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I Am Made Complete In Christ Jesus:


Just like Apostle Paul, I declare that in my flesh lies no good; nor value or worth. Left alone, I am a decaying and fragile creature of clay. No real glory, honour, strength, power, riches, blessing and wisdom lies in my flesh. I am weak, poor and pitiable all by myself. When Brother Paul found himself in a similar situation, he cried out, "O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God – through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 7:24).

Due to limited understanding of my people in my generation and beyond about the specific role of the flesh; many of us have explained ourselves by whatever our flesh dictates. When our flesh says we are ugly, we think we are; when our flesh says that we cannot do a thing, we quickly echo it back that we actually cannot. May I say that while you can preoccupy yourself with the dictations of your flesh on a daily basis; I have found out that in my own flesh lies nothing of eternal value or relevance.

If you desire to know where my strength, honour, power, wisdom, riches, glory and blessing lies, I will take you to the place I found by God's mercy and grace:

"For WE are God's workmanship, CREATED IN Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."

Ephesians 2:10

While you continue to meditate on the words of that Scripture, let me say very plainly that in my own flesh lies no glory or honour; however, in Christ Jesus lies my everything. If you are still thinking about that, I will say again that, I am dead to my flesh, the life I now live; I live it in Christ Jesus. Hitherto, I was living to make a statement for myself; but now, I live by Christ for the sake of Christ. According to that Scripture above, God built me perfectly in Christ Jesus for good works; therefore, do not become surprised when you begin to hear good things about my new life and see good things – it is not me doing them, nor are those things done for me, but by God and for God.

Hitherto, I was limited in the flesh, but in Christ Jesus, I am unlimited and unstoppable. Hitherto, I was cumbered with many projects or people, but now, I am focused and directed. My glory, honour, power, riches, strength, blessing and wisdom are no longer in doubt, but in time! My destiny is secured in Christ Jesus – and indeed, I can now do all things through Christ that strengthens, honours, enriches, empowers, teaches, blesses, and glories me.

Will you join me in this new life, or will you wait for me to become fully manifested in glory, honour, power, riches, strength, blessing and wisdom? The choice is actually yours, but; in Christ, I am chosen for eternal glory!


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