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Impartation Series Pt. 2: Why Impartation?

Last week, I started with us the impartation series. We started with a question: What is impartation? We examined it and we realized that impartation is the granting or the communication of something that have been held in store. And we saw that in the kingdom of God, what man lost from the beginning is that breath of life. The breath of life that God breathed into the nostrils of the man He formed in Genesis chapter two and verse 7 was an impartation. And when God released the spiritual man into the formed man, man became a living being. So, we were made to see that the first point of call where impartation was recorded in the Scriptures was Genesis chapter 2 verse 7.


So, we looked at what impartation is, and we looked a bit at who imparts, and we saw that it is God that actually bring about impartations in our lives in the kingdom. And what He imparts upon us is the breath of life. And we saw John 20 when Jesus after He had died and He reappeared to His disciples, He was speaking to them in John chapter 20 from verse 22, that my peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you, and He said to them after He has said these things; receive the Holy Spirit. And He said to them in verse 23, He said anyone’s sin that you retain, is retained; anyone’s sin that is forgiven is forgiven. By the breath that He released unto them. So, we know that the one that impact is God, and impartation is not necessarily tied to any man, God is the source of all impartation in the kingdom. And that’s why if we go back to Ephesians 4 it says when He ascended, He gave gifts to men some He gave Apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors and evangelists for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry. And the Bible says that several of this gifting He gave; He gave by the Holy Spirit according to men’s several abilities.


So, the impartation is not from apostle Paul or apostle Peter; and that’s why when the church became so religious, and man centered, apostle Paul was quick to rebuke them and said did Paul die for you? Did Apollos die for you? He said some of you say I am for Paul; others say I am for Apollos; Is that why you have been saved? Is he the one that saved you? The Bible makes us to understand that no one receives anything except it is given from above. So, who imparts? God! In this kingdom, the person that imparts is God, there is no general overseer that imparts anything to anyone that God has not given it to him to impart. So, God has the prerogative of impartation. God is the one that imparts on His people in the kingdom. So, in this piece, we will be looking at WHY IMPARTATION? Why does God impart? Why does God release Himself into human beings? Why does God release Himself to man? Why is it important? Why is it vital? What is that impartation about? Why impartation?


We are going to start by looking at Genesis chapter 2. This is where we would be starting our observation from. We will read verse 7, we will jump to verse 19 to 20. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”  “Man became…” Before this time, man was not. “Man became a living being.” We want to create a dichotomy between a human being and a living being. We have human beings on the face of the earth, billions of them, but we have fewer numbers as living beings. Because living beings does not mean that that person just has the features of a man. What makes a man a living being is the breath of life that God imparts into the nostrils of the man. So, we have human beings all over the world that you and I have come in contact with at several times in our lives. But how many people are living beings? And we will see when we go to that Genesis chapter 2 verse 19 to 20. Man became a living being; meaning that man was not before. So, when God formed man of the dust of the ground, He was not a living being until this “and” was introduced.


When the “and” was introduced, what was introduced was impartation. Until there was impartation, man did not translate from being a human being to become a living being. The same thing for every human that God has formed on the earth. Until there is an impartation from God, you don’t transit from being a human being to become a living being. There are many people on the earth, human beings; but few are living beings. Why? Because the breath of God has not been introduced into them. There is no impartation. So, impartation is what translates us from human beings to living beings.


Verse 19, Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to [g]Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature; realize that there is a difference between a living being and a living creature. The Bible says; out of the ground the Lord formed every beast of the field and all the birds of the air, and what Adam called each living creature, that was its name. Adam had become a living being in verse 7, then verse 19 is to test what he would do as a living being. After you have been imparted it is not for fun, it is for function.


After you have been imparted and become a living being an ability has been introduced into you, you must respond to that ability. So, the response that you give to the ability that has been given to you becomes your responsibility. So, the responsibility of Adam was to name every living creature that God had created and brought to him to name. So, Adam is about to respond to His ability. And Adam responding to his ability named every living creature.  Verse 20; So Adam gave names” Did we see Adam slept? Or but you know you can do it, you created them, why are you bringing them for me to name them? No Adam was going to respond to the ability that God had introduced into him. So, Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field, but for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.


