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How To Get QUICK FIX For Your Life Problems From The Word of God: Engaging Life Manual To Fix Life Issues

Lara Gboyega Adedeji: The Bible says in John 6:6364, let's go there: it is the Spirt who gives life, the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. But there are some of you who do not believe for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe and who would betray Him.”


Gboyega Adedeji: It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe. And if you note after the word ‘believe’, the red fonts stop to show us where Jesus ended the word. He said, the words that I speak to you are spirit, they are life, they are spirit, they give life. Of course, the Bible says it is the Spirit that gives life. Your life is the focus. But your life is a spiritual life. It is the Spirit of God that gives life. So, the words that I speak to you, they are spirit and they are life.


If there's anything that needs to be improved in your life, if there's anything that needs to be fixed in your life, if there's anything that needs to be adjusted in your life, it can only be by the Spirit, and the Spirit is conveyed into your life through the words that you hear. The words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life, they are useless once you do not believe in them. But when you believe in them, they carry great power. The Bible says the words that were spoken to them didn't profit because it didn't mix with faith in their hearts. So, the opposite of faith is unbelief. But faith in a man mixed with the word of God is what produces great results in the lives of the people.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Yes, what Jesus is saying to you and I is that the capacity that we require to live an effective life is only conveyed by the words that He speaks to us. The words that I speak to you create in you the capacity to live the life you have been code to live, you will struggle when you don't receive and believe the words of Jesus, because you are made by the same word and you will live by the same word. The Scripture that Jesus said those that feed on me that feed on the word that I speak to them, which is spirit and life, they will live because of me.


Gboyega Adedeji: You know, Jesus also said, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from God. So, Jesus lived by the words that came from the mouth of God, we must live only by the words that proceed from the mouth of the Lord Jesus.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Yes. And Jesus said, the words that I speak to you the words that you will receive from me they are spiritual in nature, and they have the capacity of giving you life.


Gboyega Adedeji: And the truth is, even though the word has the capacity, Jesus Himself said, but there are some of you who do not believe. So, in spite and despite of what God has made available for us if we refuse to believe, nothing will happen to us. You see, you said the word has in it a capacity and it builds in us capacity, capacity to fix our life problems, capacity to live above board capacity, to be above circumstances, yet when men don't believe, there is witness everywhere. You begin to see limitations and death. People are not able to do things, people have wishes but they are not able to execute them. They have great dreams, they're unable to actualize them. But what is the problem? Is it that God lacks the capacity to make it happen for them? It is not about God. Jesus said the words that I speak to you are spirit, they are able to produce a life in you, a life that is enviable. The condition is you have to have faith in the word, you have to believe. But Jesus said there are some of you who don’t believe. Do you think those people who don't believe are unbelievers that we call unbelievers? Actually, He was addressing people that listened to Him at that time. They were listening to His voice, they were not believing His words, yet it is in believing that people become changed. It is believing that people become empowered by the words they believed.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: And that's why Jesus made it clear. He said, until you receive the kingdom of God like little children, you can't partake of the benefits and all that is in store in that kingdom for you. Because what is the heart of a child? A child would believe anything. And He said until we received like a child, we cannot enter we can’t benefit, we can’t access the kingdom. When you tell a child something the child believes you. Jesus said the same way we to receive the words that come to you.


Gboyega Adedeji: Do you notice that children are hardly disappointed? You know, there's this advert in Nigeria, a Fidelity Bank advert. Look at that young girl, if you look at that advert, you will notice that even though her expectation was delayed, she expected and then she received it, that's it. Children are hardly disappointed. Well, do the experiment. How many times have you disappointed your children? When you tell your child that tomorrow when we will eat fried rice. Usually, you will cook the fried rice, because your children believe you. What happens when you tell your child “tomorrow, I will take you out and your child does not believe, there is weakness even from you. So, I began to perceive in my spirit that our faith is what even empowers God, so to say, over us. So, the real power of God, the real capacity of God is experienced by God by our faith. There is a way it is flowing in my spirit. God is almighty, God is able to do all things, but by your faith, He is able to do all things in your life.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Your faith is the force of attraction for the word.


Gboyega Adedeji: Yes, not just for the word, your faith is what also provokes. That's the easiest word we can use so that we don't misrepresent God. I don't want to use the word activates your faith is what provokes God to action. God is able to respond to all matters in the universe, but by the faith of His people, God knows. God demonstrate His might over them. So, when you believe God, that God will cross this red sea, no matter how large the red sea may be, by your faith, God is moved to act. But when you don’t believe God, you make God weak, over that matter.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Yes. So, for God to be powerful, mighty strong in your behalf, then you must exercise your faith, you must believe. Your life will betray the Word of God when you don't believe. The word of God is true. The word of God is powerful. The word of God has the ability to do all things because the Bible says with God, all things are possible. Then the possibility of the Word of God is not in doubt, but it is activated in your life by faith. So, you must believe when you don't believe you would betray the word in your life, you will deactivate the word of God in your life. So, the word does not work for you.


