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How to Hold Up in The Face of Threats and Challenges: Discover Why You Must Embrace the Peace of God in Trying Times

Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Hello friends and welcome to Bible in Focus. We are excited to have you join us again today. We will be bringing an encouraging word your way from the throne of grace, and we believe that as you hear this word you be edified and inspired, in Jesus’ name.


Gboyega Adedeji: So, in this video, we'll be looking at the book of Psalm chapter 29 and will read verse 10, and verse 11. Very quickly, let's go straight into it. The Bible says:


The Lord sat enthroned at the Flood,
And the Lord sits as King forever.
11 The Lord will give strength to His people;
The Lord will bless His people with peace


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Hallelujah! That's so encouraging, right? The LORD has brought this word, your way to encourage you. But we must understand who the Lord is. The Bible says: “the LORD sat enthroned at the flood…” So, the Lord is forever enthroned. And subsequently the other part of that verse said: “and the LORD sits as King forever…” He cannot be dethroned; He cannot be replaced. No matter what is going on in your nation, or in your community or around you; know this for a truth that the LORD sits enthroned forever. He will never be replaced. He will never be dethroned; He sits enthroned forever. Let this truth settle in your spirit, that the LORD God, your Father, and my Father, He is seated, and He is enthroned. No matter what is going on around you, or in your environment or in your space, know this for a truth that the LORD sits enthroned.


Gboyega Adedeji: Hallelujah! So, in verse 11, the Bible says: The Lord who sits enthroned, whose throne is forever and ever, who can never be dethroned or removed. The Bible says the Lord will there is a definite statement, it is a matter of time, it is not a matter of probability, it is a matter of when. It is not a matter of if. “The LORD will give strength to His people…” So, the LORD said I know my people.” God has His people and you must understand that if you are born to be a part of God, this word is for you. The Lord will give strength to his people, you will not lack strength, it's a matter of time. So, if you think you are weak, or you are perceiving weakness, you must know how to source for strength, your strength must come from the LORD. And you must go to Him and say “LORD, you have said it in your word in the book of Psalm chapter 29, verse 10, and verse 11, that you will give strength to your people. I am one of your people on the earth, I am one of your people in Nigeria; I am one of your people where I am located; LORD, I trust you for my strength. And the Bible says the LORD we bless His people with this. It is not just that He will bless them.


You remember the Bible that says it is God that makes rich and adds no sorrow. So, when the blessing of God comes upon a man, it does not only make a man rich, Bible says it does not give him sorrow, that means there is peace. You see, when a heart is full of sorrow, it is difficult to be at peace at the same time. So, it is the same blessing of God that makes rich, it is the same blessing of God that is able to give you peace. Why? The LORD is the King of peace, He is able to give His people peace. And so, if you lack peace or you lack strength, it is either you have drawn away from God or you are not yet trusting God for what He is able to supply you.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Yes, it's so important for us to be encouraged by this truth that God knows His people. And if you are part of the people of God, at this time, no matter what is going on in your country, or your continents, or your community, know this that the Lord will supply you with strength. Your place is to trust Him for it and to receive it and He will give His people peace. So, no matter what the situation is, whether that's difficult or war or there are rumors of war, know this that the LORD will give His people peace.


Gboyega Adedeji: And you know, what is the essence of peace when there are no rumours of war? The word of God says: a thousand may fall by your side and ten-thousand at your right hand, but no evil will before you. You won’t appreciate that peace if every where is peaceful. The reason why you appreciate peace is because there are storms every where, others, are being cast down, others are experiencing so much pain, but God is giving you peace. So, when God promises you peace, it is not in the absence of war. It is not in the absence of storm or challenges. You remember the Bible that talks about the man that builds his house on the solid rock. It says: when, it's a matter of time; when the rain comes, when the wind and the storm rages; Bible says the house is able to stand on. Why? It has been built on the rock.


So is anyone that is being built upon the LORD. If the LORD is your God, if the LORD is your King, even though storms come upon you, and the race of this life beats you, and the wind blows against you, you will remain. It is not because there is no challenge. It is because the LORD is sustaining you in the midst of your challenge.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Yes! He has given you the strength to be able to stand and He has given you peace. Peace talks about nothing missing, nothing broken, shalom, the peace of God, the peace of God will remain with you because you are a people of God and the strength of the LORD will be supplied in your direction because you're a people of God. Please be encouraged by this truth. No matter what is going on, hold on to the Word of God. Hold on to the truth. The Bible says: the truth will make you free. It would set you free. Let this word liberate you this season. We have not been given the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind. Our God is our King and He sits enthroned.


Gboyega Adedeji:  He is never dethroned; His party does not lose. He doesn't lose His own legitimacy; He is the sovereign God; He rules and He is the one that guarantees our safety. So, we must trust Him.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: So, as you trust the LORD this season of your life, and all the days of your life, you will see the LORD come through for you with strength and with peace in the name of Jesus. We're leaving you with this word of encouragement and we believe that the Holy Spirit will breed upon it in your heart.


Gboyega Adedeji: Alright! I believe you have learned something in this word. It's short, but it is potent. The Word of God is quick, is powerful is active sharper than any two-edged sword. So, don't mind the timeline. You must understand that God has sent His word and you must believe it. If you love what you have listened to, please like this video, let us know your thoughts in the comments section, and also share this video with your friends, your family on your social media; I'm sure they will love it. If you are new in this channel, remember to subscribe and click the notification bell so that the next time we have a new video, you are notified immediately.


Till the next time we bring you another interesting word from the Lord as inspired by the Holy Spirit, we want you to remain in the peace of God, we want you to remain strengthened by God and God sit enthroned on your affairs in Jesus’ mighty name.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Amen.


Gboyega Adedeji: God bless you.


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