Now the ‘a’ part of verse 20 is our focus. It says; “so Adam gave names.” So, Adam responded to the ability that God had imparted into him. So, impartation is actually the release of an ability. Impartation is the release of an ability, but it’s not just anyhow ability, it’s the ability of God. We are going to still see that when we go to other Scriptures to emphasize this. So, Adam gave names to all the cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. If you read that chapter two down, you will not see anywhere were God upturned the decision of Adam. Meaning that immediately God impacted into Adam, Adam started operating in the capacity, in the character and in the image and the likeness of God.  So, whatever names Adam gave them, so was their names called up till today. See the quantum of work because if we are familiar with the animal kingdom you would realize that the animals that exist apart from the ones that have gone extinct that the world is still trying to find out. Those that are presently present, they are in thousands upon thousands, look at birds alone, there are several species of birds, look at reptiles, they are several.


You could see one and say this one looks like lizard, but is not lizard. Adam knew it was not lizard and did not give it the name lizard. Even though the animal has four feet, he did not call all of them cows, he didn’t call of them goats, he didn’t call of them hippopotamus. Then you now go into the sea and see the number of creatures that are inside the sea. And Adam gave names to all of them.  And God did not upturn one of them. Meaning that Adam started to operate in a capacity. And you may want to ask yourself, if the same impartation that Adam had is the same impartation we have today, how comes we are performing below. So, when Bible is talking about Adam and the Bible refers Jesus as the last Adam, it is not a misfit or a misrepresentation, because Adam is a picture of a man, before he fell the Adam that we are talking about Genesis 2, is a man functioning as God on the earth.


That’s why everything that Jesus came to show us, was a picture of the original first Adam. That’s why Jesus will always say; in the beginning it was not so. What you are seeing now is the corrupted version of man.  The real and original master piece of God called man is the man in this Genesis chapter 2 verse 19 to 20. The master piece of God is the man in Genesis 2:7. Over time, because of what happened thereafter, man had lived a corrupted life. That’s why we are looking at “why impartation?” What differentiated Adam from just a human being is the impartation; he became a living being. Until we become a living being, we cannot be restored back to factory setting, the master original piece of God. We must become living beings.


Now let us go to 1 Corinthians 3:16. “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? This is a question, do you not know, are we aware that we are the temple of God? Now let’s break it down. What is a temple? A temple is an allowed place; a place that has been set aside for worship. A temple is a sanctified place, a special place created for a sole purpose. What is that purpose? Worship! The question now to us is; do you not know that you are; now the person seated next to you, it says ‘you are the temple’. You are the special place created by God for worship. “And that the Spirit of God” it is not ‘or’ but ‘and’; the first one talks about you as man, as a being, are the temple? We house the place of worship; the sanctified set aside place of Gods worship. Do you know? And not just that, the Spirit of God, the breath of life, the living breath of the almighty God dwells in you. Do you believe?


So, if you know that the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are the temple of God, how do you know? And why is this knowledge important for us? I want us to go to Luke 11 and see what Jesus said while we are still considering this particular question; do you not know that you are the temple of God? Luke 11:13. If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” When the Lord is making comparison, the comparison is always in tandem. He doesn’t make a comparison that one is north and the other is south. He brings an alignment in His comparison. If you, human being, then know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more in higher degree will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. So, the Holy Spirit is a good gift. The impartation we are talking about is a good gift. And it is a gift from the father.


So, if the Father loves you and He says I know the thoughts I have towards you, they are thoughts of good and not of evil then I will give you good gift. Who is the good gift? The Holy Spirit. So, God is saying if there is any good that I will do for you as my child it is in the giving of the Holy Spirit, not in silver and gold not in dollar or pounds, not in giving you a fine man that is tall dark and handsome. No! it is in the gift of My Spirit. So, we understand what God is now saying 1 Corinthians 3:16; do you not know that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God, the good gift of the heavenly Father dwells within you, He has given you that gift. It is a good gift. So, why impartation? Why the gift of the Holy Spirit? Why do we need Him, why does God say everything I want to give to you? Anything that is possible on earth can only be done through this vehicle and medium of the personality of the Holy Spirit.


Let’s go back to John 20 and read the words of Jesus again from that John 20 and we will read verse 22 to verse 23. And when He had said this, remember this is the point when Jesus had resurrected after the third day. Everything Jesus did the moment he resurrected from that tomb had high level of significance, you can read it from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Everything that Jesus did after He resurrected had high level of significance for the church. Now He is the resurrected Christ, He is the glorified Christ, see what happened, it said; and when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, you will realize that when Jesus rose up on the third day from the dead, He wasn’t giving long sermons again, it wasn’t like those times when He was talking to the multitude in the boat and it was such a lengthy sermon. What He was giving was instructions, He was dishing out instructions, He was setting structures and principles in place that will further propagate and expand the kingdom of God.


