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How To Locate Your Own Throne: Find Your Sphere of Influence

He will be great, and will be called the son of the highest, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David

Luke 1: 32

Every man born of a woman is born as a king to reign on the earth. But as we know, every king has his throne (which is within a sphere of influence)  for a king of a tribe can never claim kingship over another tribe.

Thus, to be really great, and enjoy dominion as a king on the earth; every man must by the help of God, find his throne in his generation. For the glory of any man is tied or linked to his throne.

Since thrones carries with them – responsibilities and authorities, until you locate your own throne in your generation, you will never know what you do (responsibility), and consequently, you must will never demonstrate real power and influence (authority). As the rulership of Jesus was tied to the throne of his father David, yours is also tied to a throne; the more reason you need the guidance of Holy Spirit as God's representative on earth.


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