Gboyega Adedeji: Not that the word is powerless or weak. It is because you have made the word weak in your behalf by your unbelief. Bible says concerning Jesus, that He couldn't do much at certain places. Why? Because of their unbelief. So, every time people came to Jesus for intervention, Jesus would ask, do you believe I'm able to do this? Every time! It is always when people say yes, I believe and Jesus will say, I am willing, be made whole.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: So, we must express our faith, our belief in the Word of God, because the word does not have any issue. It is spiritual. It has a capacity; it carries and conveys life. There's nothing you are going through right now that cannot be addressed by the word, the capacity of the word is not in doubt. The ability of the word is not in doubt, but your faith is the vehicle through which the word is conveyed into your life. The word is activated in your life. So, what is that area of your life where you're having, you know, death experience or you are having those experiences that you want the word to watch? Then you must believe


Gboyega Adedeji: You see, when we talk about the word; somebody might be asking: what are you people really talking about? We're talking about God. But you see God doesn't go about fixing things by Himself. He does them by His words. Bible says: where the word of a king is, there is power. The Bible also says “He sent His word to them, the word healed them, and deliver them.” So, when people refused to believe God, they disbelief His word. So, people believing or not believing God is a function of them believing God or not believing Him. You believe the Word of God, when you believe God. You disbelieve the Word of God when you disbelieve God. It is what people have towards God that they shift to His word. Yet, the word is God's instrument of addressing their situation.


The Bible says anyone that comes to God must believe that He is and He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. When people have affliction on their bodies, they take themselves to the hospitals, they believe they seek helps in the hospital. What is it that we are going through that we think this thing that I'm going through, it is only God that can fix it? If you think it is only God that can fix your situation, then you are like the children who have faith, and then the Father will not disappoint you.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Yes, because what faith does and how faith communicates to God is like a child that wants to be carried and the child opens up: carry me. That's what your faith does. God carry me, that's what you do with your faith. God, carry me, in my marriage carry me, in my finances carry me, that's what you do when you express your faith and demonstrate to God. You say God, carry me, in my ministry; carry me. I'm depending on you. So, you let go and let God.


Gboyega Adedeji: And so how do you do that? By believing! There is nothing you are going through that the solution to that issue is not in the Word of God. God has said it to somebody, God said what I say to one, I say to all. If God released a word that address the problems of some people or a person at a point in time, the same word can fix you, just believe it. Some people when a man of God sayd God spoke to me yesterday, you'll be thinking, how did God speak? You see, the person could have received the word from the Bible, just reading the same thing you have read without believing. It is your faith that makes the Word of God to be addressed to you personally. Look at what Peter said, he said this experience that you are seeing, we are not drunk. This is just around 9am in the morning. This that you are seeing is what was written by prophet Joel. It was the faith of Peter that made him to think and speak to their reality.


If he did not believe in what was written, he could have also been clueless like them. But he knew it. God has said it in the latter days I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. So, this that you are seeing is what God has said. This that is going on in my life, blessed is Gboyega Adedeji that believes for there shall be a performance and execution of the words that are being said to him.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: So, blessed is you because you believe and because you believe the premise is your belief, your faith. There shall be a performance, a fulfillment. That thing has already been said, it has already been agreed upon. The terms and conditions have been sealed. But there will not be a performance or reality of it, an experiential reality in your life in your life on those things that have been said by the Lord because you believe.


Gboyega Adedeji: You see, from Genesis to Revelation, your promises, the promises of God for you are there. You can’t get them; you can’t claim them if you don't believe in Him. If God has said: you will be the head and not the tail, if you lack faith in it, you will never be the head. Even if you struggle. Even if you try to compete with others, you will be the head. Why? You don't believe the package of God for you. you are chasing your own package yourself. You want to make things happen yourself. The truth is God didn't ordain you for struggles. Just want you to key into His promises. God has said it. I believe it. That settles it. My marriage is settled, my finances, settled, my ministry, settled. My business settled. Why? God said it. What is it that God said to me that I should start doing and I am doubting and because I'm doubting, I'm yet to step into it? Well, God said it, I choose to believe it from this time is for me. I step into it.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: I step into my health. I step into my marriage. All those things have bee settled. The Bible says from the foundation of the earth, the word of God is settled in heaven. It is already a done deal. So, you step into the reality of what is settled and activate by your faith. It is yours already for the taking. Everything God said, the words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life, once you receive them, believe them, and there will be a performance of all that has been said.


Gboyega Adedeji: Lestyou get confused about what God says, the word of God; God said the nature of my word is spirit. My Word is spirit. You cannot see it. There was a time Jesus said as you cannot see the wind, but you can hear you can feel it, but you can’t see the wind that's how it is for everyone who is born of God through the Spirit. You cannot see, so don't try to see physically what God is making happen.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: And that is why requires faith. You must believe.


Gboyega Adedeji: Even though you cannot see the wind, you cannot see the rain, you believe the valleys of your life shall be filled.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: So, you must believe. Demonstrate your faith towards God. Repose your faith and your confidence in God just like a child, say Lord God carry me, I'm willing I receive it I believe it. You have the ability; you can do all things. There is no impossibility with you. You can fix me, takeover. I let go and I let you. And that's what children do. They depend on you so much to carry them, they believe in your ability, your ability to carry. So, when you repose your confidence and your faith in God, God is able. Please don't forget that God is able. He said the words I speak to you they are spirit and they are life. If you believe there will be a performance.


Gboyega Adedeji: Alright! That is the end of the video. If you have learned something please like this video. Share your comment with us in the comment box below. We would love to know how this message has impacted your life. The truth is your story can be a source of inspiration for other people watching this video. Share the video with your friends and your family on your social media. I'm sure it will be of great benefit to them. If you are new in this channel, I want you to subscribe, click the notification bell so that every time we release new videos you will be notified. So, till the next time we bring you another interesting edition of Bible in Focus, I want you to stay within the confines of the Word of God. Believing Him for in believing your life is changed, in believing your destiny is secure, in believing you experience the promises of God for your life. Stay believing!


God bless you.


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