That was what He was doing. What He said here is of high-level significance. And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them; receive the Holy Spirit. It was like a parting gift- receive the Holy Spirit 23 If you forgive the sins of any, this statement immediately followed the impartation. Meaning that this statement is tied to the impartation. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Receive the personality that makes you operate as God. That’s what Jesus is saying. Now let us go to Acts 1, Jesus emphasizing it in Acts 1:8, He said to them; “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”


Now what is the difference between ‘receive the Holy Spirit’ and ‘you shall receive power?’ The first time Jesus said receive the Holy Spirit, they were the beneficiaries of the first-hand reception of the deposit of the Holy Spirit.  No man had before received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. So, the Holy Spirit came into the disciples at the moment Jesus said receive the Holy Spirit. Just like you and I every time we come to Jesus and the moment we accept Him as our Lord and our savior, we receive the Holy Spirit. So, there is a deposit of the Spirit of God inside us, the Spirit of God dwells in you. Do we understand it? So, John 20 verse 22 is what happens to everyone that comes and receives Jesus as their Lord and savior. But what Jesus is talking about in Acts 1 verse 8 is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  That is another level of impartation. That’s why we are looking at why impartation?


For you to be sustained as a living being on the earth you must be imparted. So, Jesus said to them in Acts 1:8, He said; but you shall receive power, receive the Holy Spirit. He now dwells inside of you. You shall receive a dimension of God called power. Let’s see that place again. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon younot in you. When the Holy Spirit has come upon. And He will give you the ability called power to witness. So, the impartation in Acts chapter 2 and from verse 1 to verse 4 is impartation with power to witness. In Acts 2 verse 1 to 4 we can write it down, when the day of Pentecost was fully come and the 120 disciples were gathered in the upper room and they tarried there and were praying, the Bible says divided tongues of fire came and sat upon each and every one of them and Peter standing up with the eleven started witnessing.


When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, its impartation is to do. There is something to do. Why impartation? Because the work of God must be done on the earth and by living beings. Those that the Spirit of God is indwelling. If the Holy Spirit is not indwelling in a person, the Holy Spirit cannot baptize the person. The location of the upper room for the Holy Spirit in the day of baptism was because they had received the Holy Spirit in John 20. Until they received the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit could not locate them. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is what brings about the baptism and constant impartation of the Holy Spirit. That’s why the Bible says the world cannot receive Him. He is not for the world, He is for believers, those that have accepted Jesus as their Lord and savior that the Holy Spirit they have received-the indwelling.


Do you not know that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells within you? So, in Acts chapter 2, Apostle Peter stood up and he started witnessing. What did Jesus say? He will give you power to witness. I want us to see Acts 4:31. Prior to that verse 31, there was a situation that the Apostles were confronted with, there was a time they healed the man at the gate called beautiful and they were persecuted by the high priest, in fact they were so threatened, and they came to their company and they started praying, Lord you have heard their threats they said they were going to shut us up, they said we will not be able to preach in your name again. And they started praying and saying specifically, God give us boldness to witness. There is power to witness, but we lack boldness. So, that we will understand why impartation? So, that we can maximize the baptism of the Holy Spirit and know how to attract the baptism of the Holy Spirit in our lives for several situations that we are confronted with, that’s why He is here.


Jesus said He is the helper. He will help you in whatever situation. And we are going to see it again. Verse 31; And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, they were baptized again and they spoke-ability to do. They spoke the word of God with boldness.” So, the filling in Acts 4:31 was for boldness, not just for power to witness, they have already received that. But now they are threatened, before this situation they were not threatened. They were witnessing with the power, but when they became threatened, they needed boldness to witness the power. So, we understand how the Holy Spirit operates. So, we see very clearly in the Scripture, that the Holy Spirit comes with His baptism, giving us ability. The impartation is the presence of an ability to do something. There is something it comes to activate inside you.


In Isaiah 61, Jesus saying; the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, for He has anointed me to reach good tidings to the poor, bind the broken hearted, you will realize that the Spirit is available to work, to do something. Ability to do, so if there is something you are lacking in, the Holy Spirit is available with the ability for you to do that thing. Matthew 9, I believe the Holy Spirit is opening our eyes this morning? In Matthew chapter 9 Jesus was showing us a classic example of what the Holy Spirit is available for us to do. In that Matthew 9 I don’t want to read it, but we can note it, from verse 1 to 7, because it’s a lot of verses. There was a paralytic man and Jesus said to Him, your sins are forgiven, and immediately the man got up and started walking. And they said you blasphemed how can you say your sins are forgiven, are you God? I want us to read that verse 3; And some of the scribes said to themselves, “This man blasphemes [by claiming the rights and prerogatives of God]!” It says this Man-Jesus blasphemes! He is claiming the rights and the prerogatives of God, and Jesus said to them which one is easier? Arise and walk or to say your sins are forgiven?


