word of God is a solution to the whole universe, how much more you as a child of God; born of the same seed of the word? You are a solution provider, your fruits is for food and your leaves are for medicine, that is the deeper dimension God wants us to step into. In John 14:16 Jesus said: “I am going howbeit I have asked the Father to send you another helper the Holy Spirit” He said the Holy Spirit will be with you forever. So you are always in his presence. His presence doesn’t leave you are the one that leaves. His presence doesn’t change you are the one that changed. His presence does not change in the efficacy of power, you are the one that has left, and you are the one that has reduced your fellowship and devotion.


In His presence there is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forever more. When you are lockdown in the presence of God you will benefit of what is in His presence. The water will flow to the Eastern region and when it gets there, it will flow through the valley and it will enter the sea. The sea talks about the whole world, but it starts with the children of God. The children of God are the solution carrier, the formed men that the Holy Spirit has filled are the ones that carry the solution for the world.


This is a good time to pray and say “Lord I want my fruit to be food for nations, and my leaves to be medicine for nations.” What are you asking God? What door are you knocking? What are you seeking? Are you seeking these frivolous things? You want a house, you want a car, you want the latest phone are those the things you are asking of God? When God said our fruits are for food for nations, our leaves for medicine – solutions? That’s why the Bible says; “seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you.” They are addendums, they are add-ons. Are you seeking His presence or you are seeking other things? His kingdom cannot be added to the other things you are seeking; you have to seek God first.


Prophet Elijah said to the widow, the widow said “all I have is just a small flour and oil, I want to bake it so that me and my son can die.” And Elijah said to her “make for me first and you will see that the flour will not be empty and that oil will not cease until God sends rain.” And so was it. Seek God first and seek His presence first and you will see His deeper dimensions. Set the Lord always before you and you will see. Don’t say I’m bored I want to go and play ball. We are not saying you can’t do those things, but have you set the Lord before you? Because that’s the first thing you should be thinking about when you wake up in the morning, setting the Lord before you, because that’s how you can benefit from what is in His presence.


This is a good time to pray!


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