He said any which way, it’s the same I am operating as God in the ability of God on the earth. That’s what Jesus was showing us. Why? Bible says and Jesus of Nazareth was anointed with Holy Ghost and power, He went about doing good, healing all them that are oppressed by the devil, why? Because God was with Him. So, whether you say your sins are forgiven which Jesus said in John 20:23 or you say arise and walk, you are operating from the same capacity, from the same well of the Spirit. So, what you say is important. And that’s why the first baptism of the Holy Spirit is the power to speak, to witness. When the Holy Spirit comes upon your life, you will speak. If you have been quiet before, you will speak. Why? Because it is in your speaking that your authority and dominion remain. From verse 8 of that Matthew chapter 9, it says; Now when the multitudes saw it, they marveled[a] and glorified God, who had given such power to men.”


How did God give such power to men? By the Holy Spirit, by impartation. So, when the Bible says Jesus became the first born of many brethren, you and I are the brethren. So, everything that Jesus was firstly born to we are brethren of. Everything that Jesus was firstly born to, the inheritances of in the saints in Christ Jesus, we are brethren of, that’s why the Bible says we are joint heirs in Christ, we are heirs of God. So, Jesus was imparted with the Holy Spirit and He released the same life into us. He made the life available through His death and resurrection. So that you and I will have such power and authority on the earth to act as gods. That’s a good way to put it. Let’s look at mark 13, then we will look at 2 Corinthians. Mark 13:11. “But when they arrest you and deliver you up, do not worry beforehand, [d]or premeditate what you will speak. But whatever is given you in that hour, speak that; for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.”


Meaning that the Holy Spirit will guide and lead you as occasion demands. Jesus saying in that Mark 13 verse 11, He said; don’t premeditate, say this is how I am going to answer, this is how I am going to do it, that was not how Adam lived in that Genesis 2, as God was bringing them, He was pulling out of the resource of God inside of him to name them that’s why he didn’t make mistakes. When he sees an animal, he doesn’t have his opinion, he is pulling out from his spirit the name that God had communicated with his spirit to name that animal. That is why as living beings, this is where we operate from. You live from the inside out, not from the outside in. you live from the outflow of the Spirit that is inside of you. You look at a situation and you name it. You look at an event and you name it. This is what we are called to.


When Lazarus was going to die, Jesus had named the event. He told His disciples; this sickness is not unto death. He named it. So, when death actually looked as if it came, Jesus said you are too late I named you before you came. I said this sickness is not unto death and so was it. Whatsoever you call it, calling the things that be not as though they were. That’s the privilege of impartation. You are not just a human being; you are a living being. Whatever you call its name, so shall it be. That’s how we have been called to live.


2 Corinthians 3:17. “now the Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is; there is liberty, there is freedom. Freedom to live the life of God. Jesus said in Mark 13 verse 11, don’t premeditate, how you will answer, it said open your mouth and He will do what? Fill it. A situation will stare at you in the face and people will want you to be jittery and afraid and you look within the resource of God inside of you and you pull it out and you say this is what the Lord saying; thus said the Lord of Host, this valley shall be filled, thus said the Lord of host, these dry bones shall live. And they are looking at you like a crazy person. Can’t you see that they are very dry? How can they live? And you say this is how they are going to live, God is going to make sure that sinus cover them, bone to bone they shall be joined together, flesh will come upon them. And they will be covered in flesh. When they all are covered in flesh, the breath, God said I will call forth the winds from the four corners of the earth and they will come into them and they will arise an exceeding great army. That’s who God has called.  That’s what impartation is about. Your ability to do as God will do.


Your ability to live as God will live. Your ability to move as God will move. That’s impartation, that’s why you are imparted, that’s why the breath of God has come upon you, that’s why you became a living being. So, it is important for us to know where the Spirit of God is; where is the Spirit of God? He dwells inside of you. Do you not know that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you? Do you now know? Because the essence of this piece is so that now we can know that we are the temple of God and Spirit of God dwells within us and where the Spirit of God is; where is the Spirit of God? It is inside of you.  And where the Spirit of God is, there is liberty.


There is liberty in my life, I am not in bondage, I have the freedom, the liberty of the Spirit. apostle Paul said you are allowing them to come and spy at your liberty, your liberty in God, the liberty you have in Christ. You have liberty, why? The Spirit dwells in you, the Spirit of liberty, the Spirit of rest dwells in you. It has been imparted into you.



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